Rivermouth Cam Poor Focus

I've also noticed the same thing with the SA Rivermouth cam more recently. Several of the crew have also said the same. Cam not clear any more - is there any explanation as to why?

There's a roof line in the cam view (bottom left) from the neighbouring property that we can't frame around (the roof wasn't an issue until a few years ago when they upgraded and extended the balcony). Occasionally the auto-focus gets stuck on that roof line (just a few metres away), which puts the surf out of focus (500-600m away). We tried to fix it - unsuccessfully - last year, so the only option is a camera upgrade with a different lens so we can zoom in a little more.

love these behind the scenes insights @thermalben. i'm sure there's often pain-in-the-arsedness associated with them, and I appreciate there's probably a lot of delicacy around arrangements, but are there any aspects of what happened to the WR cam in west vicco back when that you might share? seemed like it stayed a 'maybe' for over a year too..
Hey there
I've noticed that the Rivermouth camera isn't very clear anymore, seems like to focus is off.
Even the roof/gutter in the bottom left hand corner is out of focus, I swear it never used to be,
Is there anything that can be done to improve this?