Australia - you're standing in it

Good to hear ^^

@ Guy Smiley, nothing wrong with foraging for a few mushies. My old man had a book on how to identify edible fungi, and if he wasn't quite sure he would try them on the cat first. If it was still alive in the morning, we had them for breaky.

Well now I have even everything. Someone doing whip ins on a JetSki at Honeysuckle Bombie. All of 2 foot, with a paddler in the water.

Classic old-dog ;)

blackers wrote:Well now I have even everything. Someone doing whip ins on a JetSki at Honeysuckle Bombie. All of 2 foot, with a paddler in the water.
Saw these fuckwits fly past as I was walking on merricks beach, the photo below is from the 2nd reef cam just now, they’ve come from either Balnarring Beach or Somers yacht club, where are @blackers?, I’m nolonger in the area

Nice day for it GS. I saw it on the cam as well. Was regretting not doing the long drive.

Nice waves around this side of the bay yesterday and today, classic weather, mild, sunny, oceanic pulses , Gannets, Cormorants, Oystercatchers, Singing Honeyeaters and a Rufous Bristle- bird in the car park and a Southern Right Whale out the back doing backflips. Life is so good. AW

Lovely stuff fellas.

Gas saga latest episode:

Sobering and needed presentation of the pressing issues of this country in these times.

velocityjohnno wrote:Gas saga latest episode:
And this one shows how our government is complicit.

Hello soggy
The first article articulated the Problems a High Gas price causes to Australians very well .
It put all the blame on the " Gas Cartels " .
What bullshit , so the Cartel is so fn strong it can't get approval for any of its So Called Members to even build a project in Australia .
They can't get banks 2 lend them money , even if they could .
What a weak as piss Cartel .
There's Woodside, Origin and Santos as the main Australian players .
They are the Easy Targets , not a scary Cartel !
Many didn't want Gladstone built and now they want to take the gas that China and Japan have LT contracts 4 .
Those Contracts allowed overseas banks to fund its development .
Let's get our Export Tax's right and build some NEW gas projects and keep 100% , NOT 40% , of the gas at home !
Australia is NOT Peru FFS !

I’m not standing under Pop?

not least the ambiguous all catching language in the legislation
dude looks and sounds like a chubby michael west...
where's that self important tool on this?

It's outrageous Sypkan .
Australia is going down the Misinformation shoot faster than the USA .
Mr Potato Head Dutton should be Up in arms about this .
It's not a Right spot and he should say so .
Very slack imho !

Pop Down wrote:Australia is going down the Misinformation shoot faster than the USA .
Mr Potato Head Dutton should be Up in arms about this .
Totally. Means he can't sue people for defamation anymore.
There goes that revenue stream.

If you're in the market for a 2nd hand Prado, choose colours other than red or white...

velocityjohnno wrote:If you're in the market for a 2nd hand Prado, choose colours other than red or white...
Good advice. I'd also be checking under the floor mats. :)

A man walks into a parts shop and says to the salesman,
"Give me two wipers for a Prado."
And the salesman replies,
" O.K, fair swap."

Years back I had a Peruvian fella I met OS come and visit. First morning we were driving around and he saw a Pajero, which, being a Spanish speaker, he thought was the funniest thing ever.
Then he saw a Prado which was his surname and he didn't know how to take it. Aussie cars were wigging him out.

Yeah pretty funny that they named a car “ wanker “ .

haha true but I don't think it was intentional, it was originally named after the Pampas cat, Leopardus pajeros.
I guess the marketing team didn't really think that one through.

And here we are, coming full circle. A car, driven by a pajero, which, like a pampas cat, does like the water.

They didn't think it through, then doubled down with the 'Pajero Sport'. They surely knew what it meant in Spanish by then?
It's a pity as it's good value for money with reasonably reliable powerplant and excellent 4x4 system...

blackers wrote:velocityjohnno wrote:If you're in the market for a 2nd hand Prado, choose colours other than red or white...
Good advice. I'd also be checking under the floor mats. :)
Fella I knew once drove dual cab (forget make) into a stream a bit deep, there were multiple weekends with it's interior stripped, in the shed, with hot air heaters on drying it out, he never did get the water out of all the electrics we think, as it was still a bit idiosyncratic afterward. Sold it.
Another used bargain to watch out for is the young one's mate's Navara, they exploded the front diff and pulled the whole thing out while on track, drove home in 2wd making a din with the front driveshaft... mate then decided to rebuild it himself, it was never the same, for sale at a local classifieds near you...

Ah, idiosyncratic. A fine, or at least acceptable, trait in an elderly relative but less desirable in your vehicle. Caveat emptor.
While we are bagging the cars of mates, a neighbour has a Grand Cherokee. Costs him a grand every couple of months.

I am getting rid of the X5 and was looking at the Toyota Land Cruiser .
After reading above , a Pajero ... Sport , might be more Pops Style .
Sounds alright to me and look as they can float .

^^ an old Jane Kitson joke about car names with the punchline and what sort of deviant would buy a Ford Probe?

"...'Politicians don't really know how to grow the economy and really grow industry or do anything other than dig up raw materials out of the ground to ship overseas,' he said.
'Both the Liberal and Labor party have been running a program that has been focused on easy, relentless growth.
'So, as long as house prices gently drift up and as long as wages are gently suppressed, businesses are happy and the citizens are happy.
'That's been running for some time but that's only facilitated by running a very large immigration program.
'So, we are bringing people into the country, which suppresses wages, and then those people need housing.'
He said under the current Albanese government immigration had gone through the roof - importing the equivalent of the population of Canberra and Darwin each year.
'How could we possibly build a Canberra and a Darwin per year? It's not just housing you have to build. You have to build the infrastructure; you have to build hospitals and schools, roads and transport..."

As the article says , both Liberal and Labor have been following The Political Path of Kicking the Can Down the Road .
It's a Western Path , lead by what's happening in the USA and Europe .
The USA Empire is in Decline and Australia had better work very hard to NOT get dragged Down with Them .
We need a Change .
A Trump type perhaps , 2 wake up our Politicians ,


The guy looks like a Jelly Flop .
Don't like people calling people names , like in the headline .
Worse than Hilary calling people Deplorable .
A Deplorable Clip imho !

… keep stretching and bouncing until u pop ;)

Much better !
Have fun .

Good on Albo for snapping this $4.3m property in Copa. He earns good money so why not? Critics can piss off.

I would if I could.

flollo wrote:Good on Albo for snapping this $4.3m property in Copa. He earns good money so why not? Critics can piss off.
For sure, probably puts in more hours at work than 99% of the population.

flollo wrote:Good on Albo for snapping this $4.3m property in Copa. He earns good money so why not? Critics can piss off.
Not a critic of his purchase but I gotta admit when I heard about it I winced and wondered how it was gonna play out in public.
Wasn't surprised by the reaction.
Another thing, that's also perhaps not fair, is how I winced when I heard him yet again revert to his public housing upbringing as if it's a get out of jail card for every political situation.

9infotainment have been flogging this dead horse today with expected ridiculous headlines, ha, pretty much all comments from readers weren’t buying the spin/bullshit.
Call me old fashioned but here I was thinking that the press should report the news not try to make it!!

"The head of the Prime Minister’s Optics Department has today taken the day off.
Speaking to one of our reporters from the Kingo, Andrew Ryan explained that he’s not even bothering today.
This comes after it was alleged the Prime Minister has just purchased a $4.3 million dollar property on the Central Coast.
The stunning property with ocean views was snapped up by the PM after he sold his Inner West home for an undisclosed price, but given the guide was 2 mill, likely a fair bit more than that.
Albanese has yet to comment on the purchase of the property, or whether he’ll be negatively gearing it, or moving into the property for 6 months at some point in the next 6 years to claim Principal Residence exemption (aka no Capital Gains Tax), or both.
The move comes at a sensational time, with the nation battling a cost of living crisis bad enough to warrant it having a conversation about negative gearing and CGT concessions.
With people discussing whether property taxation laws that benefit the top 20% of society and help make Australian housing unaffordable to an ever growing chunk of the population – Albo’s Optics Department have confirmed that this is not ideal.
“Fuck me, I know he wants to get in before they cut interest rates and prices go up again, but good lord.”
“Not a good look.”
Opposition Leader has yet to comment on the matter, reportedly in an effort not to draw attention to the fact he’s worth a few hundred million thanks to government subsidised childcare and the property bubble.
More to come."

whoa that's the first time I've actually heard/watched that one through from start to finish, how do I unsee it?

Vic: 50 new areas getting fast tracked for high rise apartments
Some locals response (open article):
it means more of this:

Hard to keep anyone happy these days.
Build high and p*** off the locals.
Build out and destroy farmland and bush.
On related matters we have demographers and industry saying we are not having enough babies and the future of our economy is going to suffer. The only solution is to allow more migration. Yet for many, we have immigration levels that are too high.
Too many with too much invested in keeping the status quo. Which ultimately means our kids will never be able to afford a place until we die.

Build high. There’s no alternative. It’s not for everyone but it provides a cheaper option and therefore, slows down the overall growth in the market. Melbourne is the best example we have. There are suburbs in Sydney and Melbourne which have the same price as 10 years ago. So we have affordable places in both cities due to high rise developments.

Amazing Udo
On another thread we pondered if Tesla Owners had Buyers Remorse .
I wonder if the people that Voted 4 Lydia , have Buyers Remorse 2 .
4 some reason , I doubt it .
The "I can't believe it's not politics" thread.