Oversized clean swell for Wednesday

Craig Brokensha picture
Craig Brokensha (Craig)

South Australian Forecast by Craig Brokensha (issued Monday 2nd May)

Best Days: Every day across the South Coast (experienced surfers from tomorrow afternoon through Friday morning), Mid Coast Wednesday, Thursday and Friday


A kick in W/SW swell across the Mid Coast Saturday with bumpy 2ft waves under N'ly winds, kicking a bit stronger a little later in the day. The South Coast was clean and small with exposed breaks the pick.

Into Sunday the stronger W/SW groundswell peaked with good solid 3-4ft sets across the Middleton stretch down South under W'ly winds ahead of a SW change. The Mid Coast was a stormy 3ft+ with a mix of windswell and groundswell.

Today conditions were much better and pumping down South with the swell hanging in under offshore NW winds. The Mid was back to a bumpy 1-2ft.

This week (May 3 - 6)

South Coast: From tomorrow we'll fall under the influence of one of the strongest polar frontal progressions we've seen in a long while.

On Saturday night a vigorous polar low formed in the Heard Island region, generating a fetch of severe-gale to storm-force W'ly winds while tracking east. The storm then tracked north-east while growing in length and width, steered by a strong node of the Long Wave Trough.

A vast and expansive fetch of severe-gale SW winds are spread out over some 3,000 from just south-west of us all the way down to the polar shelf.


A large open ocean swell in excess of 42ft is being produced, generating an XXL swell for exposed breaks from southern Western Australia through to Tasmania.

The large long-period energy is due to start kicking later tomorrow, peaking Wednesday morning, but ahead of this solid surf is due from the front being just south of us currently.

We should see Middleton building all day from 3-4ft or so through the morning to a stronger 6ft+ later in the day while the peak Wednesday morning should reveal 8ft sets off Middleton and 10-12ft surf at Waits and Parsons along with other offshore reefs.

Conditions tomorrow will be clean in protected spots most of the day with a fresh and gusty W/NW breeze, tending W/SW mid-late afternoon as the swell really starts to kick.

Wednesday however looks excellent with moderate to fresh offshore NW winds all day, creating clean conditions at most spots.

The swell should start to ease into Wednesday afternoon, down further Thursday but steadying due to trailing fetches of SW gales continuing to be aimed through our swell window through until Tuesday afternoon, as well as a secondary less favourably aligned fetch of pre-frontal W/NW gales moved through our swell window.

Middleton should continue to offer easy 6ft sets through Thursday with 8ft waves at Waits and Parsons, easing back slowly from 4-6ft and 6-8ft respectively Friday morning.

Conditions will remain excellent with offshore N/NW winds all day Thursday and then variable tending light NW winds Friday.

Mid Coast: Through tomorrow we'll see a mix of building stormy W/NW windswell and stronger groundswell, coming around 3ft most of the day (possibly bigger later) while the groundswell should peak Wednesday to 3-4ft.

Conditions will remain average but workable with the moderate to fresh NW'ly.

Cleaner waves are likely Thursday morning with N'ly breezes and easing 3ft sets.

Friday is due to hold around 2-3ft most of the day and with good clean conditions under those variable winds. A new W/SW swell is due into the afternoon as well from a weaker front pushing up and through the Bight later this week.

This will keep 2-3ft sets hitting the Mid into the afternoon and Saturday morning before tailing off slowly into the afternoon.

It will also provide plenty of swell for the South Coast as winds freshen from the NW Saturday ahead of an afternoon onshore change, persisting from the W Sunday.

Longer term fronts will continue to push up and into us through next week, keeping plenty of swell hitting us, but more on this Wednesday.


barley's picture
barley's picture
barley Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 2:18am

Just like to invite quiver,uplift,mrs uplift,ding doctor,two words,ggaaŕyy gg,quiver, fat neck, to fluff over and show what the fluff he is about...after not fluffing for 30yrs now its the puurrfect opportunity for fluffy to fluff about in his own ego and destroy any credibility fluffy has left . Or fat neck is more that welcome to come over and surf waves that would fold even fat necks foreskin back on take off..that is if fat necks hasnt alreafy called the swell fluffy and fluffed around at home getting shredded fo the fat neck world championshop of declaring themselves the worlds fuffiest fat neck..but did he say fat nevk or was he younger when he said fatneck or older or maybe fluffed about in fluffies gym gettin fluffy in the open ocean since he hasnt surfed since the duke called fatneck fluffytonka out back in 1994

Dingdoctor's picture
Dingdoctor's picture
Dingdoctor Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 6:39am

Thanks Barley I've been keen to tow with the sunsilk team for years I will start organising my gear and doing the super important safety checks today.
Can you please let me know the exact type of spray jackets you guys wear?
Would hate to be the only one not in uniform.
Also are standard yellow floaties still the go?
Super excited to come over and mix it up with the legendary sunsilk tow team!!!!!!

Hako o hakonde ni-biki no inu's picture
Hako o hakonde ni-biki no inu's picture
Hako o hakonde ... Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 7:11am

Sounds like all roads lead to SA,was just up visiting the ex and kids in Wagga Wagga and I've never seen so many ski's heading west.

caml's picture
caml's picture
caml Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 7:30am

Apparently water world is coming to whip in

barley's picture
barley's picture
barley Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 7:51am

Surely fluffy you'll be ruling right point or is it too fluffy for you to give up doing your daily 1000 push ups but if you feel like driving over in between stopping at every roadhouse to eat ya dozen eggs and explaining how you are or were the man at fluffytonka back in the 80's or open ocean or somewhere secret in ya dreams i dont think we have a jacket big enough to fit your ego let alone that huge neck of yours but your more than welcome to stay at my joint..the pub only serves beers not your fluffa fluffy latte's that have those marshmallows ya like..the pink ones aint it?

caml's picture
caml's picture
caml Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 8:14am

Oversized clean swell for Wednesday hey ? Vicco I think theyre headed to with the skis , even rowley has returned to the forbidden coast

Hako o hakonde ni-biki no inu's picture
Hako o hakonde ni-biki no inu's picture
Hako o hakonde ... Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 8:40am

Well he does live there caml.
I've heard Kelly has got the old team together and is coming your way to suck on a few cones.

caml's picture
caml's picture
caml Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 11:00am

Actually he doesn't live there hako . The banning is lifted today

caml's picture
caml's picture
caml Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 10:08am

You heard wrong theres no slater but plenty of other people . Famous pross going to bells tomorrow ive heard

Hako o hakonde ni-biki no inu's picture
Hako o hakonde ni-biki no inu's picture
Hako o hakonde ... Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 11:08am

Famous call girls that's interesting, they should clean up with all the testosterone flying around and waves to windy to surf.

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 10:13am

Container ship 'Penelope' onroute Outer Harbour to Melb ...wild few days/nights coming up.

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 10:20am

Should fly there! No fuel needed, ha.

Dingdoctor's picture
Dingdoctor's picture
Dingdoctor Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 10:52am

Well I'm all packed and ready. Just gotta grab some Fluro hair ties for my man bun and will be on my way.
We towing williamas or troubridge first barley?

barley's picture
barley's picture
barley Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 10:59am


Dingdoctor's picture
Dingdoctor's picture
Dingdoctor Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 11:17am

Smart play there by the sunsilk team to let the swell die down a bit before we hit Troubridge. Meeting at wallaroo for the first session tomorrow?

barley's picture
barley's picture
barley Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 11:33am

That the best ya got fluffy? All fluffed out..rinsed i believe the word is..i really wxpected alot more from a fluffer with a big a neck as yourself...needs its own ferry to travel on..we got ya handcuffs you asked for..theyre here waiting for ya..

Two words's picture
Two words's picture
Two words Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 12:06pm

Understandably Interesting little barely. That disastrously shocking call that you (perhaps inspired by udo) scribed. Who could forget. Or, more to the point, who would forget. In a small town. You obviously won't. And now this. The relentlessly mapped westerlies flapping the corrugated sheets, the buzzing iron, the billy that won't light, the call, the wind, the call, the sheets, the relentless buzzing, the billy, the call, the the whispering towns folk. To top it off, blacks, the intimidation (well in your case, THAT non event). Hence the move to calling. They all do it. What else could they do? Every point has one. A caller. Ludicrous.

Blacks will do that to callers little barely. Save what little strength you have. That call. You've not only embarrassed team sunsilk, even worse, you've embarrassed the cockies as well. In a way, you should thank God for the westerlies. Blowing the whispers away. When they stop, you'll have no excuse for locking yourself in the shed. Life's tough for a failed caller, in a small town. Then there's THAT non event. I used to feel sorry for them. I still do little barely. That abberton/sunsilk story was true by the way. It was actually much, much worse. Much worse.

Greebs's picture
Greebs's picture
Greebs Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 12:09pm

What's with naming spots like that dingbat??? No they're not exactly secret but you know the drill, unless you just don't give a shit. Please show some respect for places like this. And I can't tell whether you're joking with the tp tow thing but surely you are? It's not Jaws.

Two words's picture
Two words's picture
Two words Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 12:18pm

Not joking. Its true.

And did you have to name jaws? Or did you mean you aren't jaws? Numbskull.

Two words's picture
Two words's picture
Two words Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 12:20pm

The cleaning wind brings them out.

Dingdoctor's picture
Dingdoctor's picture
Dingdoctor Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 1:06pm

Here at team sunsilk we don't joke about towing 4 footers.

southey's picture
southey's picture
southey Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 1:07pm

Carn't Hearya ........ must be the wind .....

Greebs's picture
Greebs's picture
Greebs Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 8:43pm

I'm not a numbscull. I'm simply asking you to respect our breaks please. Doesn't matter who you are, where you live, how much you rip (who gives a fuck), what you surf or whatever. And my apologies for breaking in on the never-ending soap opera between you cats. Having said that:

"..And now this. The relentlessly mapped westerlies flapping the corrugated sheets, the buzzing iron, the billy that won't light, the call, the wind, the call, the sheets, the relentless buzzing, the billy, the call, the the whispering towns folk. To top it off, blacks, the intimidation..." is a superb bit of work. Powerful imagery.. craps on the articles I usually read in That's Life. May you all have a nice paddle / tow / kite whatever somewhere this week. I'm going to brush my fluffy dog. Over and out.

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 8:46pm

Cape du Couedic showing amazing numbers and Significant Wave Heights just jumped over 8m!

caml's picture
caml's picture
caml Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 11:01pm

Unbeatable scores hey craig ?

southey's picture
southey's picture
southey Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 8:51pm

It's offline to me Craig . Maybe traffic is too high for the SA BOM server .

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 8:56pm

Weird, all good for me.

southey's picture
southey's picture
southey Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 10:44pm

Yeah back on again ....
It may have had a moment after feeling its first 8M H Sig in a LONG time .....was about the same time . Sorell has just gone 17 Secs . will be interesting .
PNP already on 3.8M H sig and not received jump in period yet .
That would have thylacine North of KI .obs .

barley's picture
barley's picture
barley Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 9:03pm

Definately jumped this arvy..non stop

ryder's picture
ryder's picture
ryder Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 9:23pm

CdC Buoy calling Udo

caml's picture
caml's picture
caml Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 11:00pm

3@11 is decent

southey's picture
southey's picture
southey Wednesday, 4 May 2016 at 6:25am

Well it's not alone . Many have come /called premature .
This occasion is no different .

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Wednesday, 4 May 2016 at 12:51pm

For those of you who read The Advertiser this morning, and the quotes from "Surfing SA general manager Craig Brokensha", they seem to have got their wires crossed.

The Advertiser approached us for a comment yesterday but the interview never took place.