Kuta Lombok

youely's picture
youely started the topic in Tuesday, 1 Jun 2010 at 12:28pm

Im of to Kuta in Lombok in the last week of this month (June) and was wondering if anyone had surfed the region around the same time / just after some info on the wave conditions there??? Im staying in the Novotel......whats the best and closest waves to the hotel, anyone know??? cheers

mozzie's picture
mozzie's picture
mozzie Tuesday, 1 Jun 2010 at 10:57pm

Hey youely,
Try www.wannasurf.com, www.surfingatlas.com, www.kutalombok.com, and www.lombok-network.com/kuta/. Best of luck, hope you score...

dandandan's picture
dandandan's picture
dandandan Wednesday, 2 Jun 2010 at 1:33am

Whilst Kuta Lombok is much less crowded than Kuta Bali, it is still pretty packed that time of the year. Last time I was there that time of year I had to sleep on the floor of a warung, just because there were so many surfers in the town. That being said, get a bike or a driver and you will find a wave that isn't too crowded. Grupuk is probably the most crowded wave in the area but is pretty consistent and its usually a mellow crowd. There are a few narky locals (read: Aussies who have bought land there) who will try and scare you away from the Air Guling area but they were all bark and no bite when I was there. Either way mate, you will score! And enjoy it while you can. Rumor has it a large German investment group is currently negotiating to buy a large chunk of the south coast and build some big resorts and limit access to some of the waves and beaches. I'm predicting that as soon as the new airport is finished investment in Lombok will explode.

youely's picture
youely's picture
youely Wednesday, 2 Jun 2010 at 1:39pm

cheers mozzie and dandan, some good advice from both of you lads.....big help.....either way sounds like some nice waves ill be gettin:-)