Vaccinate or not

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak started the topic in Tuesday, 24 Nov 2020 at 6:20pm

I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Friday, 12 Apr 2024 at 8:52pm
old-dog wrote:

This is the sort of millennial logic we have to endure on this thread.

Do you prefer boomer logic?

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Friday, 12 Apr 2024 at 8:54pm
Stok wrote:
Slackjawedyokel wrote:

Put it this way: If a climate change related travel restriction was proposed in a years time many would be far more objective in considering the proposition after the Covid era lockdown / travel / living restrictions.

Prior to covid people would have been utterly stunned at the mere suggestion. They would have almost universally refused as it was an unknown experience. Reactionary thinking would have displaced thoughtful rationalisation.

It would have been nearly impossible to impose such acceptance of the ideology of collective sacrifice in real terms with individual restrictions. Not so much now.

And it’s strange that people still scoff at the idea that the government would unilaterally restrict their movement or behaviour ….despite the fact that it’s already happened! Not sure how something can still be considered a laughably unlikely outcome when they’ve already lived through it a couple of years ago.

I don't think so.

The climate of misinformation, division of the public and politicisation of science has made a right mess of things. And the dial on this got cranked up during covid.

People are now not more complicit, as a whole, there's probably a more highly sceptical people and a stronger feeling of distrust.

So if the covid lockdowns were a plan to warm up the public to future me they were a pretty dumb idea.

Secondly - who benefits from climate lockdowns? I (kind of) can entertain the idea that pharmaceutical juggernauts can benefit from lockdowns and control, but climate lockdowns? Seems like pure manufactured fear to me.

100% correct.

People are now not more complicit, as a whole, there's probably a more highly sceptical people and a stronger feeling of distrust.

So if the covid lockdowns were a plan to warm up the public to future me they were a pretty dumb idea.

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Friday, 12 Apr 2024 at 9:22pm

Hey Base... i wanna be polite and answer your question,, but also be polite and not interrupt this convo with my own crap... so i will keep it short. I was rushed to hospital in mid Feb and was already septic. My colon had ruptured. A two week hospital stay and a six week recovery has me back at my desk at work tonite for the first time in a while. I lost 35 lbs and have gained 23 of em back. My body is prob pretty confused, lol. Needs chicken salt, lol. I have kept up with the shenanigans on these threads but feel so much less inclined to participate. Brush with death, new outlook, blah, blah. My emergency was not Covid or Vax related, btw.....

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Friday, 12 Apr 2024 at 9:37pm

Glad to here you’re alright and on the mend.
The answer to “chicken salt or plain” is “plain and a tub of gravy please”

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Friday, 12 Apr 2024 at 10:52pm

Thanx Seeds. Honestly, 'chicken salt AND a tub of gravy, please" sounds right, to me. Prob why i had the med emergency in the first place, lol. I am on a somewhat strict diet these days until a surgery later this year and could not have either gravy or the chicken salt. Sounds good tho.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Friday, 12 Apr 2024 at 11:11pm

vaccine hesitants

the 'narrative' versus reality...

"...A January Gallup poll showed that 34% of U.S. frontline health care workers said they did not plan to get vaccinated, and an additional 18% were “not sure” what they would do. Given the WHO’s own definition of the “vaccine hesitant”—people who delay or are reluctant to take a vaccine—one could say that 52% of frontline U.S. health care workers were vaccine hesitant at the beginning of the year. It was hard to argue that these were people who got all their information from a few rancid conspiracy websites. In fact, many of these professionals are vaccinated for other illnesses. Nor can we argue that frontline workers are overly anxious and cowardly; many are exposed to active COVID regularly.

At other times, we are told that the hesitant are only those with the least education. But a Carnegie-Mellon and University of Pittsburgh study showed that “by May [2021] PhDs were the most hesitant group.” In May, Sen. Richard Burr of the U.S. Senate Committee on Health asked Fauci how many employees of the NIH, the nation’s premier health sciences research institution, had been vaccinated. “I’m not 100% sure, Senator, but I think it’s probably a little bit more than half, probably around 60%,” he said. The senator asked the same question of Dr. Peter Marks, director of the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research at the Food and Drug Administration, about the FDA’s employee vaccination. “It’s probably in the same range,” he answered..."

how the hell can they force mandates on the public when faucci's own colleagues were running at about 60% vaccinated?

'trust the science'


'we don't'

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Saturday, 13 Apr 2024 at 3:58am

Fed PBS Data examples how Mass Vaxed are holding up against serious disease burden.
AV scripts record Data since 2022...
June 2022 Minister declared Unvaxed (No Risk) & banned Unvaxed from PBS AV Scripts.

Can share / compare Biggest AV Wave to current Longest AV Wave
Strictly records serious symptomatic presentations of Mass Vax Covid infections.

Biggest "AV" Winter Wave of 2022 (Total AV Doses 419,878)
Ages 18-29 = 3,214 > Ages 30-49 = 19,464 > Ages 50-69 = 105,811 > Ages 70-99 = 271,963

Longest Summer Wave of 2023/24 is still rolling on...(Current AV Doses 405,179)
Ages 18-29 = 3,321 > Ages 30-39 = 21,405 > Ages 50-69 = 114,850 > Ages 70-99 = 232,929

AV data reads younger vaxed populations are increasingly suffering more each wave.

Biggest AV Wave > Longest AV wave
Victoria 123,784 (27.5%) > 128,090 (31.6%) of Oz doses (57% Overall Day 1 Dosing increase)
Qld 62,627 (15%) > 63,829 (15.75%) of Oz doses (65% Overall Day 1 Dosing increase)

Noting lower users ACT + NT marginally reduced overall Dosing from AV Wave 1 > Current Wave.

2022 Fed Health Minister Butler claims...
2022 Vic AV represents 1.8% of Vic Covid Cases
2022 Qld AV scripts represent 0.57% of Qld Covid Cases
Note Age Criteria was expanded to younger less risk to include around 50% extra availability.
However...Senior doses have gradually been scripted less as > Repeat Dosing has 6 month limit!
2024 increase % is shown but more number of younger patients are hooked than 2022.
PBAC constantly warn the Minister to cut back on younger doses = 4 months behind in responding.

Govt Ordered 1.6m Supplies ended in Feb > 1st March Pfizer now sponsor their own ongoing supplies.
Current US > Oz cost is $1,317 script Oz #1 + #2 costly PBS drugs!
All clearly see more & younger Vaxed Outpatients are hooked on Oz biggest ever drug Addiction.

So where is this headed...tbb can share where & wot the current wave data means...

Longest AV wave forecast....
* Wanes further to still record highest ever AV Wave (Best case scenario!)
* Wave ends here & records 2nd highest AV Wave (That's worse...Why?)
* Coz it means next wave Rises from highest ever point since March 2022 (Vaxer'z are Getting Sicker!)
* Fed Minister petitioned PBAC for AV Post Viral Scripts > More Costly Addiction than record Addiction!
* Consider our Aussie My Medicare record addiction is now wholly pimped by Big Pharma.

Summary : AV Data clearly shows ever younger Oz Mass Vaxed are getting sicker each wave!
Current Wave : Youth represent higher each wave across the whole dial...
Waste Water > AV - Infections > Hospitalizations > ICU > Deaths + Aged care also holds high longer!
All at between wave's point but well higher than worst of Pre Vax era..
If Experts are happy with this hot mess...good for them!
Death Rate / Day just keeps rising with Each Vax Rollout...
tbb 28 March 2024

Pretty sure The Health Minister's AV table checks is wot it is...A Health Crisis.
News : Qld Hospital Staff Outbreaks > NSW / SA want unvaxed back...cough!
Is that coz everything is under control?
Increasing o/s > Youth % in AV > Hospitals > Long Covid > Deaths...sure sounds serious!
Vic shows WW spike a few weeks back...Another Outbreak > Quick! Close up shop...Everybody Shh!

Like Clockwork exact same 2nd Week every March of 2020/21/22/23/ we pretend not to notice!
12 April 2024 Brainz : "Not seasonal at this point of time...but it will happen!" All say Aye!
9 April : #1 Responder CB : "End of April she rises up!"
12 April : Pr Esterman : "Winter Wave probably starting Now!"

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Saturday, 13 Apr 2024 at 6:34am
AlfredWallace wrote:
old-dog wrote:

This is the sort of millennial logic we have to endure on this thread.

Old-Dog. I’m with you.

I know a couple of guys, call them mates, who have spent their whole life stressing over what they regard as government or global conspiracies. I watch them , it’s hard keeping up their appearances and futile thoughts, it tires them, always having to recall on their memory to ensure they’re not repeating themselves.

Why live then ?

They trust nobody , especially scientists, medicos etc., they think they are all out to get them.

We’ve got a few conspiratorial types amongst us.

If you don’t like the system for anything , opt out. Go your own way and see how you fare.

This constant uploading, downloading of graphs and comments and YouTube clips (unsolicited publishing) relating to vaccines, climate change etc. boring as bat shit.

How about writing using your own logic, brain and intelligence instead of someone else’s biased thoughts or views. Offer up something credible instead of wheeling out the same old shit.

What’s the point to it all ?

If you want to keeping playing in your own puddles, carry on doing what you’re doing. Fair dinkum AW

I agree on the YT clips, some get all their answers there. Can’t comment without them.
Go tell Jelly Flat.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Saturday, 13 Apr 2024 at 9:17am

I’ve got some breaking news. Injecting a flu shot for years old strains will not stop you getting the flu in this current year. Thanks and good bye

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Saturday, 13 Apr 2024 at 9:20am

Any thoughts on those kids deaths in Samoa Burls?

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Saturday, 13 Apr 2024 at 9:33am

@ burls, actually they update the flu shots twice a year to include the most current strains for the coming year.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Saturday, 13 Apr 2024 at 9:33am

Any thought on the flu shot Andy?

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Saturday, 13 Apr 2024 at 9:34am
old-dog wrote:

@ burls, actually they update the flu shots twice a year to include the most current strains for the coming year.

More news from the receptionist?

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Saturday, 13 Apr 2024 at 9:40am

Is that all you've got, at least that was a sample size of tens of thousands and not ten of your imaginary friends.

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Saturday, 13 Apr 2024 at 10:37am

Flu shots don't work either

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Saturday, 13 Apr 2024 at 12:05pm

@ assspam, thanks for your professional advice, I won't get one then.
I'm starting to get robo/friartuck vibes, it couldn't be could it. Give him enough rope....

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Saturday, 13 Apr 2024 at 12:19pm

Surprised you are going to Bali old flog, if you don't get something on the plane or at airport best to stay in your hotel room, flu and covid is rampant.
You are not protected and big risk at your age.

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Saturday, 13 Apr 2024 at 12:53pm

Thanks for your concern, not counting the 70's have been 6 times since 2016, twice since covid. Never given it much thought.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Saturday, 13 Apr 2024 at 1:09pm
old-dog wrote:

Thanks for your concern, not counting the 70's have been 6 times since 2016, twice since covid. Never given it much thought.

Never be too careful. Wear a mask on the plane and two when you arrive in immigration.

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Saturday, 13 Apr 2024 at 1:27pm
old-dog wrote:

Thanks for your concern, not counting the 70's have been 6 times since 2016, twice since covid. Never given it much thought.

as if

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Saturday, 13 Apr 2024 at 1:35pm
AndyM wrote:

Any thoughts on those kids deaths in Samoa Burls?

Is this what you're referring to?

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Saturday, 13 Apr 2024 at 6:03pm

"The brunt of the Ministry’s failure was borne by two nurses who pleaded guilty to manslaughter for mixing the wrong liquid with the MMR vaccines."

So it wasn't the actual vaccine.

"The Ministry of Health reiterates that nearly 350,000 vaccinations for COVID-19 and more than 500,000 childhood vaccinations have been safely administered in Samoa since 2019."

One very unfortunate instance of negligence compared to the best part of a million successes.

You're a bed wetter, plain and simple.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Saturday, 13 Apr 2024 at 8:32pm
AndyM wrote:

"The brunt of the Ministry’s failure was borne by two nurses who pleaded guilty to manslaughter for mixing the wrong liquid with the MMR vaccines."

So it wasn't the actual vaccine.

"The Ministry of Health reiterates that nearly 350,000 vaccinations for COVID-19 and more than 500,000 childhood vaccinations have been safely administered in Samoa since 2019."

One very unfortunate instance of negligence compared to the best part of a million successes.

You're a bed wetter, plain and simple.

i can 100% guarantee that ALL those vaccinations were not administered safetly. but go on clown, you trust everything you read.

Stok's picture
Stok's picture
Stok Saturday, 13 Apr 2024 at 8:46pm

The time has well past for anyone who has sufficient self awareness, logic and even a basic understanding of how difficult it is to get and maintain appropriate accreditations to be labelled 'an expert' to step out of this thread.

Just leave it for the anti vax crew to bore themselves by sharing Malcolm Roberts posts or Zerohedge articles about shocking revelations which will change everything (except they don't).

I've gone down a bit of a dead internet theory rabbit hole of late. This thread is a perfect example.

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Saturday, 13 Apr 2024 at 9:36pm
Stok wrote:

The time has well past for anyone who has sufficient self awareness, logic and even a basic understanding of how difficult it is to get and maintain appropriate accreditations to be labelled 'an expert' to step out of this thread.

Just leave it for the anti vax crew to bore themselves by sharing Malcolm Roberts posts or Zerohedge articles about shocking revelations which will change everything (except they don't).

I've gone down a bit of a dead internet theory rabbit hole of late. This thread is a perfect example.

Fkn lol. Even after everything the calls for censorship still persist. At least you’re consistent in your anti science anti democratic position. I guess there’s that.

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Saturday, 13 Apr 2024 at 10:50pm

Think you need to look up "censorship" Bonza.
Stok was promoting opting out of this convo/thread, not that it should be shut down. Dunno where "anti science" or "anti democratic" show up in his post. That is you reading between lines to support your narrative. Let him opt out if he wants. Let him convince others to do the same. Hell, do the same yourself. Or not. His opinions and yours are both just that. Leave the over the top reactions on the shelf to collect dust. Geezus.

frog's picture
frog's picture
frog Saturday, 13 Apr 2024 at 11:45pm

Lest we forget (and repeat the madness of pursuing 100% vaccination levels through mandates and legal means)....

It is a bit tiresome going over old ground but we tend to forget how deeply disturbing aspects of covid policy and messaging became.

The radical views listed below were the real world mainstream opinion in 2022 (not a Black Mirror episode) for a vaccine that sort of worked but was known by then to be not good enough to stop people catching or passing on covid.

- Twenty-nine percent (29%) of Democratic voters would support temporarily removing parents’ custody of their children if parents refuse to take the COVID-19 vaccine.

– Nearly half (48%) of Democratic voters think federal and state governments should be able to fine or imprison individuals who publicly question the efficacy of the existing COVID-19 vaccines on social media, television, radio, or in online or digital publications.

– Forty-five percent (45%) of Democrats would favor governments requiring citizens to temporarily live in designated facilities or locations if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine.

As an aside, it is interesting how the Democrats in the survey seem to lean most towards authoratarian actions. It is not always the province of those spooky far right ideologues assumed to be lurking somewhere out there waiting to take control of us, as we are sort of taught by the many cliqued BBC political TV dramas.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 14 Apr 2024 at 3:01am

Exclusive #1 swellnet Oz Viral Season Calendar...still in the making!

Oct : Flu / RSV / Covid Flat-line.
Nov : o/s Winter Students swell ranks > Gifting Aussies new o/s Covid Variants.
Dec : o/s Covid Peaks (47%) as o's RSV rises up
Jan : Locals get infected for Oz Peak Covid Wave
Feb : o/s bring in First Flu wave peaks at (47%) as Oz prepares Jabs.
March : Lesser o's Covid Outbreak flares up like clockwork.
April : RSV peaks as Easter winter Covid Outbreak kicks in...
May : o/s offset Covid Wave peaks (30%)
June : RSV rebound Peak as Oz Winter Covid rises to Peak
July : Oz Flu Peaks + o/s 45%
Aug : Alt RSV o/s bullies 53% of Smallest Strain
Sept : Covid backwash (Correction) > All virus gears down

Hayfever ...marks & resets a new season

Globalized now open season Pandemic is blending 4 waves into 3 waves soon 2 waves.
Each Summer-Winter + Winter-Summer combos in Multicultural Societies.
Soon likely appear as 2 evenly larger base merging Waves of covid.
Then will likely merge at higher default level again with one seasonal long rise & dip.
More like RSV than Flu but more higher level thru whole year than RSV!

Mostly as People retain Natural immunity to combat Flu + RSV... big difference...
Dysregulated mRNA adaptive immunity evokes repeated mutated strains.
So we gotta live with constant more higher levels of Covid than other viruses.
Unless Govts can control Spike protein Cycle of increasingly virulent virus reinfection

This is becoming increasingly evident in AV + treatment data.
See : Vic / Qld Glowing bands of AV scripts to view Future Auto scripted Calendar.

All can see those two evenly wide banded mid-high level Vic / Qld AV Drug Dosing banners.
Fed AV data best represents [Living with Covid]...necessary expensive evil #1 + #2 drug addiction!
Think tbb is making that up...
Feel free to double check next data with same bandwidth fast filling out Middle Aged AV Dosing.
See exact same constant dosing levels by age / season regardless of Variants.
Our Mass Vaxed mutating virus is now orchestrating it's conductor...Living with Covid!
ONE OF US ONE OF US ONE OF US...everyday the exact same size dose no matter the Outbreak.
Like Robo Medicare dishing out AV formula to sprinkle over yer Weet-Bix!
Sure...spread ya toast with Paxmite!

Anyone know how to lower that High Level Covid Line & live without $1,300 Dose Drug dependency!
Reckon ya should contact the Health Minister if ya got the answer...Soon 'd be good!

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Sunday, 14 Apr 2024 at 6:45am
burleigh wrote:
AndyM wrote:

"The brunt of the Ministry’s failure was borne by two nurses who pleaded guilty to manslaughter for mixing the wrong liquid with the MMR vaccines."

So it wasn't the actual vaccine.

"The Ministry of Health reiterates that nearly 350,000 vaccinations for COVID-19 and more than 500,000 childhood vaccinations have been safely administered in Samoa since 2019."

One very unfortunate instance of negligence compared to the best part of a million successes.

You're a bed wetter, plain and simple.

i can 100% guarantee that ALL those vaccinations were not administered safetly. but go on clown, you trust everything you read.

It’s an auspicious day Burls.
It seems we both agree that there was nothing wrong with the vaccination itself.
And can we also agree that vaccinations would have most certainly saved the lives of those children?

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Sunday, 14 Apr 2024 at 7:48am
AndyM wrote:
burleigh wrote:
AndyM wrote:

"The brunt of the Ministry’s failure was borne by two nurses who pleaded guilty to manslaughter for mixing the wrong liquid with the MMR vaccines."

So it wasn't the actual vaccine.

"The Ministry of Health reiterates that nearly 350,000 vaccinations for COVID-19 and more than 500,000 childhood vaccinations have been safely administered in Samoa since 2019."

One very unfortunate instance of negligence compared to the best part of a million successes.

You're a bed wetter, plain and simple.

i can 100% guarantee that ALL those vaccinations were not administered safetly. but go on clown, you trust everything you read.

It’s an auspicious day Burls.
It seems we both agree that there was nothing wrong with the vaccination itself.
And can we also agree that vaccinations would have most certainly saved the lives of those children?

I have no idea what you’re on about babe xxx

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Sunday, 14 Apr 2024 at 8:49am

I can’t believe the collateral damage you’re willing to accept for your ideology.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Sunday, 14 Apr 2024 at 9:15am
AndyM wrote:

I can’t believe the collateral damage you’re willing to accept for your ideology.

Glad you mentioned collateral damage babe. I can think of plenty

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Sunday, 14 Apr 2024 at 9:27am

It’s ridiculous, to even consider statistical comparisons.

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Sunday, 14 Apr 2024 at 10:20am


Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Sunday, 14 Apr 2024 at 10:34am
udo wrote:

@udo , what’s happened to dr sussie ?

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Sunday, 14 Apr 2024 at 10:55am

Her and Debunk the Funk are on there Way

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Sunday, 14 Apr 2024 at 11:24am
udo wrote:

Her and Debunk the Funk are on there Way

Thought they might be . I was just reading another article of fact checking the fact checking, funny world we live in these days .

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Sunday, 14 Apr 2024 at 11:43am
poo-man's picture
poo-man's picture
poo-man Sunday, 14 Apr 2024 at 1:15pm
udo wrote:

Hey Udo, That Japan stuff is really concerning and the ongoing issue for me is the lack of data from other countries around excess death rates. Surely they have the data so why not release it? The last 12 months have seen me surrounded by cancer deaths including 4 in my industry of guys in their 40s. And just zero investigation on it all? Still nothing to see here.......good on Japan for releasing the data

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 14 Apr 2024 at 1:53pm

Latest News Title :
[ Good News for Criminals & Lawyers - Covid Vax triggers New Onset Psychosis ]
Sounds pretty Heavy...Think we're gonna need [ Disclaimers ]

* tbb is a long suffering Mental Health Outpatient (100% swear > Never went searching for this!)
* Comment is not posted to excuse current Horrific Events (Get well soon > Palestine & Sydney)
Big Pharma disclaimer below!

That must be said as comparisons can be instantly drawn.

tbb is simply reporting today's Health News drowning in a sea of Despair!
Govt race to avoid physical links & defer Covid Vax sufferers to defaulted Mental Health Units
So it's no surprise if & when Mental Health Researchers reach similar conclusion!

Study resembles recent CDC Cardiac Arrest Vax review : Long range focus zooms in on main cases.
Weeds out lesser cases to hone in on most affected new onset Psychosis cases.
"Scrutinized Diagnosed Cases" from English Text Reviews (Only)
mRNA = 33.3% > Viral Vector 25% had manic psychotic episodes
Psychotic : 95.8%
Bizarre Behaviour : 83.3%
Hallucinations : Visual 12.5% > Auditory 54.2%
Unspecified Psychosis : (Just Plain Mad) 54.2%
Manic / Psychotics : 16.7%
Suicide Attempts : 12.5%
Duration : 1-2 months 47% (Avg 52-60 days)
Treatment : 50% Recovery with Drugs
Wot about ...!
The Other 50% : "We outsmarted our Psychs! We convinced them we're not Crazy!"
These Experts : (Cast death wishes upon outcast unvaxed family for the sake of their Communities!)

Unvaxed tbb : 100% Validates this! (Big bro Death Wishes are not Cool!) Grow more BRAINZ! Yummy!

Not such Good News that our world already knew!

Yer Daily Dose of reality : [ New onset Psychosis following Covid Vax ] (Systematic Review)

Pfizer : "No causal link between our pioneering Vax Test Dummies & their mRNA Vax induced mass Genocide!"
In hindsight we thought it best to add a Disclaimer & No! For the billionth time...We're not Genocidal Manics! Cough!

frog's picture
frog's picture
frog Sunday, 14 Apr 2024 at 2:11pm
Supafreak wrote:

Some interesting views in this article.

Lots of info in that which does little to inspire confidence in effectiveness or safety. Just one simple example that looks at protection against infection:

From a study linked within this page comparing recently vaccinated (up to date) against those not so.

"COVID-19 occurred in 1475 (3%) of 48 344 employees during the 100-day study period. The cumulative incidence of COVID-19 was lower in the “not up-to-date” than the “up-to-date” state. On multivariable analysis, being “up-to-date” was not associated with lower risk of COVID-19 (HR, 1.05; 95% C.I., 0.88–1.25; P-value, 0.58). Results were very similar when those 65 years and older were only considered “up-to-date” after 2 doses of the bivalent vaccine."

"This study highlights the challenges of counting on protection from a vaccine when the effectiveness of the vaccine decreases over time as new variants emerge that are antigenically very different from those used to develop the vaccine. It also demonstrates the folly of risk classification based solely on receipt of a vaccine of questionable effectiveness while ignoring protection provided by prior infection."

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Sunday, 14 Apr 2024 at 2:35pm

@frog , what I find interesting is the Drs that were pro vaccination until they either personally had complications or noticed a jump in their patients having complications. Many of these Drs were ridiculed for their opinions and that I believe persuaded others not to speak out . The Dr patient relationship was overruled by governments who made the drs decisions for them and us . Why ? FIIK

I focus's picture
I focus's picture
I focus Sunday, 14 Apr 2024 at 3:45pm

SF I have family that work in the medical world and to hold accreditation for their field they are required to only give advice etc that's backed up by accredited science / research.

If there isn't the research around in the western hemisphere such as that Japanese paper that could well stymie them long before governments etc.

On the Japanese paper would be interesting to see if its the combination of covid and vaccines or other medications etc dare say there is more work to be done.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 14 Apr 2024 at 4:25pm

re: swellnet Vax or Not page [120] tbb Sunday 7 April 2024

Vax or Not review of...
Australian Journal of General Practice (Published by RACGP)

"Long Covid Sufferers Take Heart" by Robert Tindle
Q: Why would RACGP present a Pedigree Paper > (Warning of Covid Vax Dangers?)

Answer is simple...because it was written by fellow Qldurr Robert Tindle

Qldurrz present Emeritus Professor Robert Tindle
Director, Clinical Medical Virology Centre, University of Qld

Paper reveals ongoing Post Vax PASC / Long Covid Symptoms in uninfected Vaxerz.
This be an Official Warning from highest Authority...RACGP rolled over in their graves!

Long awaited : 'Trickle of Truth' > Peer Review

11th April / Dr John : "Trickle of Truth" (refers to Mainstream Med Authorities accepting Vax truth!)
Damage is Done : No more Vax Boosters...Enough is enough!

Vaccinated should take heart knowing near all credible Vax Reviews are declared No conflict of interest.
Should augur well for Vax damage restoration...tbb salutes ongoing work of these caring neutral Volunteers!

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Sunday, 14 Apr 2024 at 4:29pm

@Ifocus , where was the accredited science/ research for the covid vaccines ? it was an experimental vaccine that hadn’t been tested long term and was given emergency exemption with no chance of the developers being held accountable. I understand what you’re saying but the rules were thrown out the window during covid . Do you believe it was as big as an emergency for everyone as we were made to believe ? Those early images of Italy’s hospitals and people dropping dead in the streets of china had people horrified at what was coming .

I focus's picture
I focus's picture
I focus Sunday, 14 Apr 2024 at 5:08pm

SF " it was an experimental vaccine that hadn’t been tested long term and was given emergency exemption with no chance of the developers being held accountable."

Yep so real risk, the problem with the early stages of covid wasn't necessary the death rate but level of disease that clogged up hospitals and medical systems leading to further deaths from delayed treatment.
For a period there remember the ventilator shortages etc.
There was also the problems of infection controls within medical centres with corresponding death rates among medical workers and in 3rd world countries significant higher death rates (compared later to western countries) among under 65 years olds.

With this and at the time the unknown outcomes the risk was deemed acceptable along with isolation / lockdowns.

In Australia isolation certainly worked to our advance until the virus weaken.

Now in hindsight and if that Japan paper translates through to other populations (not guaranteed) then there could be a re-weighing of the overall outcome.

Personally I think it's too early to judge in the next 5 to 10 years it should be clearer.

In the meantime plenty of red meat for any side of the argument.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 14 Apr 2024 at 6:11pm

I focus

Fauci has already been Judged by the Jury , we don't need 2 wait 10 years .

So we Panicked , due a new Man Made Lung Disease , due a lack of Ventilators and U think it was fn an Advance Australia Fair and Reasonable ?

Jabbing kids was , Reasonable ?

I don't need 10 Years to Judge , if there will B any Red Meat , on the Carcass of Fauci , after the Truth Lion is finished with the little Prick !

U must have Enjoyed your Lockdown 2 ffs .

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Monday, 15 Apr 2024 at 2:02am

Mass Media Reports of Zero Deaths need addressing.
Mostly as it takes all of about 6 seconds to denounce Mass Media fake News.
Covid in Fed Govt Aged Care (Sept 2022 > April 2024) Weekly Updated Dashboard
Has never gone offline > will often delay data by 2 days up to a Week
2024 has been running bang on time each Friday > Media can print deaths by each w/e (Up 2 Date)
Click Twice...( 3 secs for Month) + (3 secs for this week)...
Can't expect Oz Expert Media Magnate Conglomeration to file a weekly death report within 3 years!
Please allow 6 years for Oz media to trip over Fed Govt weekly reported Aged Care deaths
2024 Weekly Aged Care Deaths (Only) not even including Hospital / home deaths.
Absolutely guarantee no 2024 Week/s reported Zero Deaths as ALL Oz / o's media are reporting!
# Deaths > Week > Total Deaths.......Outbreaks
23 deaths 28-4 Jan total 6,149 (413)
32 deaths 4-11 Jan total 6,181 (459)
38 deaths 11-18 Jan total 6,219 (419)
23 deaths 18-25 Jan total 6,241 (347)
15 deaths 25-1 Feb total 6,256 (287)
21 deaths 1-8 Feb total 6,276 (259)
17 deaths 8-15 Feb total 6,293 (262)
13 deaths 15-22 Feb total 6,306 (269)
14 deaths 22-29 Feb total 6,317 (253)
12 deaths 29-7 March total 6,335 (240)
13 deaths 7-14 March total 6,348 (210)
14 deaths 14-21 March total 6,362 (186)
15 deaths 21-28 March total 6,377 (194)
11 deaths 28-4 April total 6,388 (191)
10 deaths 4-11 April total 6,398 (209)
Each year's Easter Wave (Shown here as usual) Is followed by a delayed Death Spike
Are we to believe this week's 10 Deaths & Annual Easter outbreaks are a departmental error!
Just saying people...can choose to believe Weekly Fake News or review & report the Truth!

Here's the bullshit fake Govt Reporting Dash Board > often 6 weeks in arrears.
So why don't Govt or media report Aged Care deaths...Good Question!
Pages [14/15] Will get ya started...

Here's Why! (Drum Roll...Please!)
{ Vax or Not Exclusive "Official + Complete" Aged Care Testing Timeline }
April 2020-April 2023 Govt engaged Sonic Healthcare (Aged care Outbreaks Priority PCR testing)
May-Dec 2023 Govt provided "On Request" PCR Aged Care testing (Can read this far in above response)
Jan-March 2024 Govt run down & end Standard Aged Care RAT Stocks.
April-Dec 2024 ($960 / Patient Payment > Monthly to Management) Supplies all PPE.
April-June 2024 Outbreak Request for Unofficial in-house RATS only.
July onward > On notice! (Depends if Winter Outbreak pushes on longer!)

State Hospitals are mandated not to repeat any Covid tests unless [000] Emergency.
Should Home RAT tested patient die in Hospital = (Not) Officially Recorded [+] by State Health.
Meaning only Emergency PCR tested Patients can record as State / Fed Hospitalizations > Deaths...
Check contracted PCR Test periods > See orchestrated decline in officially reported hospitalizations > deaths!"
Govt ran outta money to keep PCR lab Contracts in place...
More importantly was repeated Vax infections bossing ever rising Vaxed Hospitalizations > Deaths.
Like Holy shit-storm...Shut it down! Said pull the's gonna blow! Now burn all yer Science Books!
Censor everything & recall nothin...

Only Posh / Proper Emergency [000] cases can report as patients & Officially die from Covid!
Mid 2023 Real # Considered by experts > 25x [+] 4x Hospital 3x Deaths
April 2024 would need to multiply much more even get in the ball park!

Think about it...
Govt mandated 100% Official PCR / RAT [+] testing = 100% [+] Hospital Patients > Deaths
Govt mandate Zero Testing unless [000] Emergency = 0.5% PCR [+] tested = 0.5% [+] Patient > Deaths
2024 Aussies can no longer afford to die from Covid unless it's an Emergency!

No coroner in the land will sign [+] death recorded by Patient's/Family's/ Manager's $2 [RAT]
Exactly the reason State Health mandate No repeat testing from GP / Home / Aged care unless [000].
100's of sick dying weekly from Covid but Oz can no longer afford to give a shit...Wot Covid Where!

Current 10/week in aged care deaths simply translates as 10x [000] PCR tested Aged Care Patients that died/week!.
Does not & will never again include Home / Aged care Patients dying from unofficial in-house testing!

2024 (Further Aged care Test changes)
Jan : Aged Care Staff Covid Support Pay ended (No urgent need to test!) = Less [+] Staff Cases
1st April : Aged care no longer stock RATS (Outbreak Request only) = Delayed random / less [+] cases
The only reason to Test Aged Care Resident is to score GP AV scripts or free ADF surge relief.
GP PCR scripted AV dosing leading to death would & should be recorded from home or aged care!
Repeating any Home # RAT / Telehealth GP scripted AV death would & should not be recorded!
That's the Official line...right there!

Trust this clears up why Experts/Media are too Lazy & Stupid to check readily available reports & data!
PS : Knock yerself out to read just how many lead Experts bought into these Fake News Zero deaths!
Sure! Could Name'n'Shame them all here one by one...hardly worth the space...All say Aye!

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 17 Apr 2024 at 12:31am

2024 Covid Itinerary.
Vax or Not exclusive look into Winter Outbreak

March : Sydney Pfizer (Pax/Push) 1,000 Survey : (Fed Health Minister petitions Pre/Post Pax)
(At Risk) : 1/4
Concerned about Covid : GP's 89% (vs) General Pop 67%
74% of (At Risk) do not have a Covid Plan with GP.
59% of (At Risk) Symptomatic will Test
44% of (At Risk) Will not report [+] to GP.
Reminder of Telehealth

March -
Pr Blythe : "Covid Winter Wave rises as (Mid Year) Flu / Rsv Peaks
Dr Clements : "Dual Infections as in Flu-rona!"
Both unusually stress to get all Vaxes for many outbreaks!

[April Dashboards]
JN.1 (100%) Concern Peak Inter infection Rate may then venture Intra within Hosts!
Oz cases + Vax rising + Peak JN.1 [+] = Ominous Sign (Inter > Intra mutation)
WW : nsw holding above average > Vic Climbing Fast from high level!
Aged Care Outbreaks (Slowly Climbing) + SEQ Hospital Staff Outbreaks
nsw [+] Test % > Turned & Climbing 5 > 5.4%
Oz Hospitals / States stopped falling (Orchestrated 2wk Level off...)
Past Data alignments signal another Natcab Coin-flip Pow Wow
NZ holding above average across dashboard with slight hospital rises.
WA Long Covid 20%

12 April
Pr Esterman :"Winter Wave has likely started + (o/s BA.2.87.1 has 30 Mutations > No Vax for it!)"
Fed Response / Catherine Bennett : "Outbreak numbers kick in end of April > May..."
ANU Pr Senanayake : "Big Mutation into a New Variant > Could lead to a Significant Outbreak!
..."We have effective AVs to Protect at Risk!"
19 April (Vic Report comes back online)

2024 WHO Disease X
CEPI : "World needs to get up to pace in race against new & reemerging Viruses!"
WHO : "You may even call Covid the 1st Disease X & It may happen again!"

That's a very timely eerie thing to say...

Dr McMillan cues up Disease X with Geert :
Geert : "Mass Vax GOF Hivicron will soon least resemble Wuhan Virus & present as a new Virus!"
100% JN.1 reached peak Inter-infection & will naturalize intra infection...virus lives longer within?
Does so by fooling the Host to accept it...slowly but mutates to make itself at home!
Geert Reckons that's about this June...

Will WHO repackage CEPI's mutated GOF Mass Vaxed bastard child strain as Disease X...well durr!
[51:30] Like a fly on the wall...Variations on a theme!

27th May -1st June WHO Assembly { All for Health - Health for All }
WHO mandate INB International Negotiating Body (International Law Accord)
600 Non State Actors brainwash 160 Nations
To implement...(Article 57) IHR International Health Regulation
Central Role in Mandating Pandemic Preparedness Vax for Response.

(Vaxing during outbreak drives immune escape to mutate virus for now over 4 Years)
Past Pandemics relied on natural infection to kill virus & achieve Herd Immunity much faster!
Asking why WHO is hellbent on killing off Population with Mass Vax GOF Mutated Devastation.

WHO need instant Mass crowd control solutions...quash free will & stamp out freedom of choice!
Mandate 100% response via (Left) Big Pharma Mass Vax / Missiles ( fast & effective )
New world order mandates highest order Health Accord thru whole International Govt Civics.
We know best...ONE OF US!

Media / Tobacco / Vapes / Weed / Grog / Guns bankroll Right Lobbies (Unions) to oust Left Govts
WHO Civics MUST act in Good Faith to heal right wing self medicating addicts by waiving their rights.

Not bossing Govts but shaming them to act in good faith to rubber stamp Big Pharma Contracts.
Save the gun Toting tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist & save the World!
(You did sign...You know the repercussions...All say aye!)

Docs Drawer ( Drawer Contains WHO Revised Draft for May Assembly reading )
Comes with an awkward Video [10:50] Report on Screen + overview / timelines / Votes.
More about clarity of Treaty progression

Human Rights responses to loss of rights!