Australia - you're standing in it

Oz Day. Whatever your take on it is, try and follow the advice of this fella.

etarip wrote:Oz Day. Whatever your take on it is, try and follow the advice of this fella.
Too right, a message for the ages. Cheers.

etarip wrote:Oz Day. Whatever your take on it is, try and follow the advice of this fella.
Yep... he nailed it.

etarip wrote:Oz Day. Whatever your take on it is, try and follow the advice of this fella.
Great stuff @etarip.

etarip wrote:Oz Day. Whatever your take on it is, try and follow the advice of this fella.

It should go without saying but that was a nice reminder.
Just glad the holiday season is finishing up.
I've had enough of the hordes.
Fire when ready Huey.

His music is pretty good too.

Economist Steven Hamilton said the image showed “Australian policy failure in one picture”.

^^ old news @sypkan, that @baba colourful character posted on 22/8/24 but I guess that’s the vague nature of X …. Repost it today to make it look current news
I case you’re wondering, I’m just up for a pee having sweltered yesterday arvo / early evening with no power/ air con and I over drank the water by a couple of litres!!

Coutuning here instead of in USA thread
GuySmiley wrote:^^ apologies @info, I’m blaming the power outage we had yesterday afternoon and early evening right on height of the heat, no air con and nothing cold in the fridge, over drank the water hence I’m posting here at 2am with a bladder needing emptying … again!!
Optimist wrote:Funny to think your sweating your guts out due the Dan Andrews energy plan….ha ha ……
But….you just keep pushing these legends of infrastructure planning……
PS….don't buy ice cream……
No new's stories yet on google to why the power went out, but gee's its becoming quite a regular thing in Victoria
What really sucks is when it happens even if you get an SMS you really dont know how long it will be, it could be hours or days.
Im now starting to feel the effect of ditching gas (was bottled so costly) probably wont be as bad once we get solar panel's
But you quite literally need to be like a prepper in Victoria and be ready for the worst case scenario.
A BBQ and a full gas bottle at all times is a must for any Victorian household without a gas cooker, luckily i even have an on demand camping gas shower with another swap and go gas bottle on stand by.
But every time the power goes out the missus starts wanting me to to go to bunnings to buy a generator and i kind of think she is right but then i picture myself driving half an hour to bunnings only to find they are sold out from the mad panic.
I think im just going to have to bite the bullet and buy a generator and have it and some fuel on stand or at least look into buying a decent sized camping solar panel, so at least we have some way to recharge phones etc
Because one thing for certain this situation in Victoria is going to get worst before it gets better, and im having trouble seeing how it's ever going to get better or if it ever does it's going to be a long time away.
What is scary is if it was just an ageing coal power station not keeping up with a very hot day's energy demand, then why isn't the shitload of solar and wind we already have able to fill that gap on a hot sunny day with wind?

power went out here for 6 hours yesterday.
fucking loved it. haha, agree about the prepper thing @indo,
I can't remember, water runs in a blackout doesn't it? On mains?
(I'm on tanks and bore, so have to have a variety of buckets laying about for end-times).
@Opti inspired me to get a Splice out of the freezer for brekky this morning, it was fine.

We must be a marginal swinging electorate or something, power was fine yesterday. Got hot with a recorded 40 on the deck. Great waves early and thunderheads in the sky with lightning which kept it cool to start the day.
Indo I've thought much the same re BBQ, generators, gas bottle stoves etc. We have 5kw Solar but when grid goes down it goes off, I wonder if there's a switch an electrician can fit that gives you power from your solar in the day when this happens? Or might need battery setup, which is next on list. No biggie on the heat as our place has high ceilings and so doesn't get too hot on even the hottest days (not like WA hot), and if worst comes to worst lying on the tiles cools you down well. 1st world problems, or is that the 2nd or 3rd world for electricity in Vic?

sypkan wrote:Economist Steven Hamilton said the image showed “Australian policy failure in one picture”.
I'll have 6 grilled scollops, a packet of winnie blue substitute, and a home osteo thanks.

Geez, talking about over cookin an issue there @info, we had massive electrical storms here on the MP leading up to the outage, it seems god had a good deal of smiting to do, probably targeting the last of the holidaymakers from Melbourne!!

Well there has been a bit of holiday kleptomania with moved shopping trolleys and kerbside collection items...

A basic deep cycle battery ….a 3000watt inverter like in a motor home…a little digital century charger….kept under the kitchen counter or in the shed and plug your fridge etc into it when the power goes out….about $800 the lot.
Cheap back up power system until the power comes on again.
No soggy ice cream…..very important.

Great stuff Opti, you're a legend on inexpensive living, have kept all the house posts!

So, battery already charged, attach inverter to battery, and fridge plug into inverter.
Just remember to keep battery charged I guess.

^ tots your superpower/divinegift/passioninterest or whatever @Opti.
if you have @vj's respect, you are doing fine.. I can't remember, I suggested The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind to you, about the time I endured an episode of some well-made christian fantasy tv.. maybe The Chosen? did you get a chance to watch the film in the trailer below, @Opti?
anyhoo.. seek the Boy Who Harnessed the Wind. It ain't Forrest Gump, but it is much, much better.

Same theme B6, some epic stuff here:
could be used in Australia, all Australian landscapes are man made to paraphrase Dr Tim...

sypkan wrote:Economist Steven Hamilton said the image showed “Australian policy failure in one picture”.
Taxation can be a form of revenue raising or a deterrent.
In the case of tobacco it's both.
The adverse health effects of tobacco are well documented and treatment of all the medical issues caused by it can be expensive and a drain on the taxpayer.
A substantial amount of the funds raised therefore go towards health services treating the addicts but a part is also directed at quit campaigns.
It stands to reason if you can get the tobacco addicts "clean" again, we'll al be better off , health wise and financially.
But as a reformed smoker of a 30 a day habit I'm probably the last person you should ask. (Been off the things for 40 years, you could buy a house with what I've saved!)
As for ripping off the system, fraudulent claims are seen as a national sport, but in reality you are only stealing from other taxpayers.
My solution to that is, anyone guilty of defrauding the taxpayer is automatically disqualified from any government service or benefit for life. No pension, no medicare, no PBS, etc.
That should fix it.

VJ’s food forest video was amazing and yes…it could transform inner Australia into a new shady paradise with new populations living there on super cheap land.
Not only that, more trees create more rainfall and in doing so allow land to flourish even further and drought proof the country.
We in Australia also have a lot of sewer waste water which could be pumped along the rail corridors into dry country for treatment and food production…..
Free water and lots of it…..possibilities endless ….better there than our beaches and rivers.

Good solution there Saltydog, that would be incentive. Not sure if the treatment I'm on has been moved from LSDP to NDIS, but it is a concern if some people rort it so hard that everyone who really does need, and is fortunate enough to get, life changing help gets in trouble when the rorters start a backlash.
Opti, Peter Andrews did a great book 'back from the brink' in which he detailed how to make farms full of water and life, it's superb. Similar theory to this, trap the water in the land and watch life explode. More trees = more transpiration = more rain.

how do you go with fiction @VJ?
ever read Kim Stanley Robinson's mars books?

Not only rainfall - humans can make soil fertility, these guys are geniuses:

No base6, worth a read? Was rewatching Dune last week, first time I've seen the 2 films back to back. Have read books 1-3 and then it gets a bit random. John Carter was cool, an adaption of Edgar Rice Burroughs story? I'm a bit of a snob when it comes to fiction, prefer the greats, eg Steinbeck, Conrad, RL Stevenson, even Halldor Laxness' 'Independent People'. The kids got right into a whole heap of sci fi fiction books - I'm usually not reading too much fiction these days, have my head in history/archaeology books.
Here's some sci-fi in real time, they will launch Artemis II (human crew around the moon) before April 2026:
Artemis III is crewed mission to moon, setting up a 'space station' of sorts in it's orbit, using Elon's starships to land/takeoff... then Mars! There's no words to say how exciting this is, always wondered why they never went back after achieving it just before I was born.
Will have a look for those books.

jeez, do look for them @VJ.. if you enjoy Frank Herbert slow burns and big pictures, you'll love them. I have a few copies of the three books (compulsive $1 book buyer, me, even if I have them), i'll post to you if you wanna chuck up a contact and then delete it..

(edit: found better link)

For the near future, here's a great outline of how the Mars missions will be done:

cheers, @VJ,
you'll love (and have struggles with aspects of) the engineering and logistics concepts in the mars trilogy.
..though the best thing in the KSRobinson series to my mind is the social stuff, like when the native-born 7' martians (kids of the first 100 settlers) violently insurrect, and want to stop the colonisers destroying the ancient geology of their home planet and stop further immigration to mars.

velocityjohnno wrote:Good solution there Saltydog, that would be incentive. Not sure if the treatment I'm on has been moved from LSDP to NDIS, but it is a concern if some people rort it so hard that everyone who really does need, and is fortunate enough to get, life changing help gets in trouble when the rorters start a backlash.
Opti, Peter Andrews did a great book 'back from the brink' in which he detailed how to make farms full of water and life, it's superb. Similar theory to this, trap the water in the land and watch life explode. More trees = more transpiration = more rain.
Hi vj & Opti.
There have been attempts to cultivate the north of Australia. Refer to the Ord River Scheme and Lake Argyle.
Unfortunately they have had extremely limited success for a variety of reasons.
There is plenty of water available for irrigation but it would appear local conditions, wildlife and soil which cannot be improved are the limiting factors.

Basesix, …just watched “the boy who harnessed the wind”….while hiding from the heat outside.
What an amazing kid and a great story.
I felt for him coming against much adversity myself on many projects.
Perhaps Dutton and other windmill non believers should watch it too.
Personally I think they are awesome and a big chunk of the solution…..
I think the solution as usual lies somewhere in the balanced middle if only Govts of all persuasions could get along for our sakes….
Energy is plentiful….bio fuels and gases to power cars and electricity….not even on the table…….from no one ….anywhere….you can make fuel from algae slime….that eats CO2…..sigh…
“From what great height do our leaders fall…
We build them up…we make them tall…
We choose ..we vote..we say O.K….
But they’re all too often led astray..
Where are the men who’ll do the job…
Who’ll satisfy a hopeful mob…
Of plain old aussies that hope and pray..
That honest men will rise someday…
And lead us forward…and do their best…
To feather ours…the peoples nest.”

oh, mate, nice one. the kinda budget and storytelling a good film should be about, to my mind. You should start a thread with building/around-the-home/infrastructure cheats/shortcuts/economies, or start some convos in @AW's Building Surf thread. hungry but tentative audience..
If we're going to be jabbed in the shoulder for not having more vaginas, may as well embrace the "men's shed of surfing" compliment (@flow - Rip Curl Pro: day 2, Thursday, 28 Mar 2024 at 7:10pm). I did a bit of painting and repair over xmas, might join you, just not very good on the photos thing

Neale Daniher , what an absolute legend. Amazing what he’s been able to accomplish when some would roll over and die . Very deserving winner of Australian of the year .
?si=87a3k9ZYVTACQFBU ?si=cdtIjUW7Z6Qoprx-

unreal @Supa, what a legend..
this bloke stuck out to me, watching the Aussie day acknowledgements
fooks alordy, less than $300 and you've given some kid years of dignity..
like a fred hollows arrangement to get people up and about

Supafreak wrote:Neale Daniher , what an absolute legend. Amazing what he’s been able to accomplish when some would roll over and die . Very deserving winner of Australian of the year .
So true @Suprafreak, I have been an admirer of Neil and his true grit character since that game he kicked 3 deep in the last quarter against Carlton to win the game - the man is a true legend

A Salty Dog wrote:As for ripping off the system, fraudulent claims are seen as a national sport, but in reality you are only stealing from other taxpayers.
I think it was an international sport back in the 80's Salty. From memory the Bob Hawke Surf Team played a lot of aggro matches in the J-Bay arena!!

I guess the main point about the tobacco tax is you can only tax the fuck out of something as a deterrent until it becomes counterproductive
like when something becomes so expensive that crime gangs are fire bombing each other because the market is so lucrative... you've probably found that point...
when that product is tobacco, you're well into weird land
the simple economics are nutso, when I was a teenager and not smoking, but smoking, a packet of smokes was about $2 - $4 dollars and an ounce of weed about $150
fast forward 30 years, and a packet of smokes is close to $50, and an ounce of weed $200...
someone make that make sense
no wonder the crime gangs are onto it...
hence policy failure
the ndis thing is ridiculous, brushing it off as that's just sport is foolish
there are major issues labor has failed to address
the $$$ is outrageous
and, it's not just about the $$$...

the great outdoors/beer/woke/national parks kerfuffle:

Damn that woke mind virus ^^

The govt ARE the drug dealers with that ciggy tax….drug dealers use people’s addictions for gain.
The NDIS has programs for mental health people ……who have mental health problems from meth……
And the reason you should not drink great northern beer….is because it tastes shit.

Great Northern tastes like shit, is full of preservatives and is guaranteed to give me a headache after one stubbie

GuySmiley wrote:Great Northern tastes like shit, is full of preservatives and is guaranteed to give me a headache after one stubbie
I concur with Optimist and GuySmiley. Ventured into town of that coastal desert on the only two flat days in three weeks.
Fortunately, Carlton Draught flowed from a tap. As you know, surfing day after day is thirsty work. The publican had to change barrels whilst we were enjoying the interior pleasures of a pub on a highway in a hot place.
In the interim we were given a pint of Great Northern to tie us over as we waited for the rekegging of gods golden liquid.
Absolutely tasted like beer that had been stored for years.
At this point we’d become surrogate locals at the pub so we offered our opinions without fear or favour. The locals said you’re joking, can’t find a better beer than GN, I said, yeah, I can find plenty.
Not to encourage drink driving, but I must say, some of the drives back to camp were very humorous and interesting to say the least. All a bit of fun. AW

Looks like Guy and I both agree on an important issue for once.
So many good beers around and many on tap too.
This is worth a look, if only politicians could read….
Look Up…….microalgae as a sustainable feedstock for biodiesel and other production industries.: prospects and challenges.
That should get you to the right spot for a good data chew.
The things you can make from carbon munching algae.
We are a backward lot.

you would be surprised @optimist how much we do agree on, anyway, hey @AW, my neck-oil of choice is custom brewed down at Airleys Inlet on the GOR, Salt Lager is a mighty fine drop!!

Optimist wrote:Looks like Guy and I both agree on an important issue for once.
So many good beers around and many on tap too.
This is worth a look, if only politicians could read….
Look Up…….microalgae as a sustainable feedstock for biodiesel and other production industries.: prospects and challenges.
That should get you to the right spot for a good data chew.
The things you can make from carbon munching algae.
We are a backward lot.
Historically slow on the uptake that’s for sure.
( Hey Opti) I mostly rode my 6’6” rounded pin Eric twinnie whilst away, first time in mostly lefts, it’s one of the finest boards I’ve ever ridden. Get one under ya feet. AW

GuySmiley wrote:you would be surprised @optimist how much we do agree on, anyway, hey @AW, my neck-oil of choice is custom brewed down at Airleys Inlet on the GOR, Salt Lager is a mighty fine drop!!
GuySmiley. I’ve had it, you’re very correct. AW
The "I can't believe it's not politics" thread.