All Things Religion Thread

Sheepdog wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Sheepdog wrote:Bondi compared to the church
Yeah nah while we could argue about what terrorism is or isnt, most agree Terrorism is generally regarded as a violent act with a political, ideological or religious motivation. (like the Christchurch mosque shootings that was a terrorist attack by a white guy)
One seems to not have any clear political/religious social motivations more just a mentally ill person thats fucked up in the head and lost the plot.
The other clearly has religious/ideological motivations even yelling Allahu Akbar' as he stabbed the bishop in the head, neck and torso at least eight times.
I know you people think everything in life is about skin colour, but it's really not, skin colour isn't really that important.
geez... you really wanna open that can of worms?
the media's initial coveage of that case was all that's wrong in the current climate and just feeds / fed the unhinged reactions we now expeience across the political spectrum...

That article is disingenuous at best. A mass murder is any event leading to more than three homicides. Most mass murders in the US are actually gang crime by African Americans. A very outsized proportion. That’s why those mass murders are not considered as arising from mental health issues.
Interestingly enough, if you type in mass murderers USA into Google the resultant images are disproportionately white people despite them being extremely underrepresented in mass murders. I’m sure it’s an honest mistake by Google…

and, we may wanna first define 'black'...
or... people of colour...
Hey @DaveYostOH, you might want to get this fixed, after all, your name is on it!
— Unbiased Crime Report (@UnbiasedCrime) April 16, 2024
for context, my initial comment was how that mass shooting was all about 'homophobia', apparently...
until the media machine found the shooter was gay...
then, the media went quiet over night, and just wished the whole thing away
whereas, if the shooter was found to be a different demographic... the hysteria machine would have been relentless...

Apologies..I was incorrect. A mass murder is defined as at least four homicides, not three. Gruesome distinction.

I was drinking ( lemon squash ) with some really Old blokes last night , down the local .
One guy brought up the French guy , who picked up a Bollard and confronted the guy with a knife .
The Guy sitting next 2 Me said , I wouldn't need a Bollard to Go at that w..k p...k .
All the others agreed , I said the bollard would help me .
Their instincts are SPOT on !
You have 2 fight this stuff immediately and very Hard .
These guys are hard men and in their Mid 70's .
Thanks 4 helping out Frenchy , U are one of US now !
You have paid us back , in full , 4 helping U guys out , when you REALLY needed it .
We don't Forget , that sort of stuff .
Australia is FULL of , Hard Women and Men .
Don't f..k with US !

Pop Down wrote:I was drinking ( lemon squash ) with some really Old blokes last night , down the local .
One guy brought up the French guy , who picked up a Bollard and confronted the guy with a knife .
The Guy sitting next 2 Me said , I wouldn't need a Bollard to Go at that w..k p...k .
All the others agreed , I said the bollard would help me .
Their instincts are SPOT on !
You have 2 fight this stuff immediately and very Hard .
These guys are hard men and in their Mid 70's .
Australia is FULL of , Hard Women and Men .
Pretty sure if it was Westfield Parra he would of been stopped earlier, wouldn't of got 18 people, look what happened with the Bishop.
Apparently he was stalking Parra and Bondi Westfield in the weeks before.
Chose the easier option.

With that bloke at Bondi Westfield, you only needed 2 people to take him out. As he was carrying the knife in a low position - 1 person to tackle him from behind and arms around his arms down low, the second person to disarm him. There would be a chance in this scenario that he would have been wounded by his own weapon as he fell forward after being tackled from behind.

The Guy who stabbed the Clergy man had 2 worry about getting stabbed with his own weapon , after being disarmed .
I think he had some digits removed and thought to myself , swift and tough retribution from the guys flock ( I felt ok with a Lynch mob , amazingly ) .
Got a Real surprise , when I finally read the Clergy Man was a Christian .
Could have knocked me over , with a feather .
I am still not sure , what 2 fn think about this Stuff !

I think if the Syrian church members and friends were responsible for that riot they should probably read what Jesus taught. He certainly wouldn’t have condoned that mess.
The police had it under control except it would have been smart to whisk him away quick but someone in the force had a brain fart…
That priest needs to work on his teaching…
I was wondering if it was a mix of angry Syrians as well as Muslim friends of the kid trying to get him out…. Mad house….disgraceful.

Personally i think you just thought it was good opportunity to share the meme, and of course cant admit you are wrong thats natural, but i dont believe you dont understand the difference or think thats how things really go as the Christchurch mosque shootings was a white dude and labeled a terrorist attack.
"Why is the Sydney church stabbing an act of terrorism, but the Bondi tragedy isn’t?"

Pop Down wrote:I was drinking ( lemon squash ) with some really Old blokes last night , down the local .
One guy brought up the French guy , who picked up a Bollard and confronted the guy with a knife .
The Guy sitting next 2 Me said , I wouldn't need a Bollard to Go at that w..k p...k .
All the others agreed , I said the bollard would help me .
Their instincts are SPOT on !
You have 2 fight this stuff immediately and very Hard .
These guys are hard men and in their Mid 70's .
Thanks 4 helping out Frenchy , U are one of US now !
You have paid us back , in full , 4 helping U guys out , when you REALLY needed it .
We don't Forget , that sort of stuff .
Australia is FULL of , Hard Women and Men .
Don't f..k with US !
Its kind of interesting my first thought was how did he kill or stab so many without someone taking him out, and you kind of think if i was there id be having a go like the bollard dude.
But maybe in reality we wouldn't and would just run and hide, full respect to that female cop, hope she hasn't suffered mentally in any way for shooting him.

Nice Opti, the usual slight against those pesky muslims , their spiritual leader while praising your jebus. Your false piety knows no bounds.

Gosh Indo
In the 1 sentence U praise a Heroic Woman and then U think its possible that Australians will Run and Hide like cowards .
Ron Barrassi was 80 something , he would NOT hide .
Check Australian Soldiers War records .
Our Women will Stand Up 2 any THUG , our Men will Stand , Shoulder to shoulder with them .
The Aussie Spirit is still VERY strong and it will endure , this stuff .
Due 2 terrible Situations , in our CBD , Melbourne's Streets , now have Bollards .
We are now used 2 them and after the French Guy used 1 , I really like a Bollard .
This shows me, that WE can adapt to Change , without jumping at Dark Shadows quite easily and haven't over reacted too much , I think .
So Unlike our response 2 Climate Change or Covid !!!
Sorry , mate .
Not willing to look at or debate the particular issues of the recent attack , cheers .
U are right , U can't B sure how U would react , panic , or steely last ditched determination , where EVERYTHING Slows down .
The US Sheriffs that were needed in that School incident were dreadful .
Every situation is unique .
Australians are WELL known , World Wide , for NOT cracking , under pressure .
I will back an Aussie , especially after Frenchy's example .

@ Pops
It's just surprising that he killed so many people without someone taking him out, so there cant have been too many willing to have a go.
And its so easy for us to think we would be that guy with the bollard, but im just saying maybe we wouldn't be, hard to know unless we were put in that situation.

indo-dreaming wrote:@ Pops
It's just surprising that he killed so many people without someone taking him out, so there cant have been too many willing to have a go.
And its so easy for us to think we would be that guy with the bollard, but im just saying maybe we wouldn't be, hard to know unless we were put in that situation.
Surprise at what was occurring and confusion probably main reason people slow to react.

Optimist wrote:I think if the Syrian church members and friends were responsible for that riot they should probably read what Jesus taught. He certainly wouldn’t have condoned that mess.
The police had it under control except it would have been smart to whisk him away quick but someone in the force had a brain fart…
That priest needs to work on his teaching…
I was wondering if it was a mix of angry Syrians as well as Muslim friends of the kid trying to get him out…. Mad house….disgraceful.
Few hail marys and everything will be forgiven.

saurusv1 wrote:With that bloke at Bondi Westfield, you only needed 2 people to take him out. As he was carrying the knife in a low position - 1 person to tackle him from behind and arms around his arms down low, the second person to disarm him. There would be a chance in this scenario that he would have been wounded by his own weapon as he fell forward after being tackled from behind.
Thanks for that Steven Segal

I made an edit above in response to Indo .
On Sunday I was walking 2 Bondi Beach and started chatting with a young woman and her cute baby , while waiting to cross the lights over Campbell Parade .
Ruth and bubs were also going to visit the beach as David , the dad who was on Patrol with the SLSC .
Ruth was also a Clubby , but was given time Off , for Other important Club ( Nipper ) work .
David didn't ask 4 maternity Leave and was Happy 2 do his 5 hour shift , on his weekend .
There were about 10 Girls and Guys . on Patrol , trying 2 keep THEIR beach , as safe as possible .
Most were keeping a close look out , but a couple were buzzing around the Nipper .
They ALL looked Wonderful in their Uniforms !
I met Joe and Daniel , the day before , as they Organised the Club Social Swim ( a big crowd of 30-40 ) .
SLSC has been around since the Dawn of Time ( like our Country Firey's ) .
NOT 1 person needs 2 B paid 1 CENT , 2 do this invaluable Community Service .
Australians are known 4 Standing Up , when really important work is needed .

goofyfoot wrote:saurusv1 wrote:With that bloke at Bondi Westfield, you only needed 2 people to take him out. As he was carrying the knife in a low position - 1 person to tackle him from behind and arms around his arms down low, the second person to disarm him. There would be a chance in this scenario that he would have been wounded by his own weapon as he fell forward after being tackled from behind.
Thanks for that Steven Segal
lol easy to say from the comfort of your lounge room.
I’m with Indo though he shouldn’t have been able to keep going for 15 mins.

I would have dropped him with a Chuck Norris roundhouse to the scone or MacGyvered a stun grenade out of what I could find in the cleaning section at Coles. :) ;)
Joking obviously.
Surprised a few more blokes didn't back bollard boy though.

To Goofyfoot, I wouldn't say anything if I didn't know my stuff

If U were able 2 get behind a Knife or Gun Guy , wouldn't U just Punch him and Not try and grab him ?
If a bollard was handy , I might use that instead ( save my hand ) .
Unfortunately , I have thought about situations like this eg on a tram .
I can't imagine Disarming a knife attacker , as am no S Segal , but can imagine I would B willing to Harm him and incapacitate him , if possible , nearly ffs .
The Knife attacker has , imho , lost ALL rights and can B smashed , by anyone and good on them .

GuySmiley wrote:Nice Opti, the usual slight against those pesky muslims , their spiritual leader while praising your jebus. Your false piety knows no bounds.
You mean the ones supporting the 16 year old that stabbed the Bishop on socials?
Brush up on the Koran they don't like infidels.

andy-mac wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:@ Pops
It's just surprising that he killed so many people without someone taking him out, so there cant have been too many willing to have a go.
And its so easy for us to think we would be that guy with the bollard, but im just saying maybe we wouldn't be, hard to know unless we were put in that situation.
Surprise at what was occurring and confusion probably main reason people slow to react.
About ten years ago I flew into Perth domestic with my lady and we were proceeding to the baggage collection. When passing another arrival gate we heard a commotion. This guy -about fifty - was yelling angrily in a foreign language and then we heard in heavily accented English “ You slut “.
He was yelling at this early twenties lady who was with another women. He obviously knew them and I assumed it was father yelling at daughter. Then he took a few quick steps towards her and hit her in the head. She went down and he was having another go when I crash tackled him off her.
There was people everywhere around us and not a single other person said or did anything to help. Remember this is a crowded airport in mid afternoon so plenty of people.
Within seconds there was federal police pulling me off the bloke. They must’ve been ready for something as they were on the scene too rapidly for it to have been a normal response. The feds just checked I was OK and said they’d take it from here and to just move along! Bizarre. They didn’t question anything about the situation.
Point being….a lot of people don’t give a fuck. If it happened these days I would guarantee that more people would get their phones out and start filming than assist .Don’t be those people!

ashsam wrote:GuySmiley wrote:Nice Opti, the usual slight against those pesky muslims , their spiritual leader while praising your jebus. Your false piety knows no bounds.
You mean the ones supporting the 16 year old that stabbed the Bishop on socials?
Brush up on the Koran they don't like infidels.
Religion is all about peace........ didn't you know

@Pop Down, I looked at what footage was available. The attacker was carrying the knife at his side slightly in front of him. My theory was to tackle from behind with a "crab claw" type of hold around his body and lower arms ensuring the grip was tight as, when he went to the floor the second person was to disarm him. If he doesn't let go easily then an attack to the groin, eyes or throat might be successful. Unfortuately there wasn't anyone around who could envisage doing this risky procedure. A couple of NRL forwards would have done the trick!

I reckon a NRL , AFL , WAFL , Soccer Player etc , should NOT tackle , bit Go For a Red Card and knock the Guys head off .
Why grab him and then have to hold him 4 however long ?
U have lost the element of surprise !
I really appreciate U looking at this , as I have NFI !
I could grab him , if he was unconscious , am guessing !

^^^ good work and words SJY

Bishop forgives attacker and calls for followers to act Christlike

Slackjawedyokel wrote:Apologies..I was incorrect. A mass murder is defined as at least four homicides, not three. Gruesome distinction.
You seem to be missing the point. I hope it's a genuine missing the point.
Whenever a fair skinned person goes on a killing spree, reagrdless whether its a family annihilation, a school shooting , a port arthur like scenario, a New zealand religious hate attack, the media's initial TEMPLATE is "mental health".
"He was a loner"
"He was a great family man, Im so shocked".
"He just snapped"
But. A person with a darker shade of skin is NEVER awarded the same "mental health card".
There's no doubt in my mind that the 16yo church attacker has mental health issues. But that was not the template politicians and the media went with. If they hadve went with that, they would've diffused the tensions.
But that doesn't gain clicks, or votes.

The kid was groomed to boiling point by someone who didn’t want to do it themselves. Some good policing should be able to find out who..

Incorrect Sheepdog.
If anything it’s the opposite. The abstract bugbear of White supremacy and racist hate crimes is forever being bandied about at the drop of a hat. Despite zero actual white supremacy terror attacks in Australia.
Can you even imagine the head of ASIO saying these words about the threat of Islamic terror in Australia? It’d ne er happen. The authorities are scared shitless of the Islamic extremists and avoid antagonising them but they know the “White supremacists” are just a bunch of blokes LARPing and basically harmless as evidenced by lack of any attacks in Australia despite almost a quarter century since 9/11 and millions and million of immigrants moving to Australia
As for the young stabby bloke at the church the other day…I’d suggest that anyone who carries out a terrorist attack has mental health issues, but not all attacks carried out by those with mental health issues are terrorists.

burleigh wrote:ashsam wrote:GuySmiley wrote:Nice Opti, the usual slight against those pesky muslims , their spiritual leader while praising your jebus. Your false piety knows no bounds.
You mean the ones supporting the 16 year old that stabbed the Bishop on socials?
Brush up on the Koran they don't like infidels.Religion is all about peace........ didn't you know
Big difference between Religion and Christianity, don't you know?

Optimist wrote:The kid was groomed to boiling point by someone who didn’t want to do it themselves. Some good policing should be able to find out who..
Actually, the firebrand hardline christian bishop did a pretty good job "grooming haters", with his constant attacks on gay people, muslims, jews, even people who took the covid vaccine.
If you publicly attack people non stop, eventually a person with a few screws loose may attack you back.

Sheepdog wrote:Optimist wrote:The kid was groomed to boiling point by someone who didn’t want to do it themselves. Some good policing should be able to find out who..
Actually, the firebrand hardline christian bishop did a pretty good job "grooming haters", with his constant attacks on gay people, muslims, jews, even people who took the covid vaccine.
If you publicly attack people non stop, eventually a person with a few screws loose may attack you back.
Truth hurts, Jesus never held back, brush up on the New Testament.

ashsam wrote:burleigh wrote:ashsam wrote:GuySmiley wrote:Nice Opti, the usual slight against those pesky muslims , their spiritual leader while praising your jebus. Your false piety knows no bounds.
You mean the ones supporting the 16 year old that stabbed the Bishop on socials?
Brush up on the Koran they don't like infidels.Religion is all about peace........ didn't you know
Big difference between Religion and Christianity, don't you know?
All extreme, doesn’t matter that imaginary person in the sky you give money to.

ashsam wrote:Sheepdog wrote:Optimist wrote:The kid was groomed to boiling point by someone who didn’t want to do it themselves. Some good policing should be able to find out who..
Actually, the firebrand hardline christian bishop did a pretty good job "grooming haters", with his constant attacks on gay people, muslims, jews, even people who took the covid vaccine.
If you publicly attack people non stop, eventually a person with a few screws loose may attack you back.Truth hurts, Jesus never held back, brush up on the New Testament.
What was wrong with the first one?

burleigh wrote:ashsam wrote:burleigh wrote:ashsam wrote:GuySmiley wrote:Nice Opti, the usual slight against those pesky muslims , their spiritual leader while praising your jebus. Your false piety knows no bounds.
You mean the ones supporting the 16 year old that stabbed the Bishop on socials?
Brush up on the Koran they don't like infidels.Religion is all about peace........ didn't you know
Big difference between Religion and Christianity, don't you know?
All extreme, doesn’t matter that imaginary person in the sky you give money to.
Who said anything about giving money? You have no idea what you are talking about stick to the Covid forum.

burleigh wrote:ashsam wrote:Sheepdog wrote:Optimist wrote:The kid was groomed to boiling point by someone who didn’t want to do it themselves. Some good policing should be able to find out who..
Actually, the firebrand hardline christian bishop did a pretty good job "grooming haters", with his constant attacks on gay people, muslims, jews, even people who took the covid vaccine.
If you publicly attack people non stop, eventually a person with a few screws loose may attack you back.Truth hurts, Jesus never held back, brush up on the New Testament.
What was wrong with the first one?
The first what?

The old one!

If you mean the Old Testament it was written before Jesus.
Some of you guys commenting in here have no idea just stirring the pot or opti lol

You dozy bloke

ashsam wrote:burleigh wrote:ashsam wrote:Sheepdog wrote:Optimist wrote:The kid was groomed to boiling point by someone who didn’t want to do it themselves. Some good policing should be able to find out who..
Actually, the firebrand hardline christian bishop did a pretty good job "grooming haters", with his constant attacks on gay people, muslims, jews, even people who took the covid vaccine.
If you publicly attack people non stop, eventually a person with a few screws loose may attack you back.Truth hurts, Jesus never held back, brush up on the New Testament.
What was wrong with the first one?
The first what?
Why did they write a new book? was the first one wrong?
360 said it best "I got a question for God, if we got the 1st Testament wrong
Tell us where we got the second one from?"

burleigh wrote:ashsam wrote:burleigh wrote:ashsam wrote:Sheepdog wrote:Optimist wrote:The kid was groomed to boiling point by someone who didn’t want to do it themselves. Some good policing should be able to find out who..
Actually, the firebrand hardline christian bishop did a pretty good job "grooming haters", with his constant attacks on gay people, muslims, jews, even people who took the covid vaccine.
If you publicly attack people non stop, eventually a person with a few screws loose may attack you back.Truth hurts, Jesus never held back, brush up on the New Testament.
What was wrong with the first one?
The first what?
Why did they write a new book? was the first one wrong?
360 said it best "I got a question for God, if we got the 1st Testament wrong
Tell us where we got the second one from?"
Think about it. Different times.

so, jo smith's is the more recent update?

ashsam wrote:burleigh wrote:ashsam wrote:burleigh wrote:ashsam wrote:Sheepdog wrote:Optimist wrote:The kid was groomed to boiling point by someone who didn’t want to do it themselves. Some good policing should be able to find out who..
Actually, the firebrand hardline christian bishop did a pretty good job "grooming haters", with his constant attacks on gay people, muslims, jews, even people who took the covid vaccine.
If you publicly attack people non stop, eventually a person with a few screws loose may attack you back.Truth hurts, Jesus never held back, brush up on the New Testament.
What was wrong with the first one?
The first what?
Why did they write a new book? was the first one wrong?
360 said it best "I got a question for God, if we got the 1st Testament wrong
Tell us where we got the second one from?"Think about it. Different times.
great advice........ Think about it. You could take a lot from this

My first Old board was pretty good , at the time , but , eventually I needed a New one .
I still Loved my Old board and it served me very well , so I kept it .
I love my NEW board , even more .
Think about THAT Burleigh and try and NOT to make it a conundrum ffs !
Very simple story and a Good One 2 .
Go Opti !
There are quite a few Guys who come onto this thread Searching 4 ways , 2 make Others , second guess their Faith .
LOL - Guys U are the One's Who are Searching !!!
Opit has FOUND his Home !
He is trying 2B a beautiful Big Lighthouse , shinning HIS Light , 2 show U , where 2 Find Your Safe haven !
And U bag him , BUT Opti always turns the other cheek ( never cheeky either ) .
I really LOVE Lighthouses !!!

seeds wrote:The old one!
The old testament is basically the Jewish bible the Torah written about 1000 years before Jesus was born
The New testament is basically what Christian's wrote about Jesus and his teachings after he died.
And fun fact Judaism formed out of an ancient Canaanite religion that had deitys more similar to Hinduism the main one the Israelites took hold of was the creator deity Yahweh.
So it kind of makes sense that Genesis starts thing's with the whole creation thing and that these stories like Noah and flood are more basic kind of fable like.
It's was also all written in Hebrew an ancient Canaanite language, that Jews speak today.
The Canaanites were the true indigenous people of the land of Canaan/Israel/Palestine but thought to be made up of various group's of indigenous people, i guess similar to how Aboriginal Australians from different areas of Australia varied to some degree in looks and cultural practices.

“ … There are quite a few Guys who come onto this thread” to giveth or receiveth their daily dose of penance!
Here you go optimist
Not sure my instinctive need to stick up for the secret desire to be one day honoured rightfully with the role of Forum moderator (expecting a call any day)...
But anyway I couldn't help but read your troubles on another thread...unfortunately I found myself siding with everyone's posts...other than your own...except for the part where you were told you can't post here!
So I put my low IQ mind to coming up with a solution that suits all...and here it is...a safe place if you like
You can post anything you like about your beliefs...and no one has to read it unless they want! Easy peasy...
maybe you could even get Jesus, fat Buddha, Mohammed, and friends to converse in adult conversation here
Solving the world problems, one at a it taking a shovel as a way of moving that mountain
All the
PS...I actually was born again once, but I grew up, and grew a brain of my own...and realised it was all a load of shit!