The United States(!) of A

indo-dreaming wrote:Roadkill wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Ive been watching Trump talk live on a variety of issues, it's like chalk and cheese compared to Biden, he is pretty switched on over a variety of issues.
I think a lot of people really underestimate him and im sure people will mock me for even saying that, but look where he is, no way anyone would have predicted him being president again four years ago.
No body but Trump would even try to run to be president again, anyone in the same situation would think there was no chance and not even try.
Biden was past his use by date in the end, caught up to him. Ended up a mumbling forgetful old man.
Indo, what issues is he switched on about? I have watched him quite a few times and just see the usual talk and nothing but his interpretation of issues.
I watched him at the LA fires visit and he does seem to carry himself better in these situations than previously. Sometimes he isn’t so full of bs and settles down to be less show off. He will do some good this term no doubt but he will also fuck up a lot of stuff.
Looking at the video again this morning it seems it's one of those videos that must have been live but is now just archived but still appears as its live, and seems to go around in a loop, but you cant choose where you want to come in or play back too etc, weird and the headline on the video is misleading barely a mention of that issue.
It seems to be a press conference, but one where they actually let him talk but still gets asked occasional question's, and he just seems so relaxed and actually answers the question's with quite good answers and examples etc, none of this avoiding the questions you see 99% of politician's do and far less over the top hyperbole than normal for Trump, i like this side of Trump and found it a good listen.
But yeah we are both coming in from totally different perspective's, im coming in from one of wanting to see Trump in a positive light for the future , while you are coming in from the opposite.
It's like checking the surf, you can look at it and say, yeah theres a few guys out, but it looks fun and should get better with the tide, lets get out there, or you can say its crowded and the sea breeze is probably going to come in soon, maybe tomorrow.
2 things.
1.You didn’t answer the question.
Indo, what issues is he switched on about? I am genuinely interested because I have yet to find anything that shows Trump being switched on in regards to issues. Nothing shows a deep educated understanding of anything as far as I can tell.
2. “ But yeah we are both coming in from totally different perspective's, im coming in from one of wanting to see Trump in a positive light for the future , while you are coming in from the opposite.”
100% wrong. Anyone with any intelligence wants Trump to succeed. What he does impacts all of us, irrespective of some who can’t quite grasp this and wish to remain in isolated ignorance :)
I don’t know where I have ever indicated I want Trump to fail? I think he will fail but that is because he has no interest in doing the right thing but will happily run a transactional office. It’s just the way it is.

It's a bit like seeing 2 foot slop and thinking its pumping.

"Trump: I was talking to people from Austria, people from Finland and people who live in forests. One of the gentlemen, one of the great leaders of Austria says we don't have forest fires, we have trees that are more flammable than in California but they literally rake their forests, if it trickles down they take it down. They say you have 18 months and after that it is a matchstick. I know some environmental groups like the trees to melt into the ground but when they do they become an inferno. You have to change your ways."
Yep, he was giving great answers and making sense.
A bit like your good self does here @Indo
The "thinking about Trump is like checking the surf" analogy was a cracker!
On another topic, I'm surprised these threads haven't been full of you gushing praise on Dutton for appointing your racist man crush Jacinta Price as the Elon Musk efficiency and waste cutting czar in his Shadow cabinet reshuffle.
You're getting slack there cowboy.
Lift your game.

adam12 wrote:"Trump: I was talking to people from Austria, people from Finland and people who live in forests. One of the gentlemen, one of the great leaders of Austria says we don't have forest fires, we have trees that are more flammable than in California but they literally rake their forests, if it trickles down they take it down. They say you have 18 months and after that it is a matchstick. I know some environmental groups like the trees to melt into the ground but when they do they become an inferno. You have to change your ways."
Yep, he was giving great answers and making sense.
A bit like your good self does here @Indo
The "thinking about Trump is like checking the surf" analogy was a cracker!On another topic, I'm surprised these threads haven't been full of you gushing praise on Dutton for appointing your racist man crush Jacinta Price as the Elon Musk efficiency and waste cutting czar in his Shadow cabinet reshuffle.
You're getting slack there cowboy.
Lift your game.
Adam12. Hi mate.
Well how fucking stupid must people be in Finland and Austria to allow their forests to be raked. Total violation of natural systems, ultimately affecting humans, dumb as dog shit stuff, It’s not a lounge room or kitchen in ya house for fuck sakes.
Euros are obsessed with cleanliness and tidiness, I had 30 years of it, did my head in. AW

adam12 wrote:"Trump: I was talking to people from Austria, people from Finland and people who live in forests. One of the gentlemen, one of the great leaders of Austria says we don't have forest fires
Oct 2021: "A wildfire in Lower Austria has grown to become the largest in recorded history of the country."
"It has been extremely dry in the country, especially in Lower Austria. The last time it was this dry was 35 years ago, in September and October of 1986."

All your Greenland are belong to us

Roadkill wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Roadkill wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Ive been watching Trump talk live on a variety of issues, it's like chalk and cheese compared to Biden, he is pretty switched on over a variety of issues.
I think a lot of people really underestimate him and im sure people will mock me for even saying that, but look where he is, no way anyone would have predicted him being president again four years ago.
No body but Trump would even try to run to be president again, anyone in the same situation would think there was no chance and not even try.
Biden was past his use by date in the end, caught up to him. Ended up a mumbling forgetful old man.
Indo, what issues is he switched on about? I have watched him quite a few times and just see the usual talk and nothing but his interpretation of issues.
I watched him at the LA fires visit and he does seem to carry himself better in these situations than previously. Sometimes he isn’t so full of bs and settles down to be less show off. He will do some good this term no doubt but he will also fuck up a lot of stuff.
Looking at the video again this morning it seems it's one of those videos that must have been live but is now just archived but still appears as its live, and seems to go around in a loop, but you cant choose where you want to come in or play back too etc, weird and the headline on the video is misleading barely a mention of that issue.
It seems to be a press conference, but one where they actually let him talk but still gets asked occasional question's, and he just seems so relaxed and actually answers the question's with quite good answers and examples etc, none of this avoiding the questions you see 99% of politician's do and far less over the top hyperbole than normal for Trump, i like this side of Trump and found it a good listen.
But yeah we are both coming in from totally different perspective's, im coming in from one of wanting to see Trump in a positive light for the future , while you are coming in from the opposite.
It's like checking the surf, you can look at it and say, yeah theres a few guys out, but it looks fun and should get better with the tide, lets get out there, or you can say its crowded and the sea breeze is probably going to come in soon, maybe tomorrow.
2 things.
1.You didn’t answer the question.Indo, what issues is he switched on about? I am genuinely interested because I have yet to find anything that shows Trump being switched on in regards to issues. Nothing shows a deep educated understanding of anything as far as I can tell.
2. “ But yeah we are both coming in from totally different perspective's, im coming in from one of wanting to see Trump in a positive light for the future , while you are coming in from the opposite.”
100% wrong. Anyone with any intelligence wants Trump to succeed. What he does impacts all of us, irrespective of some who can’t quite grasp this and wish to remain in isolated ignorance :)
I don’t know where I have ever indicated I want Trump to fail? I think he will fail but that is because he has no interest in doing the right thing but will happily run a transactional office. It’s just the way it is.
Watch the video he answers questions about a whole range of issues, just off the top of my head Panama, Middle east, Ukraine, Canada, he makes some really great points and obviously has knowledge and understanding of these issues.
While with Biden i didn't see this, i didn't even hear clear answers from Biden, just typical politician talk of talking around issues and often no clear position's.
BTW I said its about perspective, what one see's as success or failure isnt what another see's as success or failure.
Some like yourself will never be happy or think Trump has achieved anything, while im seeing positives already, success IMHO isn't always just about an end result, but about a change in position, approach, rhetoric etc
BTW. If you want to see how subjective these thing's are, just look at how quickly hamas and the people in Gaza swapped their narrative from genocide to suddenly claiming they had won a war.

Guess Trump cannot complain if China claim Taiwan.
USA, home the the hypocritical....

@ misinfo” BTW. If you want to see how subjective these thing's are, just look at how quickly hamas and the people in Gaza swapped their narrative from genocide to suddenly claiming they had won a war.”
That’s because they haven’t gone away ( Hamas) Isreal was forced to negotiate when it didn’t want to. And most of the world has realised the settler colonial project is a complete lie with genocidal intent.
You don’t have this perspective because you believe the lie and it would seem you’re quite islamaphobic,

soggydog wrote:@ misinfo” BTW. If you want to see how subjective these thing's are, just look at how quickly hamas and the people in Gaza swapped their narrative from genocide to suddenly claiming they had won a war.”
That’s because they haven’t gone away ( Hamas) Isreal was forced to negotiate when it didn’t want to. And most of the world has realised the settler colonial project is a complete lie with genocidal intent.
You don’t have this perspective because you believe the lie and it would seem you’re quite islamaphobic,
Firstly it's a ceasefire it's not the end of the war, stage two is negations to end the war, we will wait and see how that pans out, but i cant see an agreement ever coming into effect, some media today are already saying technically Hamas have broken the ceasfire agreement by not sticking to agreed deal in who they were suppose to release yesterday.
Basically any side could restart the war after stage one claiming agreements had been broken.
Secondly they achieved none of their objectives, if this is a win, god you would hate to see what a loss is, i guess even death to them though is not a loss because they think they are going to some after life complete with 72 virgins. (not sure what the women that get to heaven get?)
A phobia is an irrational fear of something, its not irrational to fear islamist or jihadist, it's why things like security checks on airlines all around the world were ramped up after 9/11 and we still even have restrictions on things like liquids.
And yes correct "the settler colonial project is a complete lie" it's an oxymoron, the oldest surviving indigenous group(the Jewish people) and the only group today(along with Samaritan's) that use an indigenous language and indigenous religion can not be a colonist or a settler especially in the land they are named after (Judea)

bit mean @indo, suggesting Israelites are Skhul/Qafzeh cave-dwellers.

basesix wrote:bit mean @indo, suggesting Israelites are Skhul/Qafzeh cave-dwellers.
Skhul and Qafzeh hominins groups or other indigenous groups like Canaanites no longer exists as a people or culture, even Israelites/hebrews as a people or culture no longer exist they developed into Jews and Samaritans going from worshiping many gods to one.
Jews and Samaritan's are the oldest surviving indigenous groups predating the newly created Palestinian's by thousand's of years whom are a group that have never had their own language or religion, instead adopting Arabic and Islam brought in during the 7th century.

^^ is that @ainfo or plan speakin @info speaking? Haha

@ misinfo” i guess even death to them though is not a loss because they think they are going to some after life complete with 72 virgins. (not sure what the women that get to heaven get?)”
It’s because they’re fighting for their homeland. The Israeli’s have falsely labeled it a religious war to manufacture the consent of soft minded/blood thirsty individuals such as yourself.
40 decapitated babies - lies
Systematic rape. - lies
Hannibal directive. - true
Land without a people - lie
Desert waste land. - lie
October 7 Israeli victims killed by their own armed forces. -true
Israel denounced by Jewish rabbis and scholars - true
Israel exerts undue influence globally- true
Israel could never conduct this war without its parasitic relationship to the U.S. - true
Israelis protest their “ religious rites” to rape prisoners. -true
Anti Zionism is anti semitism- lie.
IDF soldiers kill lots of children- true
IDF soldiers regularly post thier war crimes to social media. -true
IDF destroys civilian infrastructure( bombs schools and hospitals)- true
IDF engages in terrorist activities to terrorise civilian populations- true
IDF supports settler terrorist activities and land theft in the West Bank- true.
Indo talks a lot of bullshit to justify killing people in a land he has no connection to - true
Terrified Phillip islander of Dutch descent Thinks Zionists are wicked but thinks indigenous Australians, the oldest existing culture that have survived colonial genocide are pre disposed to violence for no particular extenuating circumstances.-true
IDF and arms manufacturers use Gaza as a testing range to sell weapons to the rest of the world- true.
Lives on Phillip Island, is scared of Muslims. True
Fails to recognise that maybe some resistance fighting globally is a reaction Western Hegemony and resource theft. historical and present.. - true
And that’s just off the top of my head.
Looking forward to your Hasbara manuscript @ misinfo.

OMG how much mis information can you fit into one post?
You are a true chicken for KFC completely brain dead and completely WILLFULY ignorant and uneducated

indo-dreaming wrote:OMG how much mis information can you fit into one post?
You are a true chicken for KFC completely brain dead and completely WILLFULY ignorant and uneducated
Agree Indo. What a fool

indo-dreaming wrote:OMG how much mis information can you fit into one post?
We’ve all read you posts, quite a bit it would seem.

burleigh wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:OMG how much mis information can you fit into one post?
You are a true chicken for KFC completely brain dead and completely WILLFULY ignorant and uneducated
Agree Indo. What a fool
Wants to protect kids from dangerous heavy metals coming out of vaccines, doesn’t want children protected from heavy metals coming out of firearms.
Good job Burls

1987 tbb toured Austria for a good month and neighbouring Italy for a few days.
Had the freedom to choose Why!
Austria was the tidiest most welcoming country tbb has ever visited & Italy was rudest & filthiest.
tbb returned to Australia after a few months in Europe and felt sick...
Looking at how filthy we Aussies are...wanted to go back and live in Austria.
It was the Austrians that inspired tbb to clean his own town for 6 wks each season...
Top to bottom every single scrap of tissue or gum wrap...tbb will clear it...
Back in Autumn 1987 tbb couldn't believe what he saw...
Always on the lookout for [ Zimmer Frei ] Roadside Signs [ Room Vacant ]
Began to notice the locals...even the elderly...raking & tidying the roadside verge?
If tbb ever saw a Coke can then it was in a hand being picked up...
Whole nation was as pretty as picture...a breathtaking Postcard on each corner no matter where!
Returned to Oz as a more caring nature loving civic minded person.
So why were / are Austrians #1 tidy people vs us filthy Lazy polluting Italians & Aussies.
Well it took a little while...some 5-10 years on for tbb to work it out...
Paid attention to news of Austria in this regard...
Early 1990's Austria stepped up their War on Waste...
So why does Austria lead the Circular Waste Economy...
Like why they gotta drink their own wee & eat their own poo on Farms...
All while Oz & Italy simply flush our wee & shit out to sea...simple as can be.
tbb soon found that this Question would need to answer itself...
Firstly....Take the time to have a slighter more detailed look at the Map of the World.
Ask yerself this one simple question...
Where can Aussies & Italians (Illegally' dump their shit)
Answer! Anywhere they please & FU.
Now ask where can Austria (Legally dump their shit)...Nowhere!
But Why?
Coz it's 100% landlocked / self contained.
Austria is #1 Landlocked Nation by 8 downstream neighbours but has Zero Ocean outfall...
Sure...But No, but Yeah but No but...Oh I see...Yeah! But a big NO but...Huh!
Larger China / Russia / Brazil / Congo / Germany share more borders but abuse the same ocean tip.
Austrian's birthrite to clean up after themselves comes second nature or risk starting another war!
They reshape mass natural gravitational forces away from flushing out their City / Town waste...
8 Neighbours don't want Austria's Waste naturally flowing thru their lands out thru 'Their Seas'.
So Austria has no choice but to suck it go against the Natural flow of the World...
Can ya imagine being born into a world of reverse flow obligation...Free will & spirit is broken.
tbb salutes any world that must wrangle makeshift survival against all odds, cost and Hostility.
Way of the World...not all are born as free as Australians to live the life we please.
Some are born with no natural freedom > They face drowning from their own disease!
Just saying that ya don't hear Austrian's bitch about it...they make do & lead by example!
They inspire this Aussie enough to defend their weird ways...please know they have no choice!
Happy [Made in China Day] Mind the Privilege's showing!

Deportations news, they are getting the criminals (already convicted ones)
Apparently using military aircraft to repatriate (that was said in comments, can't confirm as yet)

soggydog wrote:@ misinfo” i guess even death to them though is not a loss because they think they are going to some after life complete with 72 virgins. (not sure what the women that get to heaven get?)”
It’s because they’re fighting for their homeland. The Israeli’s have falsely labeled it a religious war to manufacture the consent of soft minded/blood thirsty individuals such as yourself.
40 decapitated babies - lies
Systematic rape. - lies
Hannibal directive. - true
Land without a people - lie
Desert waste land. - lie
October 7 Israeli victims killed by their own armed forces. -true
Israel denounced by Jewish rabbis and scholars - true
Israel exerts undue influence globally- true
Israel could never conduct this war without its parasitic relationship to the U.S. - true
Israelis protest their “ religious rites” to rape prisoners. -true
Anti Zionism is anti semitism- lie.
IDF soldiers kill lots of children- true
IDF soldiers regularly post thier war crimes to social media. -true
IDF destroys civilian infrastructure( bombs schools and hospitals)- true
IDF engages in terrorist activities to terrorise civilian populations- true
IDF supports settler terrorist activities and land theft in the West Bank- true.
Indo talks a lot of bullshit to justify killing people in a land he has no connection to - true
Terrified Phillip islander of Dutch descent Thinks Zionists are wicked but thinks indigenous Australians, the oldest existing culture that have survived colonial genocide are pre disposed to violence for no particular extenuating circumstances.-true
IDF and arms manufacturers use Gaza as a testing range to sell weapons to the rest of the world- true.Lives on Phillip Island, is scared of Muslims. True
Fails to recognise that maybe some resistance fighting globally is a reaction Western Hegemony and resource theft. historical and present.. - true
And that’s just off the top of my head.
Looking forward to your Hasbara manuscript @ misinfo.
Nailed it SD....

andy-mac wrote:Guess Trump cannot complain if China claim Taiwan.
USA, home the the hypocritical....
Yes, following this logic China is more than allowed to claim Taiwan.

Trump has halted all foreign aid…thus an opportunity for the Chinese.
Direct diplomatic funding and soft diplomacy funding works…remove it and others will fill the vacuum.
Another reason to know he has little understanding of diplomacy.

soggydog wrote:burleigh wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:OMG how much mis information can you fit into one post?
You are a true chicken for KFC completely brain dead and completely WILLFULY ignorant and uneducated
Agree Indo. What a fool
Wants to protect kids from dangerous heavy metals coming out of vaccines, doesn’t want children protected from heavy metals coming out of firearms.
Good job Burls
Hamas propaganda machine in full effect inside soggydogs brain. You don't know shit about the conflict, neither do I. We both only know what we're fed and it's lies lies lies from both parties.

Roadkill wrote:Trump has halted all foreign aid…thus an opportunity for the Chinese.
Direct diplomatic funding and soft diplomacy funding works…remove it and others will fill the vacuum.
Another reason to know he has little understanding of diplomacy.
^^ very true

Roadkill wrote:Trump has halted all foreign aid…thus an opportunity for the Chinese.
Direct diplomatic funding and soft diplomacy funding works…remove it and others will fill the vacuum.
Another reason to know he has little understanding of diplomacy.
Yes, a terrible populist move. I read somewhere that the total amount is about $68b USD. I’m not sure how accurate that number is but regardless, it’s peanuts for a country like the US. Yes they are number 1 in contributions and you need to audit it but there is zero need to pause the exisiting arrangements.

Roadkill wrote:Trump has halted all foreign aid…thus an opportunity for the Chinese.
Direct diplomatic funding and soft diplomacy funding works…remove it and others will fill the vacuum.
Another reason to know he has little understanding of diplomacy.
Love it how you think trump wouldn’t have a plan

indo-dreaming wrote:soggydog wrote:@ misinfo” BTW. If you want to see how subjective these thing's are, just look at how quickly hamas and the people in Gaza swapped their narrative from genocide to suddenly claiming they had won a war.”
That’s because they haven’t gone away ( Hamas) Isreal was forced to negotiate when it didn’t want to. And most of the world has realised the settler colonial project is a complete lie with genocidal intent.
You don’t have this perspective because you believe the lie and it would seem you’re quite islamaphobic,
Firstly it's a ceasefire it's not the end of the war, stage two is negations to end the war, we will wait and see how that pans out,r (Judea)
"negations to end the war'.
A Freudian slip if ever there was one. ;-)

burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:Trump has halted all foreign aid…thus an opportunity for the Chinese.
Direct diplomatic funding and soft diplomacy funding works…remove it and others will fill the vacuum.
Another reason to know he has little understanding of diplomacy.
Love it how you think trump wouldn’t have a plan
Twumpys plan is to assess what the USA needs, its USA first!!!!
Cut the expenditure and develop the revenue.
It's a BIZness plan....this time around he has his first term experience to go off, it's not learning as he goes like first time.He did a reasonable job then, but this time he has to clean up a lot more mess the halfwit wokey jokeys left him.

southernraw wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Firstly it's a ceasefire it's not the end of the war, stage two is negations to end the war, we will wait and see how that pans out,r (Judea)
"negations to end the war'.
A Freudian slip if ever there was one. ;-)
The guy who has difficulty spelling and constructing a sentence that’s not cut and paste or algorithm influenced AI also whacks this up.
@misinfo. “ completely brain dead and completely WILLFULY ignorant and uneducated”
Fee free TAFE courses coming up @misinfo. Adult literacy, couldn’t hurt.

quadzilla wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:Trump has halted all foreign aid…thus an opportunity for the Chinese.
Direct diplomatic funding and soft diplomacy funding works…remove it and others will fill the vacuum.
Another reason to know he has little understanding of diplomacy.
Love it how you think trump wouldn’t have a plan
Twumpys plan is to assess what the USA needs, its USA first!!!!
Cut the expenditure and develop the revenue.
It's a BIZness plan....this time around he has his first term experience to go off, it's not learning as he goes like first time.He did a reasonable job then, but this time he has to clean up a lot more mess the halfwit wokey jokeys left him.
100% plus its more of a freeze for 90 days to re look at things.
Imagine how much aid is getting wasted or even going into the wrong hands.
Great example is UNRWA where links to Hamas and other terrorist groups have been shown on a number of occasions , thankfully Trump has already cut them off again.

West Palm Beach another one arrested for wanting Trump Dead.
Lives just around the corner from Trump...(Nice Neighbourhood!)
(Eve) Inauguration Day of Mourning
Shannon Aged 46 :
[f] "America needs one good bullet to be saved!"
X "I've been banned from X because I said I hope and pray someone kills him!"
"History is supposed to repeat itself. We haven't had an assassination in years!"
"Bullets please. Please Jesus! Save America!"
[Meme of Late Wife] "I hope they get back together soon!"
Shannon Atkins was pulled over with Just 3 bags of Coke! Arrested...
A second 23 y/o man from Indiana named Douglas Thrams
TikTok (This arrest is interesting)
Due to the TikTok Blackout (All recall that!) Yep!
25th Jan Says he made a series of TikTok Vids this week...presuming 19th on = Outage!
"Urging a series of Attacks on the Govt!"
Dougie's Vidz said : "Trump needed to be killed & This time don't miss!"
Said Ma...think that Kill Trump Vid Series may have stopped the TikTok Time Bomb from ticking.
John Boy : Took a lickin' but kept on Tickin'
Like what if the Vidz were embedded well enough it required Shuttin' down the Vid Service...Huh!

And the two big Trump news stories for today are:
"Trump orders sanctions after Colombia refused to accept deportation flights
In short:
Donald Trump says he has ordered emergency tariffs on goods and an immediate travel ban on Colombian officials after the country rejected two flights carrying migrants repatriated from America.
The US president said Colombia had "jeopardised" national security in the US by refusing to accept repatriation flights."
"Trump raises plan to 'just clean out' Gaza, clears shipment of 2000 pound bombs for Israel
US President Donald Trump floated a plan Saturday to "just clean out" Gaza, and said he wants Egypt and Jordan to take Palestinians from the territory in a bid to create Middle East peace."

Denmark’s and Mexicans female leaders,
stand up to Trumps authoritarianism,
as Trump demands Denmark hand over Greenland ,
And Mexico denies landing and fly overs of US undocumented immigrants repatriation flights
US immigrant

It’s started…labour shortages in multiple states. Citrus, nuts and meat processors are unable to have full production running as the workers are not turning up due to fear of being sent deported. Next up will be old aged homes and care facilities…so no bums will be wiped for old Americans as young Americans won’t do the work.
Crops will start rotting on tress and in fields. Making America Rot Again.
Another well thought out Bizness plan apparently.

A week after his inauguration ,
Trump has America alone, detested and despised ,
What a plan .

They're welcome to it ...

Hedges was warning of this nearly 20 years ago.
Its getting closer... cannot see how liberal states will accept it, so could get ugly.
As I mentioned glibly in another post, USA heading towards a combination of Handsmaid Tale and Civil War....

Roadkill wrote:It’s started…labour shortages in multiple states. Citrus, nuts and meat processors are unable to have full production running as the workers are not turning up due to fear of being sent deported. Next up will be old aged homes and care facilities…so no bums will be wiped for old Americans as young Americans won’t do the work.
Crops will start rotting on tress and in fields. Making America Rot Again.
Another well thought out Bizness plan apparently.
Got any proof?

Hedges book reminds us of
“The dangers, liberal democratic societies face, when they tolerate the intolerant “
The intolerant being Donald Trump.

andy-mac wrote:Hedges was warning of this nearly 20 years ago.
Its getting closer... cannot see how liberal states will accept it, so could get ugly.As I mentioned glibly in another post, USA heading towards a combination of Handsmaid Tale and Civil War....
Wokesters vs MAGA
Or critical thinkers vs dumb dumbs?

southernraw wrote:andy-mac wrote:Hedges was warning of this nearly 20 years ago.
Its getting closer... cannot see how liberal states will accept it, so could get ugly.As I mentioned glibly in another post, USA heading towards a combination of Handsmaid Tale and Civil War....
Wokesters vs MAGA
Or critical thinkers vs dumb dumbs?
C'mon Southern, there are unlimited examples of the wokesters not thinking critically. A prime example is the LGTBQ+ brigade chanting free Palestine. Yet if they were in Gaza they would be slaughtered.

Trump now owns Colombia. What fools to try and 1 up him. He will ruin them

90,000 new IRS staff... could be going to the border?!

Trump's appointed Judge Cannon dismissed his Toilet Scrolls also presides over alleged Assassination.
tbb said to watch Dem's Last roll of the dice...
Justice Dept requested an 11th hour report ongoing Judicial appeal into if charges can be reinstated.
Judge Cannon's goons were blocking report until they could bury it after inauguration.
Public Defenders motioned Trump's crumpet rescue herself from hacking thru the Mar-a-lago Rough.
Rep re : Biden's { Last Licks } Read about Cannon's icky sticky hot mess here...
Only part of why tbb brings up Trump's Surrogates stoking Trump's 'alleged' 2nd Assassination.
Dems bankrolled Public Defenders to remove Cannon & validate exposing a HI-rise of Trump Docs.
Recall Exhibit A Hit Price Letter being penned by any Brain Fogged octopus but Routh's hand...
tbb shared several examples of Routh's handwriting, never remotely resembling bizarre random script.
Bizarre in the fact several letters are written in untold different format & none matched Routh's style.
Also that none can claim that letter of hidden 2nd page involves Routh nor has he ever laid eyes on it...
Nor will any release famous itinerary...seemingly as it would expose the above lettering anomaly!
It's clear this won't stand up in court...hand writing expert would bin this in 5 mins...
Local prosecutors needed to Trump up solid Life long deny rights & shut this down.
Enter Trump surrogate 2 Ashley Moody (Sorry...that's the term...Ok!)
Check this...
Routh is charged with Attempted Felony Murder of a 6 y/o girl...
(What really happened)
Lady driver admitted to trooper that she was looking for water bottle when driving...
She rear ended the car in front causing a pile up! The girl was in one of them cars behind blinded Lady.
Several miles from where Routh was arrested but domestically terrifying for Trump...make it stick!
Alleged Assassin now faces a serious Life Sentence for some lady Drinking water while driving blind.
Says Routh's 'Attempted act of Terrorism' to kill a minor faces a life sentence.
Like how does a daggy dad plead to that when yer son faces 20 years on Kiddie Pics...
AG : 'Shit happens hey!'
So what price is a presidential Floridian patsy worth these days...wanna be pretty sweet...Huh!
Wonder what that could be...have a guess crew...
16 Jan 2025 Gov DeSantis appoints Ashley as Florida Senator 20th Jan 2025 sworn in by the VEEP.
Ok! So who is Florida's new AG...well that'd be DeSantis Campaign Manager...nuthin' suss...
So that all works out better than planned...say wot! Wot are ya sayin...nuthin' that shouldn't be said!
Fore! Mind the Alleged Assassin in the rough...Ouch! Them spikes are Sharp!
They raise the bar pretty high on Golf of America's 19th tee.
When secretly soiling our Mar-a-Lago Sewer Canal Reading Material...Don't forget to Flush!
tbb said to watch this space...getting lawfully crowded in Trump's rest room...can't breathe.
Another pump of Sanitizer Sir!
Wot! Are you insane!...Sure, why not!

DEA rounds up gangbangers in Denver
Texas teacher invites ICE to raid their school!

17 inspectors general fired on Friday night

velocityjohnno wrote:17 inspectors general fired on Friday night
VJ . Hi mate.
Bit of a knee jerk reaction from, a jerk.
From all I’ve read, homeowners were basically guilty from having a year of debris around their properties.
Typical to blame others to put yourself in the ‘limelight’.
The full muppet/puppet show is in full swing.
Anyone for the matinee sitting, I’ll buy you a choc top ? . AW
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank