New artificial reef to be built on the Gold Coast

Looks like it's another proposal for Palm Beach... but as yet there's no suggestion as to what the reef's design would be (as far as I am aware).

Is there a confirmation on this? And is ASR the contractor concerned?

It's a long way from happening Steve, and ASR aren't involved.
Newspaper story here:
It seems they've been proposed for economic and social benefit, rather than environmental remedies.

Typical clueless Courier Mail reporting. That is a hodge podge of an article.
Call Neil and ask him what was in his report to council.
That would clear a few things up.
My understanding of the opposition to the last Palm Beach artificial reef proposal is that wealthy beachside property owners didn't want a new surf spot based on the increased traffic and loss of their amenity.
Can't see a solution to over-crowding on the Gold Coast that doesn't involve artificial surfing reefs, but using Narrowneck as an example is ridiculous.

The arti at Narrow neck is pretty crappy, a better idea would be to build rockwalls of a decent height to block wind and also at an angle that would creat a wedge.These would also be an appropriate place to pump sand from the broad water on the northern end of the coast and from the tweed bar on the southern end.It's always struck me as odd that snowfields are groomed to create ideal conditions yet beaches are left mostly to mother nature.How good would it be to have quality banks all over the gold coast all year round.

Wollongong just got a new artificial reef near Oilies. They reckon its going to be a real wave generator.

Reo bar spears silicon boobies, should make fantastic reading in the bulletin.

Last thing the millionairs of palm beach want is a bunch of useless surfie fuck,s having a good time in front of their house,s and using up all their parking spots. Wait till the next storm event threatens their front yard and they,ll be begging for a reef.
I heard a little bit about this idea being put forward by the GC council and was wondering if anyone out there knew any more details about it.
Like what sort and where they are talking about putting it?