Asymmetrical board shapers in Asutralia


What coast are you on Al?

Corey Graham in Torquay

Marty littlewood from delta designs has been doing assys for 40 years he made them with col smith . Also he makes them for windsurfing , kitesurfing , tow surfing etc .
lots of the shapers in WA have dabbled , its standard to have an assy shape for the west .

Yeah Al, I was gonna mention Marty Littlewood, he's originally from Redhead in NSW and made channels with Col Smith back in their late 70s heyday before moving to SW WA. He also experimented with asymms and applied them to windsurfing - he shaped a lot of windsurfers through the 80s.
My only reservation is that asymm theory on a windsurfer is not necessarily the same as on a surfboard.
Because windsurfers could switch stance the theory was based around the direction a wave was breaking - long edge off the bottom, short edge off the top.
Not sure what Martin thinks now but 'general' thinking is based around stance, not wave direction - short edge on heel side and long edge toe side.
I'd advise reading up all you can about the fundamentals of board design and formulating theories based upon what you want. Recently I spent some time talking asymms with South African shaper Donald Brink and I came away armed with yet more knowledge about tweaking asymm theory. Exciting stuff.
Try and find a shaper who's equally excited as you are, someone who doesn't treat you like you're wasting their time.
Lastly, don't go for the big asymm changes first (three fins this side, one fin on that side). Make changes relative to the boards you're riding now, that way you'll know why your new board is doing what it's doing. Besides removing the mystery, this helps if you want to continue with asymms; you'll know how to tweak any subsequent board(s).

Hi mate
I've had Murray Bourton shape two of these for me recently , based on photo's and info I could get on Mr.Burch's boards.
They work great - I surf in around Torquay , so only go one way...
Muzza has these on file and ready to go.
Good luck.

Recently got the above Asym...6/3.5x23x3...So a standup small wave throw around AND a GUN knee board due to that width.I haven't surfed it yet but very soon.
Fin plugs are VERY interesting....Toe side is 4 plugs inline so 3 different positions for 2 tab fins or 2 different positions for 3 tab fins( I have keels but took back tab off the Webers).
Heels side is a quad set up...AND theres a stringer plug for a thruster set up...
SO, many combinations of fin configurations.

Interesting combinations. Curious to hear how it goes with the usual twin fin under toes and quads under heel verses offset thruster configuration.

Check out Luke Daniels on the east coast - seems to be the main guy in Aus from what i can see?
Hi there everyone! I'm after suggestions for having a Ryan Burch Asymm replica made by a shaper that knows Asymmetrical board design. Most of my local shapers are fairly traditional with their approach to board shaping due to the types of waves we have over here but I feel like these things Ryan Burch and others are doing would be really functional over here and I've since forth become fascinated with the Asymm theory. Can anyone point me towards some good Asymmetrical shapers in Australia?? Much appreciated!