The Israel Palestine problem solving thread


hyperbole? Look in the mirror bonza will ya.
Quoting the ME Institute, bahahaha, Shirley you can’t be serious?
You’ve shown your true colours now, here on end to be ignored like others here

This is the institute I was quoting.
3rd time now I have posted this now.
Your apology is accepted.

World Court to Review 57-Year Israeli Occupation
52 Countries to Take Part in Hearings on Occupied Palestinian Territory
(The Hague) – An unprecedented number of countries and international organizations are expected to participate in the International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) oral hearings on Israel’s occupation beginning February 19, 2024, Human Rights Watch said today. Fifty-two countries and three international organizations will participate in the oral proceedings, more than in any other case since the world’s highest court began functioning in 1946.
The broad participation in the hearings and the many written submissions reflect growing global momentum to address the decades-long failure to ensure respect for international law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.
“The International Court of Justice is set for the first time to broadly consider the legal consequences of Israel’s nearly six-decades-long occupation and mistreatment of the Palestinian people,” said Clive Baldwin, senior legal adviser at Human Rights Watch. “Governments that are presenting their arguments to the court should seize these landmark hearings to highlight the grave abuses Israeli authorities are committing against Palestinians, including the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution.”
The oral proceedings stem from a December 2022 request by the United Nations General Assembly for an advisory opinion by the court on the legal consequences of Israel’s policies and practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. The court has the opportunity to address the prolonged occupation, to consider Israel’s practices and policies violating international legal prohibitions against racial discrimination, including the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution, and to appraise the legal responsibilities of other countries and the UN to address violations of international law arising from the occupation.
Although ICJ advisory opinions are non-binding, they can carry great moral and legal authority and can ultimately become part of customary international law, which is legally binding on states.
These proceedings, which will last six days, are distinct from the case brought by South Africa to the same court alleging that Israel is violating the Genocide Convention amid the hostilities between Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups that escalated following the October 7, 2023, Hamas-led attacks.
The General Assembly first asked the ICJ for an advisory opinion related to the Occupied Palestinian Territory in December 2003. In July 2004, the ICJ’s advisory opinion found that the route of Israel’s separation barrier violated international law and that it should be dismantled.
The December 2022 request to the court is wider in scope. The General Assembly asked the court to give its opinion on the “legal consequences arising from the ongoing violation by Israel of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, from its prolonged occupation, settlement and annexation” of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including “its adoption of related discriminatory legislation and measures,” and on the legal consequences of the occupation and Israel’s practices for all states and the UN.
The request provides the court the opportunity to evaluate the situation two decades after its last advisory opinion on the Occupied Palestinian Territory and provide guidance on the law, including the continued application of international humanitarian law and human rights law. The court could also assess Israel’s conduct under international human rights law, including prohibitions on racial discrimination, and international criminal law, including the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution.
The ICJ adjudicates disputes between states and issues advisory opinions on international law. It lacks jurisdiction over the conduct of non-state armed groups like Hamas. The International Criminal Court (ICC), by contrast, addresses serious international crimes allegedly committed by individuals, including members of armed groups. The ICC prosecutor confirmed that since March 2021 his office has been conducting an investigation into alleged atrocity crimes committed in Gaza and the West Bank since 2014, and that the court has jurisdiction over international crimes committed by all parties in the current hostilities between Israel and Palestinian armed groups.
Human Rights Watch has documented that Israeli authorities are committing the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution against Palestinians. Given that the responsibilities of an occupying power toward the rights of the occupied population increase over time, Human Rights Watch has also called for Israel to provide Palestinians in the occupied territory with rights at least equal to those it grants its own citizens, in addition to the protections of international humanitarian law.
The ICJ is composed of 15 judges elected by the UN General Assembly and Security Council for nine-year terms. Fifty-seven states and international organizations had filed a written statement in the proceedings in July 2023, before the October escalation in hostilities. Fifteen states and international organizations filed additional written comments in October and November 2023. Among those participating in the oral proceedings are Palestine, South Africa, Belgium, Brazil, the United States, Russia, France, China, Namibia, Pakistan, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, and the African Union. Israel submitted a written statement and chose not to participate in the oral hearings.
The ICJ will issue its legal opinion at a date to be determined. Past practice suggests that the opinion will be issued before the end of 2024. 16/2/24

Brilliant @adam12
Who would argue against that.

Roadkill wrote:adam12 wrote:OK,
first up, Lil'Cowboy, Roady, apologies if I misread your post, don't think I did but apologies anyway,
.......SheeshFark you are an idiot at times…
You have asked Indo about 50 times to tell you figures that are acceptable?
Now, when it suits you cry “ is this a fucking numbers game? ” ffs clown..such a fucking crybaby hypocrite. Demand when it suits and then whinge about the same thing you demand.
Do you practice being such a fool?
Look you fucking mindless little dweeb, you get your facts straight you fucking moron.
It is Guy that asked Indo those questions, not me .
I have never asked those questions of anybody here.
Not once. Not ever.
You are just a little brain dead fucking idiot.
Get your fucking facts straight before you come at me for anything.
I've got a question for you now though.
Are you mentally retarded?
Are you high on meth?
You once confused me with andy in the comp. comments when my name and comment were on the thread just above your stupid wrong misidentification. I know you remember it
Can you fucking even read?
It was Guy that asked that question, which was a good question by the way, it was not, ever, me.
I also note your response that Palestinians are not humans and have no human rights.
What a fucking immature little cunt you are.
How old are you Roadkill?, because you come across like a mentally challenged twelve year old wanna be troll from what I can tell.
Fair warning, this is another of many times you have put words in my mouth I didn't say, and then call me a fool for something I didn't say. you are the fucking fool Roadkill.
You've just drawn a big target on yourself as far as I'm concerned, I'm going to follow you around these threads and point out what a little piece of shit you are and do my best to humiliate and belittle you at every opportunity unless you apologise and admit you are mistaken.
Last chance shithead. I can go on and on and on and on, insults, memes, videos, make you look stupid endlessly. I would prefer to use my time and energy more productively, but am quite prepared to do it.
Go back and check who asked those questions, admit your mistake, apologise and I will forgive you and put it down to "unbridled enthusiasm" and move on.
This is your opportunity, one time only.

southernraw wrote:Brilliant @adam12
Who would argue against that.
oh, I don't know @southern, I think goofy found one, someone who has "taken it upon himself to be swellnet's resident contrarian, it’s his schtick". I think adam12 warned him not to play with him once.

@Southern, thanks for your support mate. Nearly, was contemplating doing what you did the other week this arvo. Took a brand new shooter (Pyzel Phantom) out for test run at the local in onshore sea breezy conditions this arvo and sat there thinking why do I even bother with even coming here. Got so many better things to do really. But then tonight had a look and saw I'm being slandered again so guess I'll be hanging around a bit longer, and also because I hope I can add a little truth and understanding to some of the shit that gets peddled here and I also do learn things and enjoy the online interaction with guys like you. So thanks again.
Edit, you too base6, I'll find some more funk for you soon too from the vault, got a mix for getting it on with your lady friend I think you will like. Post it soon.

Albanese tries to calm as the elephant in the room Dutton and his mates at Murdock and 9 do everything to blow up and divide.

adam12 wrote:Roadkill wrote:adam12 wrote:OK,
first up, Lil'Cowboy, Roady, apologies if I misread your post, don't think I did but apologies anyway,
.......SheeshFark you are an idiot at times…
You have asked Indo about 50 times to tell you figures that are acceptable?
Now, when it suits you cry “ is this a fucking numbers game? ” ffs clown..such a fucking crybaby hypocrite. Demand when it suits and then whinge about the same thing you demand.
Do you practice being such a fool?
Look you fucking mindless little dweeb, you get your facts straight you fucking moron.
It is Guy that asked Indo those questions, not me .
I have never asked those questions of anybody here.
Not once. Not ever.
You are just a little brain dead fucking idiot.
Get your fucking facts straight before you come at me for anything.
I've got a question for you now though.
Are you mentally retarded?
Are you high on meth?
You once confused me with andy in the comp. comments when my name and comment were on the thread just above your stupid wrong misidentification. I know you remember it
Can you fucking even read?
It was Guy that asked that question, which was a good question by the way, it was not, ever, me.
I also note your response that Palestinians are not humans and have no human rights.
What a fucking immature little cunt you are.
How old are you Roadkill?, because you come across like a mentally challenged twelve year old wanna be troll from what I can tell.
Fair warning, this is another of many times you have put words in my mouth I didn't say, and then call me a fool for something I didn't say. you are the fucking fool Roadkill.
You've just drawn a big target on yourself as far as I'm concerned, I'm going to follow you around these threads and point out what a little piece of shit you are and do my best to humiliate and belittle you at every opportunity unless you apologise and admit you are mistaken.
Last chance shithead. I can go on and on and on and on, insults, memes, videos, make you look stupid endlessly. I would prefer to use my time and energy more productively, but am quite prepared to do it.
Go back and check who asked those questions, admit your mistake, apologise and I will forgive you and put it down to "unbridled enthusiasm" and move on.
This is your opportunity, one time only.
Lmao. Triggered..much.

“I also note your response that Palestinians are not humans and have no human rights.
What a fucking immature little cunt you are.”
Your question was as below and my answer is below that
“The fucken lot of you, answer this fucking question, do the Palestinians have human rights,”
Now adam, my answer was and is that the Palestinians have little to no human rights because those right have been taken away from them.
Ie, they don’t get the human rights we get.
How does that make me a fucking immature little cunt?

Are you going to apologise for your mistaken accusation or not?
"Now adam, my answer was and is that the Palestinians have little to no human rights because those right have been taken away from them. "
That was not your answer.
Your answer was simply "Nope"
It was not "Nope, because they have been taken from them", just "Nope"
You are trying to weasel out of it. Typical Roadkill.
Those rights cannot be "taken away" anyway, they have them and always do, just like the both of us and every human on Earth, they are born with them.
I don't believe that is what you meant to say or you would have expressed it like that.
But it doesn't really matter to me as far as you are concerned.
Are you going to admit it was not me that asked Indo those questions and apologise for what you posted about me or not?

adam12 wrote:@Roadkill,
Are you going to apologise for your mistaken accusation or not?
"Now adam, my answer was and is that the Palestinians have little to no human rights because those right have been taken away from them. "
That was not your answer.
Your answer was simply "Nope"
It was not "Nope, because they have been taken from them", just "Nope"
You are trying to weasel out of it. Typical Roadkill.
Those rights cannot be "taken away" anyway, they have them and always do, just like the both of us and every human on Earth, they are born with them.
I don't believe that is what you meant to say or you would have expressed it like that.
But it doesn't really matter to me as far as you are concerned.
Are you going to admit it was not me that asked Indo those questions and apologise for what you posted about me or not?
Gawd you are a precious cry baby.
They have no basic human rights because Hamas has taken them away. And that is why getting rid of Hamas is the best thing that can happen to the Palestinians in Gaza
You whine about being misquoted and are constantly misquoting me. Such a hypocrite.
Run along fool.
Btw, nope was sufficient to your question.
Yes / yeah or no / nope answered the question

bonza wrote:GuySmiley wrote:^^^
Wow holy mother of jebus wow
Such hate in someone who thinks himself as balanced“ …. Most Palestinians want Israel destroyed. They certainly don’t want a two-state solution…”.
Now if I accused Jews in such a broad brush manner you couldn’t get on here quickly enough to (rightly) condemn me.
“ … Those who blame the problems of Palestine on Israel ignore the diversion of humanitarian funds into terrorism …” likely to be true but let’s not forget the death by a thousand cuts war wagged on the Palestinians by successive Israeli governments since at least the’67 war never once missing an opportunity to use a crisis to its advantage, let’s also not forget the land theft in the West Bank.
Bonza, let’s also remember this in the current Zionist world wide PR war
I never said I was balanced and I’ve never rushed in here to condemn you. Everytime you have questioned me I have responded politely and in good faith guy. So quit the hyperbole.
That statement is based on ME institute polling which has been posted at least twice now. So I don’t make it lightly not with hate but sober analysis.
But since you asked furthermore the kids of Palestine are taught from a a very young age to hate and kill the Jews (at school at least) Jihadism and the desire for martyrdom will remain until this stops.
I listened to this podcast the other day im pretty sure it was based on that poll you posted.
Its not a podcast i normally listen too (only episode ive listened too), but i think its run by a Jewish guy, but the guy that was providing more insight has worked in various roles with Palestine authority.
It's well worth a listen as provides a lot more context and insight to the poll and how those polled would have come to those views.

So I didn't see any apology for defaming me in this public forum, accusing me of saying something I never said, then calling me a fool and other derogatory things for something you made up yourself about me, just more slurs and another ill informed and inaccurate lie about what you actually said about Palestinian human rights.
Fine, good luck with that. We'll see how I respond.
If you were a man and not a child like excuse for one you would have done the honorable thing and owned up, simply said sorry I made a mistake, and I would have accepted that, perhaps even wished you well and moved on. You didn't and couldn't so don't be surprised if I react towards you even more unpleasantly in the future.
Call it "triggered", "whiny" accuse me of misquoting you when I used, as I always do, the exact words you said, go for it.
When someone asks you "Do Palestinians have human rights?" and your reply is "Nope", I can't really see how it can be taken any other way other than they don't.
To later try and back track and say "I meant this" and try to excuse the obvious meaning with inaccurate, inconclusive detail or context you didn't provide reaffirms my position that you are another bullshitting immature weak little pissant like your mate Indo that gets off on dehumanising innocent victims of genocide from the comfort of a keyboard.
For your information and understanding, human rights are universal, they cannot be "taken away" by Hamas or Israel or any Government or Country or Court or anybody. It is simply not possible.
They can be denied or flouted or ignored or trampled on, but they can never be taken away. Yours included, though from what you have come here and said repeatedly, you are a poor excuse for a human yourself as I see it.
Israel has been doing the things I mentioned above to the human rights of Palestinians for decades, prior to Oct 7 and since. The reason why groups like Hamas, or Islamic Jihad or the Muslim Brotherhood or the PLO exist is a direct result of this. There is no excuse for their crimes either, but there is a reason, which I have pointed out to you above.
The reason why the countries I am about to list are about to send legal teams to each make submissions, individually, to the World Court in a few days time seeking an advisory finding and orders that will become Customary International Law and binding on Israel, that the Palestinians have had their human rights denied by Israel for a very long period of time and continue to be is because human rights, as I said, are universal and cannot be taken away and need to be respected and adhered to no matter who that human is, where they were born, what religion they are, what Hamas or anyone else has done, and so on.
You should note these countries are from all the four corners of the globe, every continent (except ours, but that is another story), democracies, dictatorships, communist, capitalist, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Petro States, Narco States, the whole gamut. The world has had enough of the Zionist bullshit and the actions of Israel and it's treatment of Palestinians, the current extermination of them has at least achieved that. You should probably get better informed yourself and get on the right side of history and stop making a fool of yourself, something I might be aiding you in achieving in the future, we will see, it's actually a bit too easy for me in my opinion, you do a pretty good job of it on your own so may not bother, but we'll see.
Here is the list of countries that disagree with you and understand what human rights actually are, for your undeveloped education, they are not making their case as a group, but individually on the illegality of Israels occupation, practices and policies in relation to the human and other rights of Palestinians.
In order of submissions, Sth. Africa, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Netherlands, Bangladesh, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Comoros, Cuba, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, United States of America, Russian Federation, France, Gambia, Guyana, Hungary, China, Iran, Iraq, Iceland, japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mauritius, Namibia, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Indonesia, Qatar, United Kingdom, Slovenia, Sudan, Switzerland, Syria, Tunisia, Turkiye, Zambia, Spain, Fiji, Maldives. Other non State organisations will also be making submissions.
More States are expected to join, hopefully including Australia, in coming days.
Some of these countries are bitter enemies, some even in hot and cold wars, but all are sending legal teams to make submissions for orders protecting and reaffirming the human and other legal rights of Palestinians, and I'll give you a tip simpleton, they won't be saying those rights have and are being denied by Hamas like you pathetically are.
Grow up, and I look forward to our future interactions here, not sure you should be though.

@Indo, still waiting for your response to the questions I asked you. You asked one of me, I attempted to answer it but had difficulty in understanding what you asked me, asked you to ask it again reworded, and am happy to re respond if you do.
Now to save you going back I will ask you again.
Do Palestinians have Human Rights?
Do Palestinians have the right of self determination?
Does Palestine have the right to Statehood?
Do Palestinians have the right to resist, including armed resistance, the illegal occupation of their territories?
I have more for you too, but would just like a response on those initially.
So over to you.

Interesting poll only based on 800 Israel's but still, goes to show how strongly people feel
Surprisingly there is a couple families with Hostages that dint even want

Double post

adam12 wrote:@Roadkill,
So I didn't see any apology for defaming me in this public forum, accusing me of saying something I never said, then calling me a fool and other derogatory things for something you made up yourself about me, just more slurs and another ill informed and inaccurate lie about what you actually said about Palestinian human rights.
Fine, good luck with that. We'll see how I respond.If you were a man and not a child like excuse for one you would have done the honorable thing and owned up, simply said sorry I made a mistake, and I would have accepted that, perhaps even wished you well and moved on. You didn't and couldn't so don't be surprised if I react towards you even more unpleasantly in the future.
Call it "triggered", "whiny" accuse me of misquoting you when I used, as I always do, the exact words you said, go for it.
When someone asks you "Do Palestinians have human rights?" and your reply is "Nope", I can't really see how it can be taken any other way other than they don't.
To later try and back track and say "I meant this" and try to excuse the obvious meaning with inaccurate, inconclusive detail or context you didn't provide reaffirms my position that you are another bullshitting immature weak little pissant like your mate Indo that gets off on dehumanising innocent victims of genocide from the comfort of a keyboard.For your information and understanding, human rights are universal, they cannot be "taken away" by Hamas or Israel or any Government or Country or Court or anybody. It is simply not possible.
They can be denied or flouted or ignored or trampled on, but they can never be taken away. Yours included, though from what you have come here and said repeatedly, you are a poor excuse for a human yourself as I see it.
Israel has been doing the things I mentioned above to the human rights of Palestinians for decades, prior to Oct 7 and since. The reason why groups like Hamas, or Islamic Jihad or the Muslim Brotherhood or the PLO exist is a direct result of this. There is no excuse for their crimes either, but there is a reason, which I have pointed out to you above.The reason why the countries I am about to list are about to send legal teams to each make submissions, individually, to the World Court in a few days time seeking an advisory finding and orders that will become Customary International Law and binding on Israel, that the Palestinians have had their human rights denied by Israel for a very long period of time and continue to be is because human rights, as I said, are universal and cannot be taken away and need to be respected and adhered to no matter who that human is, where they were born, what religion they are, what Hamas or anyone else has done, and so on.
You should note these countries are from all the four corners of the globe, every continent (except ours, but that is another story), democracies, dictatorships, communist, capitalist, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Petro States, Narco States, the whole gamut. The world has had enough of the Zionist bullshit and the actions of Israel and it's treatment of Palestinians, the current extermination of them has at least achieved that. You should probably get better informed yourself and get on the right side of history and stop making a fool of yourself, something I might be aiding you in achieving in the future, we will see, it's actually a bit too easy for me in my opinion, you do a pretty good job of it on your own so may not bother, but we'll see.
Here is the list of countries that disagree with you and understand what human rights actually are, for your undeveloped education, they are not making their case as a group, but individually on the illegality of Israels occupation, practices and policies in relation to the human and other rights of Palestinians.In order of submissions, Sth. Africa, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Netherlands, Bangladesh, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Comoros, Cuba, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, United States of America, Russian Federation, France, Gambia, Guyana, Hungary, China, Iran, Iraq, Iceland, japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mauritius, Namibia, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Indonesia, Qatar, United Kingdom, Slovenia, Sudan, Switzerland, Syria, Tunisia, Turkiye, Zambia, Spain, Fiji, Maldives. Other non State organisations will also be making submissions.
More States are expected to join, hopefully including Australia, in coming days.Some of these countries are bitter enemies, some even in hot and cold wars, but all are sending legal teams to make submissions for orders protecting and reaffirming the human and other legal rights of Palestinians, and I'll give you a tip simpleton, they won't be saying those rights have and are being denied by Hamas like you pathetically are.
Grow up, and I look forward to our future interactions here, not sure you should be though.
“Here is the list of countries that disagree with you and understand what human rights actually are”
Including Sth. Africa, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Russian Federation, China, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkiye
Deserving of honourable mention as countries that understand what human rights actually are according to Adam12. Saudi Arabia, Russia, China, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait.

@Roadkill, I get the point you are making, but we are not discussing those problems or crimes in those countries and nor are the World Court, who have given them all standing to make submissions regarding Palestine, not me that has done it but the World Court, the most senior State and International legal body on the planet. I don't see what that has to do with me or my opinions, maybe contact them with your little diversion and see how you get on.
But keep trying to divert attention from your own fuckwittery here, maybe make up something else I didn't say and call me a fool etc.
Those States aren't the ones who occupy Palestine in contravention of the law, those States aren't the one's killing and displacing Palestinians and that is what the case is about.
Something I left out in my post,(including Ireland which I missed somehow) is that Israel is not even bothering to send lawyers this time, like they did in the separate matter under the Genocide Convention, just sending a written submission, because they know already that they are going to lose, that they have been contravening International Law since 1948, they have already said, or Bibi has, that they will ignore any findings made by the Court which is to be expected of them. But history will not be able to ignore it, nor International Law, and nor will Netanyahu and others when, I predict with a degree of confidence, circumstances politically change for them and they find themselves fronting the ICC on personal criminal charges for war crimes and crimes against humanity, and spend their remaining days locked up in the Hague, maybe even handed over to that Court by their own people.
Whether Putin or any other of the leaders of the countries you mention end up the same way is a separate matter, not relevant to this one. But nice little diversion, points for trying and coming up with it, but a fail nevertheless.
PS. You still should be apologising to me, not coming up with more bullshit, but you do you.

gsco mkII wrote:adam12 wrote:Those religions all coexisted in these lands prior to 1948.
No they didn't. It's one of the biggest fallacies being thrown around.
ive seen this said here a few times here, but just couldn't bothered calling it out.
It's hard to get your head around the complex history of the land, but even just having a basic knowledge I know that this isn't true, because ive heard and read about all these different historic incidents like Jewisish village's being destroyed through many different centuries and even massacres before 1948.
People that throw this narrative around at least need to go back further than 1920 and British mandate era as killing's and massacres are well documented during that era
And during the late 1800 era when Jews started buying back large areas of land there was said to friction, especially when much of the land Jews bought back was owned by rich arabs who owned it but lived in places like Turkey, the poorer local Arabs that had moved in to farm and leased the land once bought by the Jews often got kicked off the land. (which as new owners they had every right too do)
Before that the Jews and Christians had become such minority groups, Arab muslims and Druze basically just wore them down, like most history it's rarely the minority group that records history but the one that dominates so yeah from their point of view everything was fine and dandy.
BTW. Many people dont know this but its documented that Jews even returned to Israel is some smaller groups of hundreds to at least up to a thousand through various movements or from persecution in the countries they seeked refugee as far back as the 1600-1700 era i dont expect they were greeted with wide arms by arabs when they returned, there is even documentation of Jewish villages being attacked destroyed as far back as 1600 era

adam12 wrote:@Indo, still waiting for your response to the questions I asked you. You asked one of me, I attempted to answer it but had difficulty in understanding what you asked me, asked you to ask it again reworded, and am happy to re respond if you do.
Now to save you going back I will ask you again.
Do Palestinians have Human Rights?
Do Palestinians have the right of self determination?
Does Palestine have the right to Statehood?
Do Palestinians have the right to resist, including armed resistance, the illegal occupation of their territories?
I have more for you too, but would just like a response on those initially.
So over to you.
My question was a very straight forward one.
If the Jews had been able to stay the majority in Israel (which would have included the West Bank) through all the changes of power and Israel and it's people had survived to this day.
Do you think the surrounding Arab/Muslim countries would live in peace with them or would they still have great friction with them?
And if you somehow try to claim that the surrounding arab/muslim countries would live in peace with them, how did you come to that conclusion?
I mean even the shia's and sunni countries want cant live in peace with each other and Christianity was once the main religion of the middle east.

Dear adam12
I am sorry for misquoting you

OK, this is going to be my last comment on this thread. I have stated my opinion and tried to back it up with the law and have too many other good things to do with my life than to keep getting bogged down here.
Stu appears to have nixed it from the homepage and I couldn't find it yesterday and was prepared to walk away then, I think Roady and I are both to blame for that, me because I called Roady a cnt, and Roady picked out that quote from half way down my post and the word ended up on the homepage all day yesterday and I don't really blame Stu (or you Roady) for deciding he's had enough, feel the same myself. There's enough shit in the world atm and abuse and arguing and really don't want to see it spread here, a surfing website, but I am just as much responsible for that as anyone so I'll put my hand up there.
I only found it again because I was sitting in front of my PC and the thought occurred to me to google it and found it that way but the time has come for me to let sleeping dogs lie and move on.
My last response to you two is to thank you Roady for that apology, I threw a bit of a hissy fit on you for that but am glad you did that and will look upon you favorably in future because you did.
Indo, we've butted heads a long time here on various things and I have said some nasty, even personal things to you at times. I am not perfect and apologise now to you for that. There are some things I actually admire in you, tenacity being one but we are different humans and there will never be a resolution to much we disagree on so I walk away now and only thank you for fighting a good fight and wish you well.
In answer to that question which I now understand I would only say that Israels problems would diminish, not disappear, but reduce to perhaps a tolerable level if they would just behave like a proper State and abide by International Law, something they place themselves outside of, something they have even publicly declared again in just these last 48 hours and, as I have always said I believe they will not find peace or a liveable form of it until they respect that law and grant self determination and Statehood to Palestine.
But it's all moot to me now. There is fuck all I can do about any of it anyway, including by me coming here, and my energy is needed elsewhere in my life so I've retired from this debate for good.
Dunno if I can say it's been good, some of it has been funny, but much has just pissed me off too much and my goal in life for a long time has been just to have fun, something I am good at. I don't think I've really had an argument or fight, words or fists, in real life for, fuck, in a couple of decades probably. The only real beefs I've had have probably been here and a few, quite a few, have involved you two and that's fucking stupid to me when I stop and think about it.
Maybe one day I can run into you guys in the water and share some good waves, have a good laugh together over all this shit we've been carrying on with, probably more chance of me doing that at Burleigh with you Roady, heading up that way some time later this year, than the Island, as much as I love and have had many good days and sessions there in my time, I fucken hate that drive and prefer to just hang and hunt my own neck of the woods these days but you never know what the future holds and who you run into, a great thing about what we all love doing.
So onwards and upwards boys, it's been...something. All the best the both of you and hope when and if we meet again on these threads all this shit is forgotten, and we can talk or even argue about something way less depressing.
mahalo the both of you

I do like that side of you that after a kind of battle, you can put things aside i think that's a good character trait to have, i think its important that just because we or people here share big difference's in political or social views that it doesn't mean's we need to see each others as enemies or something, end of the day there is many things we share in common like the love of the ocean and surfing.
For me this is my political/.social outlet but if I met you in Indo or something and we were on a boat trip or surf camp/losmen id have little interest in debating things and surprisingly im more a listener than a talker.
Anyway im happy to answer those questions, but if i do now im going to ruin the vibe and no way you will be able to resist replying to my answers.
So happy to answer them when the vibe is not so peaceful again :D
BTW. Im kinda happy to see this topic in the back room, less action in this thread back here means less temptation to reply, id rather stick to updates and interesting aspects rather than get caught up in back and forth's and abuse, but yeah its not easy sometimes. .
Anyway enjoy your week, looks like we are getting a nice late summer run of offshores and hot weather.
This is depressing reading.

Got that goofyfoot...just checking the detail...
So Israel boss US to bully the world into banning protected UN Trucked in Aid...
So now we gotta Drop US Aid nice'n'slow from the Air to give Israel more time to line up more open targets!
"Be like 'nother Drop at Midday...All Good...In our Sights...Can drop the Aid 54321...Bang on Target!"
Israel : "Hurrah! Hurrah!...Love the Smell of these nice'n'easy US Aid Drops!"
Can't make up this diabolical dead end to our World...Poor bastards gotta get shot dying for Aid!
Devil says don't look at me : "This be some new kinda pure evil!"
Whatever Overlords please have Mercy on all our souls!
We want no more of that!

thanks for the update TBB.
(what's the theory on all the impassioned posters shaking-hands and walking away a mere 12 hours after this thread became back-page? Fascinating silence. Even after goofy tested the dead air. Indicative of something very interesting, no doubt)

Very interesting yes haha ;)
- here is an insight into the bigger truths taking over
@ 3 mins in onwards ;);)
- facts

basesix wrote:thanks for the update TBB.
(what's the theory on all the impassioned posters shaking-hands and walking away a mere 12 hours after this thread became back-page? Fascinating silence. Even after goofy tested the dead air. Indicative of something very interesting, no doubt)
It's not an update it's pure misinformation.
Israel has not tried to stop aid or bully USA in stopping aid (a ridiculous suggestion)
About 100 to 200 trucks bring in aid to Gaza everyday, but yes they do need to be checked and there has been all sorts of issues, Hamas stealing aid, riots over aid and getting aid down north isnt easy logistically.
Here's an article from today on it all
Really there should be a third party like UN troops that oversea security of aid to stop Hamas getting it or ensure not riots etc, it shouldn't be Israel's job.
There has been many air drops of aid from different countries over the last few months, it's been said the USA aid drop is more a publicly thing i guess to appear that they are doing something for political reason's, even though in reality they are providing far more aid via trucks, but it makes a good news story.
On your other question, i guess we kind of had a ceasefire it's been a few months and is draining, and there hasn't been any really huge news of late, just temporary ceasefire talks going back and forth for hostages on one week off the next, more leaders killed, more major tunnels found and destroyed, IDF are yet to go into Rafah.
Ramadan is coming next week, so going to be interesting to see if Hamas gets a last big spur of rocket fire, or maybe IDF will go harder, or to keep the world half happy maybe they will wait until after Ramadan to go into Rafah....i guess we wait and see.


From Land, Sea, Air Israeli Army kill a World of Innocents simply aiding others.
As said ALL Gaza Air Drops are coordinated by Israeli Army...nuthin suss!
20 years > 13,000 (500-700yr) Palestinian Kids are abducted by Israelis.
59% Abducted at night for suspicion of Planning attacks
Most common charge Throwing Stones = 20 years imprisonment
97% interrogated with no family / Lawyer & trialled by sham Military tribunal 95% Conviction rate.
Where 86% beaten > 69% strip searched > 42% injured
Further extreme Torture > Kicks in the face > Punched, slapped & bashed with guns > broken Kidneys-Leg bones + Shootings + Blind Folded > Metal Batons > Electric Shocks > Starvation > Just a few drops of water - Dehydration - Pleas for water met with Rifle Butts > # Numbered on flesh > Humiliated > Cuffs-Cutting-bleeding-Swelling hands > A few scraps of bread, Shit'n'Sit naked on hard rice Grains cutting thru bodies > Water Tortured -Sleep deprivation > Made to listen to fellow grisly Torturous Deaths
Then the female Soldiers come in & spit on them...(Yes! Sadly...Kids'n'all!)
Of Recent prisoner negotiations > 300 Palestinian Women & Children 80% were not charged
Overwhelming majority are Abducted & held 6 months > Indefinitely (No charges or trial)
7 Oct : Hamas massacre results in 695 Israelis among 1,309 dead > Hamas take 248 Hostages
First hostages released were condemned by own people after sharing they were treated well!
Healthcare with Doctors treating their wounds + Medicines also Shared same meals as captors
29th Nov : More Israeli Hostages released also Giggling, Hugging captors, waving & blowing kisses!
Multiple Israeli hostages repeat they were treated with respect, gentleness, kindness & well fed!
Nice Clean Toilets + Women's Toiletries.
Some families dispute this Hamas Vacation :
Forced to watch Hamas Vid on Plastic Chairs, Toilet Queue, Got Lice or 1 slice bread / day!
Repressed memory of Sexual Abuse...
Expert Israeli Alarming Psych [Factcheck Diagnosis] : Mass Hypnosis > Mass Psychological Torture.
100's Reported this crap as Expert Gospel Truth...Dr No Underground Torture Mazes.
Above World VIP Dumbarses...well durr! (We're so Fuckin' white we are! So fuckin' smart!)
Doped out Mental outpatient tbb will prescribe Israeli Psychs : A dose of their own reality!
Meaning Israeli Quacks know better & are once again Lying to the World to fool dumbarse VIPs.
The truth you seek lies somewhere in between...much more common explanation!
(Tunnel Rat Syndrome or Lack of Light!)
Ketamine for (Seasonal Affective Disorder) or (SAD) + Gaza's #1 EL Cheapo Anesthesia Drug
Side Effect : People Wake Screaming as if they're being tortured!
Benzos (#1 Drug = 55.8% use) for Claustrophobia in Tunnels
Combo = Depression Drug Mix balances each other out...'Uncomfortably Numb' = (Love these Guys)
Tunnel Mob were fed a Chill Pill Combo of Special K + Benzos to ward off Scary Monsters in cupboards.
25th Oct : Israeli Slaughtering of innocent Palestinian Civilians surpasses entire Ukraine Civilian deaths.
17th Feb :
*Israeli Gunboats open fire on small local Fishing boats
*Israeli Tanks advance & Troops open fire upon Kidz accessing Flour from Aid Truck (1dead 10 injured)
Israelis Launch Airstrikes on Palestinian Aid delivery Flour Massacre #101
Large number of Artillery shells > (30min intense shelling > lasting 2hrs)
Red tracer Rounds light up ground to the Sky
More than 118 innocents massacred over (760 injured -142 with (Multiple) gunshot wounds)
Reported Globally + Verified by UN ...
Israelis : "We admit to firing a few warning shots directly at them > possibly poppin' off a few...
B&W Silent Drone Judge : "Was selfless fleeing Palestinian stampede that ruined our day at the beach!"
All say Aye! ( Say wot! )
5th March Updates:
* 94 Journalists killed
* 136 UN Aid workers Killed
* Vast Majority (68%) of 30,228 Killed Palestinians are Women & Children
* Note all remaining (32%) Palestinian Male deaths are classed Combatants by default
* 90% slaughtered by Israelis are considered innocent Civilians.
* (over 10,000) Palestinian Kidz killed + 70,000 injured + 10,000 buried under rubble
* 110,000 casualties
Aussie Doctors Lucy & Safiyyah report :
* Banned Entry of Critical Medical Supplies
* Ban Insulin Pens for Kidz
* 600 attacks on Health Facilities
* 300 (Update 364) Health Care Workers Killed
* More Gaza Kids killed in 1st week than 1st Year in Ukraine
*More Gaza Kidz killed in 3 weeks than past 4 years of Global Conflict
(3rd Nov Israeli Airstrike kills at least 10 cemetery workers in Graveyard)
200 Schools / Unis bombed
By 20th October > Over 20 Bloodlines wiped from existence (All surnames struck off Register)
By 11th Nov > Digging graves by hands
UN & nearly every Nation label it a Massacre and Genocide & call for an End.
Israel's defence : "Not fair! We've slaughtered innocents stretching over 42 Countries with 100 missing".
Let's all be clear about that...If not Genocide then the beginning of the end of the world!
Fine! Lets call the Whole Thing Off!

@ Guy
Hamas attacked Israel on the 7th October to catch them at their weakest when distracted it was a Jewish holiday and the Jewish celebration called Shemini Atzeret
It was very smart by Hamas and Israel need to do the same, maybe ease off on the fighting for now let Hamas fighters get into a pattern of fasting for a week to ten days and a false sense of security, then hit them harder than ever from the ground, while the hamas fighters will still eat early and late their bodies will still be weak and many minds elsewhere.
Israel need to take advantage of this period, problem is the next stage of the war is Rafa and i dont think Israel would have the balls to move people during Ramadan, i expect they will be predictable and wait until after Ramadan which would be a strategic mistake, don't let them do their thing and then fight, interrupt their religious celebration and make them fight when they dont want too.
This is a religious war, its why Hamas attacked on a Jewish celebration/holiday and called the 7th October attack "Operation Al-Aqsa Flood" and why polls of Palestines show the main concern and motivation is about the Al-Aqsa mosque (temple mount)
No that’s not what happened
Figures on aid.
So yeah it is Hamas’s fault.
UNRWA is in league with Hamas
Thats been very clear.

Still trying to put lipstick on a pig are you bonza?

lol - weren't you ignoring me? interesting you used the word "pig". bit of a pattern with you guy...
are you as tactless in real life as you are on here?


bonza wrote:lol - weren't you ignoring me? interesting you used the word "pig". bit of a pattern with you guy...
are you as tactless in real life as you are on here?
..... or to use another non-Jewish referenced but old saying "You can't make a silk purse out a sow's ear" bonza

bonza wrote:lol - weren't you ignoring me? interesting you used the word "pig". bit of a pattern with you guy...
are you as tactless in real life as you are on here?
..... or to use another non-Jewish referenced but old saying "You can't make a silk purse out a sow's ear" bonza

- ooooops ;)

Seems confirmed now that they have taken out Marwan Issa the third highest/most wanted Hamas leader in Gaza.

- hmmmmm

- thine masters of massacre calleth thee to board thy fantasy train ;)
Toot Toot!


Been 10 days no one replys to the old JF lol time to give it away.

Haha who cares ;)
- that's about your tenth reply to stuff in forums where you aren't actually involved or being addressed at all, but you just pipe in with another stupid comment not related to the topic at all.
You got nothing to add, the 'replies' of gashcam are nothing but echo chamber dribble
- crawl back into ya hole ya lobotomized head up arse nobody ;)


Go away no one want to or has the time to watch all your stupid TB videos

Haha ;)
- lighten up u miserable good for nothing knobhead ;);)
Thanks for admitting you are no one.
- you can put ya head back up yo arse now no one ;)
Because the world would be a better place if leaders only listened to Swellnet commenters, we've created a forum that makes it easy for them to gather our thoughts.
Today's shit talk is tomorrow's policy.