Botany Nerds Ahoy

Distracted. Hi.The two aforementioned possibilities for an ID of the red algae are in that book I’ve previously mentioned.
As you’d appreciate you really need the specimen in your hand.
Photographs can look magnified or miniscule proportionally to what they are actually like as life size specimens
We or someone will hopefully get an ID in the future.All the best .AW
Cheers AW, had missed your post. Does look similar, wonder what sort of depth it is growing at. Will grab a specimen next spring to confirm.

thanks AW and seeds - yeah, a bit of a wild guess from me...
looks a nice tree. Wouldn't have guessed it as a Barringtonia. I have a couple of species planted here, B. acutangula and B. calyptrata. Nice flowers on these ones also. Some beautiful specimens grew at a property at Noosa Waters I did landscaping work at many years ago. Inspired me to get a couple of my own. Haven't flowered here yet.
and just looking them up in my Australian Rainforest Plants Vol. V book - this series of books by Nan and Hugh Nicholson is very good. Probably has been mentioned on here before, and you are likely aware of them AW? If not, recommended. Great pics and descriptions.

GreenJam wrote:thanks AW and seeds - yeah, a bit of a wild guess from me...
looks a nice tree. Wouldn't have guessed it as a Barringtonia. I have a couple of species planted here, B. acutangula and B. calyptrata. Nice flowers on these ones also. Some beautiful specimens grew at a property at Noosa Waters I did landscaping work at many years ago. Inspired me to get a couple of my own. Haven't flowered here yet.
and just looking them up in my Australian Rainforest Plants Vol. V book - this series of books by Nan and Hugh Nicholson is very good. Probably has been mentioned on here before, and you are likely aware of them AW? If not, recommended. Great pics and descriptions.
Greenjam. Hi fella. Please don’t hesitate to recommend to me any worthy book on rainforest flora, I totally value your opinions of flora in your region., they’re gold.
I’ll check out the Nan & Hugh Nicholson publication.
Nice to hear you’re sporting a couple of different Barringtonia sp. at home base.
Thanks again.AW

Biological diversity on full display.

seeds wrote:Edible? Mushrooms are great but pretty limited in supermarkets
Seeds. Hello, how’s things ?
Favolaschia calocera - Orange Pore Fungi/Ping Pong Bat Fungi
Photos, Distillery Creek Picnic area, Great Otway National Park, Aireys Inlet, Victoria, 23/05/24.
Not edible, it’s a wood saprotroph. It’s become a global invasive species. Has not been in Australia and NZ for more than about 20 years.
The edible mushrooms in most supermarkets are from the genus Agaricus. AW

Seeds, you can’t smoke mushrooms lol

seeds wrote:Hi Alfred
Do you shroom? I’m sure you’d be surviving with your knowledge.
Ashsam & Seeds. Hi .
My days of ingesting psilocybin’s is well over, first when I was 18 years old, you may or may not remember the very long story I posted on here of my night at a party in Jan Juc on mushies, phew.
Last time was 1989 in Bali, Blue Meanies 9 nights in a row out of a 14 night stay.
Surfed cranking Bingin on it seemed like an endless swell.
Never laughed so much in my life, but, fuck, I was glad when it finally wore off, it’s tiring when it kicks in again at the moment when you think it’s finished. Hard work.
Now I just grow three edible varieties in the dark in a shipping container. AW

I buy these Oyster Mushrooms kits at Aldi twice a year, I buy six of three different varieties . Super easy , I grow everything, even drugs of all descriptions, I don’t take them , I’m just fascinated by them and their biology and science.
Chocolate, Lions Mane and just a basic one, produces shitloads and the flavour variations are very noticeable. AW

seeds wrote:Kitchen rocks Mr Wallace
Well thank you Mr. Seeds. All from recycled hardwood and plywood, made everything, hardwood bench tops biscuit joined and laminated together , cutting and laying the hardwood floors, 7 weeks to lay throughout the entire house. Very rewarding, I don’t like buying new stuff in a world where I collect so much waste from bins, construction sites and new housing estates etc. wine racks made from all the plywood off cuts from all the drawers I made.
I love working with wood and getting wood, from a skip that is !!!
Our hands were put there for a reason, coupled with a brain , you can do anything. AW

Seeds, remember this ? . Hi. Psilocybin’s, proceed with caution. Gold Tops, Blue Meanies etc. Nobody should ever consume fungi from in and around Pinus radiata Monterey Pine plantations. The fly agaric (Amanita muscaria ) ,the one with the white warty like dots on an orange/red background, death is a serious consequence.
When i was 18 i was at a party in Jan Juc, house crew had been collecting magic mushies somewhere out on the Stoney Rises.. There was a dart board on the back of the kitchen door which was closed because it was late autumn/winter. I was off my chops and as i watched the darts being thrown, it appeared like there were 200 darts all going in and onto the tail of each other dart before hitting the board, freaky.
Later that evening as it was getting rowdy, someone came from the hallway screaming and yelling there’s fucking ants crawling everywhere, fucking ants, close the doors, quick , back to kitchen. In time we all had a look, and came out saying the same thing.
Next morning i checked the hallway and the day before someone had dropped a large paper bag containing loose leaf black tea.
Unsaddled youth, but it was fun, but none of that anymore.AW

AlfredWallace wrote:seeds wrote:Kitchen rocks Mr Wallace
Well thank you Mr. Seeds. All from recycled hardwood and plywood, made everything, hardwood bench tops biscuit joined and laminated together , cutting and laying the hardwood floors, 7 weeks to lay throughout the entire house. Very rewarding, I don’t like buying new stuff in a world where I collect so much waste from bins, construction sites and new housing estates etc. wine racks made from all the plywood off cuts from all the drawers I made.
I love working with wood and getting wood, from a skip that is !!!
Our hands were put there for a reason, coupled with a brain , you can do anything. AW
Think there is some natural talent involved there AW. We have a blackbutt floor, no way I could do it.

ashsam wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:seeds wrote:Kitchen rocks Mr Wallace
Well thank you Mr. Seeds. All from recycled hardwood and plywood, made everything, hardwood bench tops biscuit joined and laminated together , cutting and laying the hardwood floors, 7 weeks to lay throughout the entire house. Very rewarding, I don’t like buying new stuff in a world where I collect so much waste from bins, construction sites and new housing estates etc. wine racks made from all the plywood off cuts from all the drawers I made.
I love working with wood and getting wood, from a skip that is !!!
Our hands were put there for a reason, coupled with a brain , you can do anything. AWThink there is some natural talent involved there AW. We have a blackbutt floor, no way I could do it.
Ashsam. Hi mate. Very fortunate, my fathers forebears, my father and I have all inherited wood working skills from their original occupation, fishermen of the Great Ocean Road coast, built their own boats, small and huge, no drawings, just straight out of the grey matter in ya scone. Transferred and past through generations.
I did for a bit over 30 years had a landscape design and construction company, ended up a competent bricklayer, concretor, carpenter and builder.
All skills transferable across anything that you need to build.
Basically, everything revolves around a horizontal level or a vertical level and it’s just how you go in measurements up and down from the horizontal level or left and right of a vertical level . Skills are acquired over decades, I can assure you of that.
I’ve laid Eucalyptus pilularis Blackbutt floors, beautiful, durable finish, a tree that can handle very wet soils in the natural world.
I’ve always been of the mindset that if somebody else’s hands and brain can do that, well so can I. AW
Two other perspectives of my all recycled kitchen. Sorry about all my show and tell, I’ve always been a sharer.

seeds wrote:Haha fucking ants every where. Funny stuff
Mushrooms were definitely better because they were vivid hallucinations but wore off quicker.
Totally agree, you go off like you’re in the video for Jefferson Airplanes - White Rabbit song, you get transfixed and translocated somewhere else and then you step back into our real world, so true the hallucinations are so vivid in such a way as you actually think they are real. Wild times, but it was definitely fun. ( Feed Your Head). AW

Yes nice work AW. I dabble myself but not to that level. Made our bed,

blackers wrote:Yes nice work AW. I dabble myself but not to that level. Made our bed,
Blackers. Hi mate, enjoying Saturday night, it’s good. . Well you’ve made ya bed, you better go lie in it as they say !!
I make all my own outdoor furniture, I’m a welder also.
If I need $5K for an Indo trip, I make two pieces and put them on line, gone in a couple of days, all recycled metal and timber.

blackers wrote:
Blackers. Beautiful stuff mate. What timber is the bed made from and what’s ya floors ? AW
Love the art above the bed head. China or Japan ?

Ooh so many questions.
Wormy chestnut floorboards for the bed head. 70 year old tas oak floors. Artwork is a photo I took in Donegal in the early 90's. Back in the days of film, no idea what I had until it came back from the lab

blackers wrote:Ooh so many questions.
Wormy chestnut floorboards for the bed head. 70 year old tas oak floors. Artwork is a photo I took in Donegal in the early 90's. Back in the days of film, no idea what I had until it came back from the lab
All very nice. No more questions your honour, good night. AW

AlfredWallace wrote:seeds wrote:Kitchen rocks Mr Wallace
Well thank you Mr. Seeds. All from recycled hardwood and plywood, made everything, hardwood bench tops biscuit joined and laminated together , cutting and laying the hardwood floors, 7 weeks to lay throughout the entire house. Very rewarding, I don’t like buying new stuff in a world where I collect so much waste from bins, construction sites and new housing estates etc. wine racks made from all the plywood off cuts from all the drawers I made.
I love working with wood and getting wood, from a skip that is !!!
Our hands were put there for a reason, coupled with a brain , you can do anything. AW
Funny that we disagree on so much, but at the same time have a lot in common, built my house myself used some timber from waste mostly just for noggins used a lot of recycled timber from demolitions too for features oregon beams & jarrah and merbau decking
Also laid black butt solid timber flooring through much of my house, sanded and finished myself and yep it takes a lot time especially when you are like me and use the cheaper cover grade stuff and have to cut out bits but still want to ensure end joins are all matched and not just a cut, i like the more rustic holes and knots etc though of the cover grade..
But yeah the end result is satisfying.

indo-dreaming wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:seeds wrote:Kitchen rocks Mr Wallace
Well thank you Mr. Seeds. All from recycled hardwood and plywood, made everything, hardwood bench tops biscuit joined and laminated together , cutting and laying the hardwood floors, 7 weeks to lay throughout the entire house. Very rewarding, I don’t like buying new stuff in a world where I collect so much waste from bins, construction sites and new housing estates etc. wine racks made from all the plywood off cuts from all the drawers I made.
I love working with wood and getting wood, from a skip that is !!!
Our hands were put there for a reason, coupled with a brain , you can do anything. AWFunny that we disagree on so much, but at the same time have a lot in common, built my house myself used some timber from waste mostly just for noggins used a lot of recycled timber from demolitions too for features oregon beams & jarrah and merbau decking
Also laid black butt solid timber flooring through much of my house, sanded and finished myself and yep it takes a lot time especially when you are like me and use the cheaper cover grade stuff and have to cut out bits but still want to ensure end joins are all matched and not just a cut, i like the more rustic holes and knots etc though of the cover grade..
But yeah the end result is satisfying.
IndoDreaming. Hi mate. Hope you’re well.
There’s nothing wrong with strong robust discussion, not enough in today’s feeble dialogue of a society.
We just have different priorities and importances. I’ve never not liked you, we, as you say, disagree on most things, maybe we are similar in more ways than one.
I may be just a ‘pony of the show variety’. I’ll leave that up to others to make a judgement, as I exclaimed to Adam12, I don’t posture to anyone, I am who I am.
Alas, you’re are a contributor, you are a member of our ‘plants club’, which I’m grateful, especially with your knowledge of the Arecaceae family (palms).
You’ve been a landscaper/nurseryperson, we are good at collecting other people’s hard waste for our own recycling and building because when we arrive at a site, we alter the existing, dispose/recycle of the unwanted and refurbish something old to something new again.
One of my employees use to say we are ‘garden transformers’.
Building your own place is the best. I’ll drag out some photos of the Stabilised Rammed Earth weekender I built 20 years ago, now there’s an environmentally friendly building process.
Enjoy your weekend, we have slow small waves today, but beautiful weather. All the best. AW

@indo, you are very similar to many here, but obviously went through a major mind shift in your late 20s. My assumption has been that to get financial and emotional support from your military background father at a major indo-embracing point in your life, you pragmatically just flipped. Good on you. Life's full of A frames, always two choices : )

basesix wrote:@indo, you are very similar to many here, but obviously went through a major mind shift in your late 20s. My assumption has been that to get financial and emotional support from your military background father at a major indo-embracing point in your life, you pragmatically just flipped. Good on you. Life's full of A frames, always two choices : )
Basesix, hi to you. You just gave me a vision of the wave at 13th Beach here, Beacon, an A Frame, going both ways, like some Homo sapiens do. I’m off to bushwalk. Enjoy the sun, Phoenix, AW.

Have a great time AW, make the most of this extended dryness!!
(I'm currently in melbourne having a fun little poke around.)

Some very good kitcheneering, flooring and construction there crew. Have wanted to grow mushrooms for a while, fungi is having a good year, even growing in our yard. That orange one looks like a coral Distracted!

excellent woodworking and engaging. is there a thread where we can do more house-and-things build sharing? IB's (I assume wellington) self-build, some of Opti's ideas, blackers, AW, indo-d, etc? Love it.
(aware it is in danger of sn becoming 'the men's shed of surfing' as someone humorously posted)
if not, I reckon VJ should start one..

AlfredWallace wrote:ashsam wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:seeds wrote:Kitchen rocks Mr Wallace
Well thank you Mr. Seeds. All from recycled hardwood and plywood, made everything, hardwood bench tops biscuit joined and laminated together , cutting and laying the hardwood floors, 7 weeks to lay throughout the entire house. Very rewarding, I don’t like buying new stuff in a world where I collect so much waste from bins, construction sites and new housing estates etc. wine racks made from all the plywood off cuts from all the drawers I made.
I love working with wood and getting wood, from a skip that is !!!
Our hands were put there for a reason, coupled with a brain , you can do anything. AWThink there is some natural talent involved there AW. We have a blackbutt floor, no way I could do it.
Ashsam. Hi mate. Very fortunate, my fathers forebears, my father and I have all inherited wood working skills from their original occupation, fishermen of the Great Ocean Road coast, built their own boats, small and huge, no drawings, just straight out of the grey matter in ya scone. Transferred and past through generations.
I did for a bit over 30 years had a landscape design and construction company, ended up a competent bricklayer, concretor, carpenter and builder.
All skills transferable across anything that you need to build.
Basically, everything revolves around a horizontal level or a vertical level and it’s just how you go in measurements up and down from the horizontal level or left and right of a vertical level . Skills are acquired over decades, I can assure you of that.
I’ve laid Eucalyptus pilularis Blackbutt floors, beautiful, durable finish, a tree that can handle very wet soils in the natural world.
I’ve always been of the mindset that if somebody else’s hands and brain can do that, well so can I. AWTwo other perspectives of my all recycled kitchen. Sorry about all my show and tell, I’ve always been a sharer.
Nice work AW, talented man.
Also nice work bench blackers.

Distracted wrote:Nice work in the kitchen AW.
It is a great season for fungi on the East Coast, this shot was from a recent walk up in the hills.
Distracted. Hi mate. Ah, know it well it’s a species of Ramaria, the Coral Fungi posted an almost identical photo a few months back.
Great to hear you’re out and about in the scrub. AW

basesix wrote:excellent woodworking and engaging. is there a thread where we can do more house-and-things build sharing? IB's (I assume wellington) self-build, some of Opti's ideas, blackers, AW, indo-d, etc? Love it.
(aware it is in danger of sn becoming 'the men's shed of surfing' as someone humorously posted)
if not, I reckon VJ should start one..
Basesix. I’ve been for some time now considering starting a new topic,
Blokes ‘N’ Sheds. How you make them, what you put in them, tools, cars, Cannabis setups, you name it, tools used, how to build stuff, etc. AW

goofyfoot wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:ashsam wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:seeds wrote:Kitchen rocks Mr Wallace
Well thank you Mr. Seeds. All from recycled hardwood and plywood, made everything, hardwood bench tops biscuit joined and laminated together , cutting and laying the hardwood floors, 7 weeks to lay throughout the entire house. Very rewarding, I don’t like buying new stuff in a world where I collect so much waste from bins, construction sites and new housing estates etc. wine racks made from all the plywood off cuts from all the drawers I made.
I love working with wood and getting wood, from a skip that is !!!
Our hands were put there for a reason, coupled with a brain , you can do anything. AWThink there is some natural talent involved there AW. We have a blackbutt floor, no way I could do it.
Ashsam. Hi mate. Very fortunate, my fathers forebears, my father and I have all inherited wood working skills from their original occupation, fishermen of the Great Ocean Road coast, built their own boats, small and huge, no drawings, just straight out of the grey matter in ya scone. Transferred and past through generations.
I did for a bit over 30 years had a landscape design and construction company, ended up a competent bricklayer, concretor, carpenter and builder.
All skills transferable across anything that you need to build.
Basically, everything revolves around a horizontal level or a vertical level and it’s just how you go in measurements up and down from the horizontal level or left and right of a vertical level . Skills are acquired over decades, I can assure you of that.
I’ve laid Eucalyptus pilularis Blackbutt floors, beautiful, durable finish, a tree that can handle very wet soils in the natural world.
I’ve always been of the mindset that if somebody else’s hands and brain can do that, well so can I. AWTwo other perspectives of my all recycled kitchen. Sorry about all my show and tell, I’ve always been a sharer.
Nice work AW, talented man.
Also nice work bench blackers.
Goofyfoot. Hi there. Thanks mate, I bet you’re handy on tools also.
Well, you know it, we’re landscapers, we can build anything, because we are or were frequently asked to do so and in some cases perform construction miracles, you know as well as I do, best job on the planet by miles.
Keeps you constantly in tune for surfing, and surfing keeps you constantly in tune for landscaping. Wouldn’t swap my time for anything else. AW

Sounds fun.
And on joinery, check out the traditional Japanese approach in minutes 1-4 of this link:
Nothing to attach it, just the wood. No nails, no brads; a spiritual practice.
Men's shed - I'm limited for space in our little place so in recent years have focussed inwards... looking at 0.1mm, 0.03mm tolerances in CNC, kind of fun, it's shed Jim but not as we know it... It would be great to do a home brew/distill/simple mechanics/machines/boards/fins/furniture/modelmaking/renewable energy tech/farm thread. Reckon I've discovered a non-EV way to make transport go very renewable and cost very little now, using existing tech, too!

basesix wrote:@indo, you are very similar to many here, but obviously went through a major mind shift in your late 20s. My assumption has been that to get financial and emotional support from your military background father at a major indo-embracing point in your life, you pragmatically just flipped. Good on you. Life's full of A frames, always two choices : )
Nothing to do with my father or parents* and no major mind shift more just a gradual change over a very long period of time that i didn't really notice was happening until about 2014-15 i remember i did this online questioner thing on who you should vote for and i answered it honestly and almost all my views aligned with LNP while i had been voting Labor or parties like sustainable population party, so that was my wake up moment, but id already been having strong views on issues here like boat arrivals or Bali 9 before that.
The process i went through is not really that unusual it happens to a lot of people as they get older.
But while im almost a token conservative here my views really are very mixed someone like Joe Rogan claims to not be a conservative but i agree with him on pretty much everything except gun control and vaccinations which see's me slightly left of his views.
* My parents always had the view you have to work for things to appreciate what you have, so i never got financial support from them after i left home at 18, it was only on very rare occasion's when i really got stuck that they lent me money and i had to pay back every cent.
Sorry to go off topic, but just wanted to clear that up.

Nice Hakea AW. Look so good this time of year

goofyfoot wrote:Nice Hakea AW. Look so good this time of year
Goofyfoot. Hi mate, I hope you’re keeping well.
Both sets of photos are Proteaceous plants, both are species of Hakea.
The former photos are Hakea suaveolans Sweet Hakea from WA, scent is amazing.
The pink flowering one is quite unique, it’s Hakea ‘Burrendong Beauty’ from central west NSW.
It’s a hybrid plant, found by chance in the Burrendong Arboretum . Its parents are Hakea myrtoides x Hakea petiolaris.
It’s become a very popular landscape plant and a small tough shrub for a native garden.
Being a hybrid, it’s sterile and doesn’t produce seed. It’s propagated asexually (cloning).
Hakeas are relatively easy to identify to genus, always look for those bivalved hard seeds. In fact, seeds are a key diagnostic tool. ( not you Seeds, the ones on the plant)
I’m building a deck and a pergola for a friend at present, I watched 4 Eastern Spinebills smashing those flowers all day long, as well as a battle between other gregarious nectivores, Red Wattlebirds and New Holland Honeyeaters.
Natural world, plant a plant, it flowers, ladybirds prey on aphids, in house biological pest control, birds battle it out for a sugar hit. Biodiversity at its zenith. AW
Edit. Thought of you last night Goofyfoot, me and two mates went to the Torren Martyn / Simon Jones night at the Aireys Inet pub, packed, great vibe and incredible surfing and board design discussion, you’d of loved it.

I have two of the sweet Hakea in my garden, I’ll put a photo up tomorrow.
Not ideal for the kids to play around as they are often spiking themselves hahaha.
Your botanical knowledge is bloody amazing. This forum topic has to be one of the most educational out there…
Sounds like a great night last night.
You’re right I would have loved it.
Couple of windy waves over there the last two days?
A mate of a work colleague has just inherited 250 acres of land straight up above Skenes creek.
There is an old timber shack on it made from timber milled on-site and that’s it.
Almost inaccessible when wet, most of it is untouched dense bushland.
I’ve only seen photos. Tree ferns 5 meters tall down huge gullies, massive eucalypts, leeches, wallabies, snakes.. epic piece of land.

goofyfoot wrote:I have two of the sweet Hakea in my garden, I’ll put a photo up tomorrow.
Not ideal for the kids to play around as they are often spiking themselves hahaha.
Your botanical knowledge is bloody amazing. This forum topic has to be one of the most educational out there…Sounds like a great night last night.
You’re right I would have loved it.
Couple of windy waves over there the last two days?
Goofyfoot. So true, H.suaveolens does have spiky tips on those tight , hard cylindrical leaves, rolled like that to keep the stomata protected from the withering heat of a WA summer.
It made its way to the Eastern states, simply by the sheer fact that early days of native plant gardens of interest, you couldn’t buy plants.
Nindethana Seed company in WA sent seeds nationally to anyone that wanted them. There was a ‘farm mix’, very evident today where I live in a farming area, all their boundary plants are from WA and really small in size for the amount of time they’ve been in the ground , they just don’t belong here, alas, some do very well, such as those regular Hakeas we see this time of the year every year.
Regarding your kind comments, I love learning and it’s the main reason Seeds and I got the ball rolling for Botany Nerds Ahoy.
Theory, if more people like us can visually see and learn about our Flora and Fauna, well here’s hoping that as a society, we may begin to appreciate it just a little bit more, it all adds up. You’re always a good fella to chat with regarding the plant and surf world.
Looking alright over here for Saturday, getting toey. All the best.AW

goofyfoot wrote:I have two of the sweet Hakea in my garden, I’ll put a photo up tomorrow.
Not ideal for the kids to play around as they are often spiking themselves hahaha.
Your botanical knowledge is bloody amazing. This forum topic has to be one of the most educational out there…Sounds like a great night last night.
You’re right I would have loved it.
Couple of windy waves over there the last two days?A mate of a work colleague has just inherited 250 acres of land straight up above Skenes creek.
There is an old timber shack on it made from timber milled on-site and that’s it.
Almost inaccessible when wet, most of it is untouched dense bushland.
I’ve only seen photos. Tree ferns 5 meters tall down huge gullies, massive eucalypts, leeches, wallabies, snakes.. epic piece of land.
That sounds incredible, lucky person. I’m sure they’ll look after it.
I’ve done a bit of revegetation work for Colac Otway Shire in Skenes Creek over the years. Great whale watching spot also, they often drop just in behind the breakers. AW
Seems a keen interest for some, so why not.