why do people wear wetsuits on the goldy in autumn?

good point and all the wetsuits are 3/2s and 4/3s i dont get it
its not like mick etc. doesnt know cold water he surfs bells beach so he should be used to the colder water
peace out zac

I live in vic and if its freezing winter day i paddle out in my 3/2 without booties or any
of that shit, but thats winter.
Cant believe i hear stories of people on goldy wearing steamers, this time of year im still out at Jan Juc in my boardies.

good on ya :)

so true
there all a bunch of girls

i just got back from the goldy,
i wouldnt call them girls, i saw some girls surfing and they were in bikini's.

On the goldie most of us use 2/2 wetties, fools the blow-ins. Within the last week the temp has dropped noticeably, prob is suitable now for a springy. But hey, im sure a bunch of guys from far away want to tell me what i should be wearing.

LittleBoySurfer, no you don't go out in your boardies at the moment at Jan Juc, you are a wanker!

why do people wear wetsuits on the gold coast in autumn? especially pros. the water is warm. are there sponsors trying to push it or are they a bunch of fairies?
if you have the balls to surf 10 foot pipe you should be able to handle 21 degree water.
back in the day people used to surf in vic with no wetty.on another note kelly slater rips shit all over mick fanning in every aspect of surfing...
By: "wax-on-danielson"
Back in the day when? 50 years ago? was at bells a few months ago, everyone was wearing a wettie, pros, locals, kooks, rippers.
Talk about a total non-topic. Wear what you want. Who cares.

On the goldie most of us use 2/2 wetties, fools the blow-ins. Within the last week the temp has dropped noticeably, prob is suitable now for a springy. But hey, im sure a bunch of guys from far away want to tell me what i should be wearing.
By: "ed"
Just out of curiosity, what is the point of fooling the blow-ins. Is it to send them into a state of confusion so you can take all the waves, I know I get confused when I see someone surfing in boardshorts in Victoria.

It's important SELL SELL SELL= your European backpacker turns up buys surf school package, buys trendoid surfboard , most advertised board shorts and tees , then a Fick Manning wetsuit as all of these enable you to reach the stratospheric level of performance required among the 5000 other Euros, proof just check out Ebay chinese product sales.
You think it's bad now wait till the Russian Oil Mafias children arrive and lay claim to your break, they are in Bali now GOLD COAST in wetsuits next!

Wetsuit are better sun protection than sunscreen

true that but when the water is 22 degrees i think you would be better off wearing sunscreen than boiling in a wetty

Here's a pointless story: I lived in England (Cornwall) for a couple of years and surfed over there in pretty cold conditions.
One day I was walking down the street in a T-shirt, Boardies and thongs and felt quite comfortable. I seen one of those digital thermometer on the side of a wall. 14 celcius. Suddenly I felt cold and it dawned upon me. I had acclimatised.
I grew up on and live on the Goldy now. 14 degrees now and I am in overcoat, beanie and jeans. My pointless point. Cold to us is not cold to you if you are from Sydney or even further South. I am still not in a steamer but a springy for the dawny and long arm vest middle of the day. The wind gets pretty cold (to us!). You might come here in August and surf in boardies while we are cold in a S/S Steamer.
It's all relative people. I don't know why I am justifying this anyway, kind of ridiculous to be criticised for what people want to wear in the surf, whatever is comfortable is the best option.

If you got free wetties would'nt you want to wear them?

A) They are all soft.
and who does it really bother if they are? Not me. I don't understand it, but I couldn't give a tinkers.

Had this drama last year.
Jetstar are not flexible on the size limits due to packing all luggage in bins and then loading bins onto plane. Qantas on the other hand uses bins and loose luggage when they load, this is all to allow quicker turn around times for the planes and give you a cheaper flight.
As long as you are flying direct to Bali you can have up to 2.77m, however if you have a domestic leg then you are limted to 1.9m as the domestic legs are flown with smaller aircraft (A320 mostly) and therefore smaller bins.
I ended up having to buy a qantas flight from Mel to Syd to get around the domestic issue last year for my gun. I couln't really complain as my flight was $500 return Mel to Denpasar.
So in summary if it doesn't fit in a bin then it don't go on the plane.

you must lead an exciting life to b getting worked up over people on the goldy are wearing wetty's, who cares! you think your hardcore because your paddling around in boardies with your southern cross tattoo!! baarhhahahah as for Fanning, its coming into winter right? ripcurl is paying him farkn millions to be wearing the latest shit, he needs shots wearing the up coming winter range, its not rocket science!!
there are some dumb fucks around thats for sure
why do people wear wetsuits on the gold coast in autumn? especially pros. the water is warm. are there sponsors trying to push it or are they a bunch of fairies?
if you have the balls to surf 10 foot pipe you should be able to handle 21 degree water.
back in the day people used to surf in vic with no wetty.
on another note kelly slater rips shit all over mick fanning in every aspect of surfing...