What's what?

Shatner'sBassoon's picture
Shatner'sBassoon started the topic in Friday, 6 Nov 2015 at 7:48pm



stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 16 Aug 2017 at 10:55am

You don't think, even for a moment, that the only reason the left wing fucktards were there was to counter the right wing fucktards?

Ergo, no right wing fucktards then no fucktards at all.

Ergo-au-go-go, the blame lies with the fucktards who organised the damn thing.

And while I'm here, I ain't gonna apologise for any violence, but when the alt-right calls in a private army, throw out Nazi salutes, and incur the KKK in opposition to a ragged mob wearing Che Guevara shirts then you've got some serious asymmetric protesting going on.

Gaz1799's picture
Gaz1799's picture
Gaz1799 Wednesday, 16 Aug 2017 at 11:01am

@Blowin - Jesus Christ that article on the QLD government "Going their own way" made me cringe as it sounds a bit too close to home.

Here in SA our government is also "going it alone" and its going just swimmingly. Last week I got my quarterly power bill. It was $1,689.00. Last year it was roughly $450.00 in the same quarter. Obviously I've used a little bit more power this year but FFS nearly 4 times as high? My consumption is roughly double the same period last year. Absolute insanity they love to spruik SA's "green" credentials, and thats fair enough I guess, but at the personal level it's ruining peoples lives. I'm lucky I can at least afford it, although there's plenty of things I can think of that I'd rather blow a grand on that weren't caused by a no-hoper state government. Apparently our upper house voted on recognising Palestine last week? As if that is any way related to a state government or what we voted them in to do.

I guess the bone-headed QLD government still expects to reap the benefit of reduced tariffs etc from these free trade agreements not to mention continue exporting sugar, bananas etc to NZ without any penalty? Idiots. I'll admit I'm not in favor of blanket free-trade, globalization etc but I do know that a shit-for-brains state government has no business meddling in foreign affairs.

Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper Wednesday, 16 Aug 2017 at 11:05am

I don't think that was the response Blow-in was looking for, Gaz.

Gaz1799's picture
Gaz1799's picture
Gaz1799 Wednesday, 16 Aug 2017 at 11:15am

@Dale - yeh I know but it's better than discussing why the skinheads are terrorists and linking it to Donald Trump. I think the Don gets too much airtime as it is in this forum. He's divisive on purpose and everyone seems to be dancing to his fiddle all the time.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 16 Aug 2017 at 11:19am

Why were the right wing fucktards there ?

Because the left wing fucktards insist on rewriting history and applying political correctness to the past by removing a statue that venerated an important figure in the town's past.

Whilst that statue may not be to the liking of some of Charlotte's current inhabitants, it is representative of the historic beliefs and opinions of those that made the place and as such should remain.

You don't have to respect it , but it should remain.

That's why the right wing fucktards were there.

Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper Wednesday, 16 Aug 2017 at 11:22am

Who else thinks that pejorative "fucktard" is pretty ordinary?

Anyway, Blow-in, I don't know how much you've read about this incident in Charlottesville and the previous events leading up to this particular "Unite the Right" festival. Worth a trip down the rabbit-hole.

And you're right (not literally), there have been others that concur that Donald is just "telling it like it is".

Speaking of twitter, Donald really tied one on last night. Though he later deleted, these days you can't get away with it. Especially if you're the PRESIDENT OF THE USA!

Definitely worth a look.


Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 16 Aug 2017 at 11:22am

Gaz - Whilst the corruption of your home state may be crueling things for you , I don't think that's any reason to celebrate the erosion of our national sovereignty at the behest of economics.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 16 Aug 2017 at 11:33am

@ Blowin

RE removing a statue that glorifies slavery. Well I guess there are similarities with Germany removing all Nazi insignia. Is that political correctness too? Most Gemans are deeply ashamed of that chapter of German history.

Removing reminders from public places dosn't equate to rewiting history. Save that line for when the books in libraries are being revised.

Gaz1799's picture
Gaz1799's picture
Gaz1799 Wednesday, 16 Aug 2017 at 11:43am

"I don't think that's any reason to celebrate the erosion of our national sovereignty at the behest of economics"
I agree with you but the point I'm making is that free trade agreements made with an entire nation can't be nitpicked by one single state without repercussions.

SA is fucked. Completely fucked. It hasn't even reached peak levels yet either as that won't happen until around November December when the heat waves start. Any vicco's out there should probably start stretching too as you'll be bending over for the power companies all summer just like we already do in SA.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 16 Aug 2017 at 12:09pm

Stu - So when all signs of colonial Australia are to be abolished then you'll be cool with that ?

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 16 Aug 2017 at 12:33pm

Why would I? Not all of our history speaks of oppresion. I accept some inevitability about conquest.

Yet to throw a hypothetical safety blanket over this argument, if there were a statue celebrating frontier massacres and the like, then yes, I'd question its place. I don't see culture as being set in concrete; what was glorified 100 years ago may be vilified now, and it doesn't mean 'history is being rewritten'. Go to the library if you want the full story. 

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 16 Aug 2017 at 12:53pm

A riddle for our times:

There was once a bloke called Bruce who used to put shit on poofters and blackfellas. Not too many people were shocked when old Bruce let rip with his opinions, it was the 60s after all, casual racism and homophobia were socially acceptable.

Come the 70s and the Aborigines were taking the Freedom Ride, gays were marching in Kings Cross and their activism was slowly changing Australian values. Bruce's abhorrence for blacks and fags was increasingly out of step, and it even came to pass that Bruce met a few blacks and a few pillow biters and they weren't quite as repugnant as he'd been led to believe (his prejudice was learnt you see).

Now it's another century and minorities are seeking equal footing in society and Bruce no longer speaks about blacks and fags the same way. In fact, now that he's seen the error of his ways he's quietly ashamed of things he said, though he justifies his past actions as being in keeping with the way Australia once was.


Should Bruce still own his past opinions, be reminded of them daily, because that is part of his history?

Or is he allowed to evolve and close that chapter?

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 16 Aug 2017 at 1:10pm

Stu - I'm not defending the right wing fucktards opinion of General Lee .

Nor am I disputing Bruce's evolution of thought.

What I am disputing is the fact that people may rid a town of a central tenet in that town due to believing that their opinion is the only one that matters.

I'm not disputing whether they were right or wrong in wanting to take down that particular statue , but acknowledging that many people wanted it to remain.

To them it represented something. Maybe not something that is morally correct at this time , but something that has been a part of their culture since they were conceived.

I'm not surprised that they get upset when someone else determines that they can't have it.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Wednesday, 16 Aug 2017 at 1:29pm

On this rewriting history.

I'm sure I heard the Mayor of Charlottesville say on TV last night the statue of Lee was being relocated elsewhere in the city not removed altogether.

I studied Australian History right through high school and at university and it wasn't until university did I get to learn about the genocide of our Indigenous nations. So while it is most certainly different now history had previously been rewritten in the image of English colonisation, the pastoralist and terra nulls that some still cling to.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 16 Aug 2017 at 1:28pm

Blowin, I understand you're taking the liberal approach: let the statue be part of their history, it's only symbolic after all, while the lived experience of the citizens has progressed beyond oppression and hate.

And yet the marchees deliberately evoked the KKK, many draped themselves in swastika flags, and also gave Nazi salutes.

What does that say to you?

That the community has moved on and shares your liberal values, or that they're still down with racism and oppression?


happyasS's picture
happyasS's picture
happyasS Wednesday, 16 Aug 2017 at 2:13pm

rather than remove too many statues, wouldn't it make more sense to erect a series of similar statues throughout the south that stand for the virtues that good people believe in. the left can drive it and the masses will vote for it. why shouldn't history be retained through visual display, and similarly add to that through the course of time. thats what is was then, and look over here; this is what it is now. or we can just remove statues everywhere and turn our countries into a pleasant arena of nothing that offends nobody.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 16 Aug 2017 at 2:21pm

Stu - I wasn't there so I wouldn't have a clue what actually went down.

But I'm operating on the premise that the crowd was not entirely composed of swastika draped , hood wearing KKK members.

But that's what they were all attributed to be by the violent mob that opposed them and their statue.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 16 Aug 2017 at 2:33pm

Well the accounts say that 400 people were kloning the KKK, and it appears accurate going on the photos.

Then there was the roaming militia...

But that's all OK, is it? Few bad apples, boys being boys, etc etc.

The very fact so many showed up like that, and that 'some' saluted Hitler and draped the swastika without fear or intervention only strengthens the case for affirmative action.

Also, you argue about the will of the people who want the statue to remain as if there's is a natural right. Well what about those who argue for it to go? What about if they've lived there for just as long and have just as much say?

Why doesn't their opinion count?

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 16 Aug 2017 at 2:44pm

400 people ?

In a nation of 330 million people ?

I'd say that the USA has moved on and that there are just a few slow learners.

As for the people that want the statue to remain - well that's their prerogative as much as those that would like it to stay .

And both sides are as beholden as each other to reach a non violent outcome to this dilemma.

PS What about the Bruces of the world that still just don't personally approve of homosexuality ?

Should they be coerced into an opinion that is not their own ?

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Wednesday, 16 Aug 2017 at 2:56pm

'Should they be coerced into an opinion that is not their own ?'

I'm a big fan of brow beating people and applying enough pressure, peer group and otherwise, until people begin to self censor at every step.

Problem solved!

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Wednesday, 16 Aug 2017 at 3:10pm

Also saw the two Alt-right organisers of the Charlottesville protest on TV last night. They don't live in Charlottesville nor do the vast majority of their fellow "patriots". They reaffirmed their commitment to further protest stating they have done years of planning and now have lots of "infrastructure" in place to "mobilise" their countrymen. (Reminded me of the Reclaim Australia's protests in Bendigo about a proposed mosque - they all drove to Bendigo for the day, a community they don't live in, to spread their hate).

I also see the alt-right have a protest planned in Boston and another city is getting in first and cancelling 9/11 memorial that these groups planned on attending.

Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper Wednesday, 16 Aug 2017 at 3:33pm

@Stunet, interesting fairy-tale/riddle there. They call him Bruce!

Here's another one about, I dunno, let's call him Johnny.

Johnny grew up and lived in the same time as young Bruce. He didn't use the same nasty language as Bruce did as it was considered beneath his station. His parent's frowned on that kind of common talk. Plus he didn't really feel the need to state the bleeding obvious anyway. One knew one's place, surely. It was the best kind of common sense.

As the decades went, and the things as described in Bruce's tale changed, Johnny didn't like what he saw. He didn't see how it was change for the better. It was better back in the old days, surely. People knew their place. Culturally. Geographically. It was common sense!

Now the big difference between older Bruce and older Johnny, amongst many others, was that Johnny not only felt the need to resist these unnecessary changes as he saw them, he actually was in a position of power to do just that. He could resist and challenge and repeal and obfuscate and recreate and rewrite and do whatever was in his power to do what he thought needed to be done. To not only stem the tide of unnecessary change but reclaim the glorious past!

Unfortunately for him, he failed in the end. Sure, some thought the days of 'poofters' and 'abos' (not that Johnny ever used or even condoned that kind of language) and 'people knowing their place' and 'common sense' and such were going to be back, but no, it wasn't to be.

And then God finally got involved and smote the believers and unbelievers all and razed the entire planet and fucked off for good.

The end.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 16 Aug 2017 at 3:41pm

"400 people ? In a nation of 330 million people ? I'd say that the USA has moved on and that there are just a few slow learners."

67,000 comments on just one Breitbart article about Charlotteville, overwhelmingly supportive of the protestors.

Are you getting an inkling now of the deep-seated racism being enabled by a counter-intuitive attack of tolerance?

As if the ascendance of Trump who played to white fears wasn't enough.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 16 Aug 2017 at 3:49pm

A riddle about Johnny!

How 'ard is it to answer?

Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper Wednesday, 16 Aug 2017 at 4:02pm

"And then God finally got involved and smote the believers and unbelievers all and razed the entire planet and fucked off for good."

Actually, it was human-induced climate change not God.

Still the end, but.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Wednesday, 16 Aug 2017 at 4:06pm

You're on fire Stu.

Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper Wednesday, 16 Aug 2017 at 5:18pm

@Stunet, a riddle about Johnny? Hmmm. I remember a joke...

Johnny is on a skiing trip - Christmas holidays, Aspen, the whole thing.

He's coming down the slopes and then in the snow written - obviously someone has relieved themselves in the snow - and written, "Johnny is a cunt".

Well, Johnny stops in front of it and looks at it absolutely fuming and says to the secret service guys who are sort of shadowing him while he's on his holiday in Aspen: "Look into this. I want to know who did it, under what circumstances." They say, "Yes sir" and he went off skiing.

That night the forensic guys have taken a sample of the pissy message in the snow. They go to him, "Well, sir, we've got good news and bad news."

"We've tested the urine samples and we've come to a conclusion. What do you want - good or bad news?"

And he said, "Well, what's the good news?"

And they said, "Well, it's Peter's urine".

And he said, "Well, what's the bad news?"

And they said, "Well, it was in your wife Janette's handwriting".

A Port Adelaide supporter came up with that one.

Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper Wednesday, 16 Aug 2017 at 6:51pm

"400 people ? In a nation of 330 million people ?"

Taking these figures on your merit, Blow-in, I wonder how many Jihadists are in the US?

And thus the real 'existential threat' they pose within the US?

Actually, what does 'existential threat' mean??


GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Wednesday, 16 Aug 2017 at 5:25pm

free ride's link is well worth watching .... scary shit.

Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper Wednesday, 16 Aug 2017 at 5:55pm

Jeez Louise! That must be some scary shit, hey?

Actually, I thought in general the commenters on here would have been more across the Charlottesville events and the players involved.

Obviously there are those that are less across it.

There's some interesting stuff out there beyond the corporate media.

Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper Wednesday, 16 Aug 2017 at 6:41pm

If you can be arsed. I guess.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Thursday, 17 Aug 2017 at 5:08am

Just watched that video ....great way to start a day , I must say.

Laying in bed in the dark , the morning is still and quiet save for the soothing crack of the shorebreak and then contrasting it with the anger and bitterness of those people leaves me sad .

Sad and not a little bit grateful that we live in such a peaceful place.

Herc's picture
Herc's picture
Herc Thursday, 17 Aug 2017 at 9:12am

'Sad and not a little bit grateful that we live in such a peaceful place.'


Yes, here, in this 'place', its much more civilized, the keeping the 'dark' in 'place'. Giving them a 'soothing crack'!

As one icon put it: (and no, not blowie, or indo, although its one of their favourite nationalist speeches)

'I think it however a greater evil to the white man than to the black race, & while my feelings are strongly enlisted in behalf of the latter, my sympathies are more strong for the former. The blacks are immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially & physically. The painful discipline they are undergoing, is necessary for their instruction as a race, & I hope will prepare & lead them to better things. How long their subjugation may be necessary is known & ordered by a wise Merciful Providence.
— Robert E. Lee, to Mary Anna Lee, December 27, 1856

Then there's the issue of them fuckin' monuments out bush too!

Ungrateful bastards!

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Thursday, 17 Aug 2017 at 9:56am

For sure , Herc.

Exactly the same.

AK47 bearing white supremacists running people over in cars and African American snipers shooting white police .


A Sudanese immigrant getting the front cover of an advertisement and A white Australian politely opining that the advertisement is inappropriate as extremely dark skinned people only make up 0.00001 percent of the make up buying public.

But sure, exactly the same.

Snuffy Smith's picture
Snuffy Smith's picture
Snuffy Smith Thursday, 17 Aug 2017 at 10:50am
stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 17 Aug 2017 at 10:59am

I crashed my first car, a Kombi, with that song playing. Three car pile up. When I worked my way out of the window all was still among the broken glass and wreckage, and there should've been an eerie silence except my car wasn't completely written off - the stereo was still working and Husker Du was blaring.

Bizarre scene.

Now I can't hear that song without thinking 'fuck, that bloke's braking hard'.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Thursday, 17 Aug 2017 at 11:33am

On monuments ......

Heard an Aboriginal women last night talk on this issue and in her commentary she mentioned many of the historical place names, land marks and geographical features that are named after colonialists who stole land from Aboriginals. She mentioned that this can be deeply hurtful to Aboriginals when going back to their country.

I recently took this photo. At my feet a plaque read .....


This special place has a heritage of many thousands of years occupation by the Wurundjeri people. The confluence of the Birrarung (Yarra River) and Mullum Mullum (Creek) was an important recreational, hunting and fishing area. For a period of months each year, the Wurundjeri lived here in permanent bark dwellings. The Wurundjeri word "Tikalara" means spirit of the place. Along the Yarra River's southern bank a travel route was maintained by regular burning. This marked a Dreamtime Pathway extending from Melbourne through the Black's Spur to the Goulburn River. In the distance is the Pontville Homestead, Victoria's earliest pioneering residence still on its original site. In 1837 Major Charles Newman first cleared the area from grazing livestock. After violently dislocating the Wurundjeri people from the permanent campsite on the high ground, he built the homestead completing it in 1844.

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Thursday, 17 Aug 2017 at 11:36am

Blowhard writes "Sad and not a little bit grateful that we live in such a peaceful place."

Bahahahahahahahahahaha....... Numbnut.

I could post recent violence at Australian patriot rallies, but I couldn't be bothered

Herc's picture
Herc's picture
Herc Thursday, 17 Aug 2017 at 12:04pm

Yeh Guy Smiley, the scenario is highlighted by the tone of many letters about the Monument in Elliston. One of the recent ones is from a long time resident/farmer/councilor. I know him quite well, and he's quite a nice guy on the surface. Just oblivious, blind to the truth. He dismisses massacres as retaliation to crimes committed by Indigenous Australians. The fact that the british were illegally, brutally invading and conducting war on totally innocent Indigenous Australians, as well as lying about their existence, and classifying them as animals completely escapes his awareness. The fact that they were trying to defend themselves and their sacred land, their home for 60,000 years is deemed irrelevant. Its almost unbelievable what the human mind can concoct.

Meanwhile, amidst the snores punctuating the 'soothing crackings', from northern Sydney's wave pool, telling little kids the truth, has woken the peaceful, slumbering. And now more, civilized, lies are being demanded! Wake up Australia!!!


Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Thursday, 17 Aug 2017 at 1:24pm

Cheers, Sheepy.

You've kicked another own goal and proven my point beautifully.

You had to go back 12 years to even find a few pissheads throwing a few slaps as evidence of the brutality of modern Australia.

Sometimes your inanity can be a blessing in disguise.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Thursday, 17 Aug 2017 at 1:55pm

Reclaim Australia Blowie?

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Thursday, 17 Aug 2017 at 2:06pm

Guysmiley - What about them ? What have they done ?

Are they carrying AK47s and declaring blood on the streets ? Are they attempting to assassinate members of the Greens ?


You honestly don't think you're drawing a long bow saying that Australia isn't a peaceful country ?

Look out your window -

Is anyone ( that's not a drug dealer ) getting shot ?

Carbombs ?

Is your door locked whilst you're home ?

Is your car equiped with carjack targeting flame throwers ?

Is your wife armed ?

Turns out....Australia is peaceful.

Some of the crew on here have got quite an obvious hatred of our sunny nation .


Herc's picture
Herc's picture
Herc Thursday, 17 Aug 2017 at 2:44pm

'Turns out....Australia is peaceful.

Some of the crew on here have got quite an obvious hatred of our sunny nation .



'Peaceful'? hows this for a nice 'peaceful' day at the beach!!! Lunatics ahoy!!!

'Yeh, yeh, but ver surf worse shite aaaaaayyyeee mmmaaayyytee!!!!!'


'Then the red mist came over me
It was the assumed resentment of the women that really got me.
The smug superiority of some small minded no- one cunt moll that set me off. I turned to face Loud Mouth in front of his cunting piece of shit friends and with every ounce of will ,energy and misdirected anger from every point of my life i drove my fist into that cunt's putrid face and punched him to the sand.
I was standing over Loud Mouth's form bellowing that he was an imposter king presiding over a weak, gay wave, raising my fist for another blow when i realised my hand was broken . Then i heard a lady screaming and i was back in my head, concious of what i'd done , aware of where i was.
Loud Mouth was not cowering , but all fight had left the man. He was submissive but i was not gracious. Thank fuck i did not have a gun cause if i did i would have shot the cunt. The only thing that stopped me from kicking him till he twitched was some chick throwing herself over his prostrate form.'

'Some of the crew on here have got quite an obvious hatred of our sunny nation .


You said it!!! Fucking 'sad' alright!!!

'Turns out....Australia is peaceful.'

And all it took is an illegal, brutal war, and wholesale, brutal massacres, and attempted genocide, that has to be hidden, and lied about. For the children's sake. Some crew on here are just smugly racist and ignorant.

Fucking 'sad'.

Play it again good ol 'uncle' sam!

Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper Thursday, 17 Aug 2017 at 2:44pm

Some interesting comments here. And all from Donald's own party.

"There's no moral equivalency between racists and Americans standing up to defy hate and bigotry. The President of the United States should say so." Republican senator John McCain.

"Blaming "both sides" for Charlottesville?! No. Back to relativism when dealing with KKK, Nazi sympathizers, white supremacists? Just no." Florida Republican Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen.

"No, not the same. One side is racist, bigoted, Nazi. The other opposes racism and bigotry. Morally different universes." Mitt Romney.

"Pathetic, isn't it just pathetic? The president of the United States needs to condemn these kinds of hate groups. And to not condemn these people who went there to carry out violence and to somehow draw some kind of equivalency to somebody else reduces the ability to totally condemn these hate groups. It's terrible, it's just terrible. It's not about winning an argument." Ohio Gov. and former Republican presidential candidate John Kasich.

“We can have no tolerance for an ideology of racial hatred. There are no good neo-nazis, and those who espouse their views are not supporters of American ideals and freedoms. We all have a responsibility to stand against hate and violence, wherever it raises its evil head.” U.S. Senate Majority Leader Republican Mitch McConnell.

"The organizers of events which inspired & led to the Charlottesville terrorist attack are 100% to blame for a number of reasons.They are adherents of an evil ideology which argues certain people are inferior because of race, ethnicity or nation of origin.
When entire movement is built on anger & hatred towards people different than you, it justifies & ultimately leads to violence against them. These groups today use SAME symbols & same arguments of Nazi & KKK, groups responsible for some of worst crimes against humanity ever.
Mr. President, you can't allow White Supremacists to share only part of blame. They support idea[s] which cost nation & world so much pain. The White Supremacy groups will see being assigned only 50% of blame as a win. We can not allow this old evil to be resurrected." Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio.

"'Very fine people' do not participate in rallies with groups chanting racist and anti-Semitic slogans and displaying vile symbols of hate." Tea party Republican congressman Justin Amash.

"We should never hesitate to call out hate. Whenever and wherever we see it." Republican Senator Orrin Hatch.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Thursday, 17 Aug 2017 at 2:45pm

You're as much of a gift as Sheepy , Herc ....ya silly old cunt.

Pointing to a fist fight - yes , a fist fight , - as evidence of brutality.

If you've even read the story , you'd know that the point is that I'd lived my ENTIRE life up to that point without experiencing any violence.

So thanks again , Herc.

No fool like an old fool , eh !

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Thursday, 17 Aug 2017 at 2:49pm

Does everyone realise that I'd woken up loving life here and you're trying to tell me how wrong I am for it ?

Just spent the day swimming in natural granite ocean pools filled with cool , clear , clean salt water . Sun shining . Lorikeets tweeting.

I bet you boys have been up to your elbows in blood fighting for your lives in this viscous land though , haven't you ?

Herc's picture
Herc's picture
Herc Thursday, 17 Aug 2017 at 3:00pm

'Pointing to a fist fight - yes , a fist fight , - as evidence of brutality.'

Oh dear.

'I ownlee frew wun punch aye!!! Corse ver surf worse shite!!! And I worse surfin' awl day and are faaaarkin local cunt cum ouwt soze I drorped in oern 'im'


' Thank fuck i did not have a gun cause if i did i would have shot the cunt. The only thing that stopped me from kicking him till he twitched was some chick throwing herself over his prostrate form.'

'Some of the crew on here have got quite an obvious hatred of our sunny nation .


You said it!!! Fucking 'sad' alright!!!

Yes, by their own admission, unstable lunatics wander our beaches.

'That was when the madness set in. I looked at the blue sky and the white sand and realty, or unreality, set in. I started to blather, i could not tell you for certain what i was saying but it was lost mans dribble'

'Turns out....Australia is peaceful.'

And all it took is an illegal, brutal war, and wholesale, brutal massacres, and attempted genocide, that has to be hidden, and lied about. For the children's sake. Some crew on here are just smugly racist and ignorant.

Fucking 'sad'.

Play it again good ol 'uncle' sam!

Snuffy Smith's picture
Snuffy Smith's picture
Snuffy Smith Thursday, 17 Aug 2017 at 3:06pm

Sorry Stu for bringing up past emotion's.Sort of like this"Car wreck of a Thread".Haha

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Thursday, 17 Aug 2017 at 3:09pm

I suppose it's hard to see the blue sky when your head is lodged so deeply in your own date that blinking your eyes tickles your duodenum.