I heart WOTD

lostdoggy wrote:Arch Stanton and the unknown grave?
Is there gold ?
In the background there is. AW

AlfredWallace wrote:lostdoggy wrote:Arch Stanton and the unknown grave?
Is there gold ?
In the background there is. AW
I guess Arch Stanton is in the foreground then.

Bloody hell you tricky buggers!
So we’re referencing The Dollars Trilogy?
Never heard of it. Google told me.
Could be totally wrong haha

The Good, the bad and the ugly, specifically.

What a scene haha
Imagine the TikTok generation concentrating that long.

Whahaa it’d never happen

When we first went there the WOTD , we were the only ones there .
No camp grounds , no cars , nobody.
Everyone stayed at the other wave.
We were able to have a joint in the car park, without having to hide behind the dunes
Weird feeling
Made the jump off and paddle out interesting though!

How long ago was that Juliang? I'm other side of the country but did my first trip there a couple of years ago. Special place.

Absolutely stunning shot today. Just beautiful.

great pic today, glad to see this surfer get a WOTD!

Do we know when today’s one is from? Maybe last Friday? Outside chance of yesterday?

Late yesty.

Thanks Stu. Just saw it in the album. Amazing shots.
I was at another beachie for the late which is usually nothing special but was hollow and firing.
What a day of waves.

Double thanks Stu .
The amazing shot @ an unnamed Break , shows the Incredible speed a probable , little :) , Beachy break , can generate in Vicco !
I would like 2 see him hit this AND then , the hollow inside section :) , great surfing !
A black fin flying past or just a back bent leg :)

Coiled! Something about this shot, it’s very conducive to mind surfing.

Coiled! Something about this shot, it’s very conducive to mind surfing.

R u kidding me!?? Todays pic of Wink insane!!

^ yep, it’s all time …..poster on wall in shaping bay stuff ;)

might enjoy this and the tale in the bridge section @southern
(dude can clear a cafe, but feels like a michael gross to @stu's michael J, how's the influences.. cool feller, hey?)
[tom lehrer is still kicking???]

Wooow, Romy that's a special one!

A wonderful photo , that's on Fire !
I was watching Winki Cam , noticed these Clouds of Salty droplets swirling behind waves and thought the Cam or my laptop was getting misty .
It was remarkable watching 12ft waves , become 8ft faces , with the other 4 , flying back and Up .
The surfers were doing remarkably well , paddling In2 them .
Wind was sure holding Up , the Wall 'y , waves and the surfing was unbelievable , with tubes galore !
An incredible sight , 4 an old bloke !
The whole Place was On Fire and it was Raining all day , in the water , with waves .

Big paddock on the corner of Blackgate Rd & Horeshoe bend Rd losing tonnes of red/brown dirt by being blown into the wind and heading offshore - maybe this accounts for the red/brown colouring in the shot ?.

Hello Ken
That's very interesting .
I also noticed a Brownish Tinge in the Water , during the afternoon and wondered Why the Runoff .
It sure was howling , with everything getting blown Off Shore .
No one was going 4 Air's , as would have ended up @ King Island , riding a Storm cloud .
Both surfers and wind , were Tearing Big Waves apart .
An incredible , picture !

@ Bnkref
Around 1980. It was known back then , but obviously wasn’t surfed that much.
I think the boil step made it a bit scary
They seem to charge a lot harder these days.

Thanks Juliang. Great spot. Lucky to get it like that back then.

Yes great place. , outback meets the ocean
Probably hasn’t changed , apart from the number of people in the water!

Great shot today.
Dude is flyin.
He no land.

Next frame he was doing the Gabby claim.

I’d chop lefty off for a morning like that. Gold Steve.

Solitude wrote:I’d chop lefty off for a morning like that. Gold Steve.
Solitude. Hi.
I’ve walked that track. Special place indeed. AW

Nice AW. You surfed it? Have seen the spot. Not like that though. Aim to surf it one day.

Solitude wrote:Nice AW. You surfed it? Have seen the spot. Not like that though. Aim to surf it one day.
Solitude. Sure have. Your moniker would fit well there, solitude at its best. AW

Today’s “go to ludicrous speed”
Great shot Judy

Incredible shot Brett!
...and sorry I had to, one little spot healing click and I can breathe. I wish I could do the same for the ant that decided to die in my monitor. Tip for players at home, if an ant gets stuck in your panel, turn your monitor off immediately and let it find it's way out. When left on they get cooked and die, stuck in full view in my case. Annoying like a dead pixel x 1,000,000. And now it's sticking out like dogs balls again ffs, off to the office then...

Woof! (bit of an alert from 13th to OG, some food-chain activity. I hear Steve Arklay got some good shots of the whale carcass that washed up).

woh, complex caption! nice angle swilly!
the angle we probably find most familiar,
but don't see photographed overly often.
(pleasing spray/board reflection)

Hello base 6 !
Is Chippa , Ben ?
The Thai Zen in the right hand , makes me think it could B !

there's some google machine research for you to engage with @PopD, but if you mean Ben the Wiz of swellnet, he's regular footed, which would beg some fascinating wotd questions. (got any pics of your warehouse set up?)

I just thought Chippy looked a bit like Ben's photo and used it to move threads :)) !
The Big Brick Warehouse, just off Chapel st , has 4 units with me at the front , base 6'y .
2 storey and my place is a rectangle , 18m by 24m ish , with the Main bedroom upstairs .
Middle walls are Waimea height , 6 meters , at least .
The Artwork and furniture look great .
My 4ft Bower & Wilkins speakers , the Towers of Power ( the name of Little Feats Horn Section ) , have been turned Up , with complete abandon , as the Set Up , is cool !
Mum came over yesterday , desperate to CLEAN , anything .
Got her to give me decluttering advice instead , she doesn't like Old Men putting Up 2 much Stuff lol .
Eldest daughter was over last night and she had good news with a new Full Time Job , she is a Casual @ the Herald Sun and had decided not 2 become a journalist .
With a bloody Big Law Firm 2 and she isn't a Lawyer lol .
I was banking on a Bank , she said that's now on the back burner .
That was a big surprise .
A newly created role , which she described as , starting to climb the corporate ladder .
She is reporting directly to the General Manager haha lol , so a decent rung 2 start on imho .
Partnership Administrator !?
I will do better than put up pictures :) .
Next time U are in Melbourne , please Pop over , really .
We can organise a guided tour of Pop Galerie , through Adam 12 .
With Sleuth's like Udo and AW , on SN , I won't post pictures here :) .
AW can work out where anywhere is , it's bloody amazing !
I am looking forward 2 reports from the AW regarding the Great Darwinian Tour of Australia .
Cheers mate !

Soli Bailey is swinging through an Extended Carve , with extreme style imho .
Comparing his Style , with the picture below , The Style Renaissance , interested me .
I love Soli's extended/straight left arm and love the trailing right shoulder/arm , in the clip below .
I think Style important and believe Contest judges , should reward it .
I can't split them , both get a 10 , 4 their Arc's imho .

I think if i could do this exact turn on this kind of wave just once in my life, i'd die pretty happy! Great pic!


2 absolute crackers in a row.
Been a bit wave starved of late and yesterday and today’s WOTD have me absolutely amped.

^ +1 etarip. todays = great turn!
(crested or caspian, AW?)

basesix wrote:^ +1 etarip. todays = great turn!
(crested or caspian, AW?)
Nice line/s. Great shot.
Caspian, based on beak colour.

yeh, that makes sense. glad you're doing the dust and sand thing @blackers. Not many places in the world that have SthOz and WA's combo of dry, bucolic seaside towns and isolated deep-blue wonderlands. That's what freedom feels like, I reckon.

Cheers mate, looking forward to it. Will also be going on that walk you suggested elsewhere. Will be in that location for a few days next week. Forecast looks interesting.

Neil McLaughlin’ WOTD
Two turns/terns.
Definitely a Caspian Tern. AW

Thareef don't like it.
Rock meet Kesbah, rock meet Kesbah.
The wave of the day does it for me big time. Nice work Steen Barnes , Shaun Anderson and Swellnet.
In one photo you've encompassed everything nice about surfing. If I was a wanker I'd say that it was perfect except for the fact he is in a wetsuit. Which it is , it's perfect .....except for the fact he's in a wetsuit.