Shark Stories

udo wrote:
No doubt there’s lots of sharks out there but the footage just shows them eating by catch. Have to wonder on the impact that bycatch has on fish populations.
Camped at Bundjalung once and the prawn trawlers were working offshore all night and the next morning on the high tide mark there were mixed juvenile fish for kilometres along the beach.

Distracted wrote:Denyer wrote:Oh, and I should mention that of course we warned the old bloke that there was a GWS / whale carcass out there!!
This would have been the one Denyer?
Yep that's the one!

A 3.5m White beached itself at Kingscliff today. Sorry, just saw link posted in other thread

What a huge strike!

Ok , the GW Shark , seemed 2B just sitting there , totally unaware a train was about to broadside it and kill it .
The GW now knows ( for 1 second ), how we feel .
Absolutely NO contest and , maybe , an OLD trick that's just been seen ?

You reckon the GWS was catching a nap? Had it's guard down.

Can ya blame him? Those little guys are so spiky.
Shoot. That first link became paywalled, it seems. Hope this one works.

seems like the whites are back in numbers along with tiger sharks....
DPI advise that there’s a whale in poor health about 600m off Yamba Beach. It might account for the 6 tigers caught by our SMART drumlines off Yamba today, 21 June 2024! Please be #SharkSmart.

udo wrote:
Once in a lifetime experience, that was insane.

Wild eh...imagine being out there and She Shows up...

That is one big tiger.

It's not uncommon to come across a Bull shark with an attitude problem but this one seems to have some real serious issues going on.
Apparently, it bit 4 people on the same day in the U.S.

udo wrote:
Shiiit. Poor bugger. That would have been terrifying seeing it coming towards him and then being hit. Glad he's relatively ok.
Another midmorning attack on a sunny blue day by a Pointer.

11mths on from Toby Beggs Attack in Same Area.

Shit's very sharky down this way at the moment.
What's the consensus on those smart drum lines? There's a bunch down here, I guess they make me feel a little safer but at the end of the day I don't know anything and the last two attacks in Port occurred with them out.

Wherabouts have your travels taken you now juegasiempre? There's a bit being noticed down here on the SC but it is the time of year of the whales.

Stopped travelling March this year, settled just south of Port. It's second hand info/chinese whispers but there's been shark encounters/sightings here. It actually spooked me enough that I surfed at what I think to be a 'safer spot' yesterday. I usually have a cavalier attitude but there's no more surfing on my own anymore.

Kai Mckenzie go fund him

Not sure if this has been posted before. It’s a research article discussing the possible impacts on Great White behaviour after being caught and released on the Smart drum lines.

Thanks Distracted, reading now.

Juvenile GWS Lake Conjola

udo wrote:Juvenile GWS Lake Conjola
Fuck they get close to the rocks with zero shits don’t they…

That’d be amazing to see up close. Maybe a pregnant female?

About 2-3 weeks ago while the entire world of surf media was in Fiji reporting on fairly average Cloudbreak action a kite surfer got attacked by a shark just down the coast at Frigates reef. I find it odd that nobody reported on this. Considering they do shark feedings at Frigates reef, I feel like potential tourist surfers would want to know...

Interesting shark footage from the weekend at Port Macquarie, although may not be a White as per the headline.

Dan K What do think ?

bondi .......

haha that was awesome Udo. Loved the stick legs.
A few interesting stories on shark attacks and near misses on the Shark Shield report so I thought I would start this thread. Don't want to trivialize the subject as people have had their lives taken or changed forever by what can happen. I thought it might serve as an educational purpose by hearing others experiences so we may all learn from them and hopefully avoid it happening to us.
One of them was a mate of mine named Hazey.
He had been surfing at Castles, a notoriously sharky wave in the bay at Cactus.
Several hundred metres offshore the wave breaks before reforming into Inside Castles making a long left with several sections. The wave has been the scene of several attacks and near misses over the years including the local known as "Sharkbait" who had been attacked more than once.
Gerry Lopez is another who came very close to being attacked out there and vowed to never surf Cactus again after his near miss.
Well Hazey was surfing out the back with another bloke named Steve when out of the blue he was launched into the air still on his board by a huge force from below.
A shark had rammed him with a direct hit straight up into the air! In a moment it was gone but soon returned to the stunned Hazey and started biting him and his board. Hazey instinctively put his arms out to protect himself but both his arms ended up in its mouth. As the jaws closed down his arms could have easily been severed, but several teeth on the sharks lower jaw had become dislodged and imbedded in the board leaving his upper arms with massive injuries, but the vital inner arms where major arteries run were not majorly damaged. This probably saved his life.
By this time Steve had reacted and in a rush of adrenalin and pure ballsy courage he threw himself onto the sharks back and started gouging at the sharks eyeballs, eventually feeling one pop and the shark departed.
Steve got the two surfboards together and got himself and Hazey on and started the long paddle to shore.
Then they were both thrown into the air as the shark rammed them a third time before disappearing again. They continued to make their way closer to shore and the shark nudged them again. Steve told me he thought he really must of pissed it off when he popped its eye.
Finally they we're just a metre from shore when the shark made its fifth and final appearance. It beelined towards them and the shore while they stood in waist deep water with their boards. The sharks mouth was just rapidly opening and closing like one of those wind up sets of false teeth. The boys separated and put their hands on either side of it's body and held it on a 90 degree angle to the beach as they made the final steps to the safety of the sand.
Hazey was rushed to Ceduna hospital and then flown to Adelaide for micro surgery on his shredded arms.
Steve ended up receiving a bravery award and they both sold their story to 60 minutes and made $50,000 each out of it!
It was quite a story!