Quiksilver Pro 2014 webcast

is this the link???

No wonder I couldn't find it on google; I was looking for snapper, not gold coast and/or ASP.
Yeah so if I search for "quiksilver pro 2014 snapper" i get the asp link as the first result, but with no mention of live or cast or stream. I went to the 3rd result, which says live, but has no stream...

But I also found the official forecast, which has a link. Sheesh.
btw the "not bad" rating system isn't a bad idea, just super subjective and open to mis interpretation haha

ahhhhhhhhhh and I still have to click "live" as well.

surf looks pretty bad on the webcast i can't see them running for a few more hours

They'll probably run a bunch of half days across to low tide, I reckon, considering the 2-3ft with SE winds forecast day in day out they've got. @thermalben how do you know the girls are up first? Now that second cyclone is going to probably cross the coast there's less of a reason to wait. I guess they will run the men's tomorrow to capitalize on the weekend viewers across the pacific. I might go watch tomoz.

thermalben wrote:What does "Not Bad" mean anyway? I mean its one thing to use it in dialogue, but it's a ridiculous term to use in a forecast précis. Imagine if the BOM used those terms in their weather forecasts? Brisbane: Not Bad. Sydney: So So. Melbourne: Meh. Adelaide: Average. Perth: OK. etc etc.
it's no different to the rating out of 10 that this site uses. What you call 2/10 maybe someone elses 4/10.
If it's 6ft and cross shore is it 2/10 for being cross shore or 5/10 for being 6ft ?

"But if the surf is 'Not Bad' today, 'Average' tomorrow, 'So So' the next etc.. what's the difference between them all?"
exactly the same as the diference between 4/10 and 6/10 etc - They have replaced the numbers with words.
i.e. 1/5 = poor; 2/5 = not bad or similar and so once you know what they mean it is identical to the numerical system that you use.
same same only different.....

Anyone else's streaming stop starting? Mine is still doing it even when I drop down to 240 pixels.
And goes back and forwards occasionally too.

You win.

Ok last comment on this, I think it serves a purpose as a quick, "am I missing out on anything good" check. Then directly underneath is details

Have I missed a link on the comp website?
Went for a lower tide surf then the wind suddenly went easterly so now there is a break in the rugby and the heat review might be interesting..........
except I can only find an edited review.Is this the new normal?
the review isn't too bad , quite OK sort of thing and I might go out and buy a new phone who knows
but I don't mind having the heat review available.
The heat one review of the women's comp only showed the drop in which was called an interference too.

thermalben wrote:What does "Not Bad" mean anyway? I mean its one thing to use it in dialogue, but it's a ridiculous term to use in a forecast précis. Imagine if the BOM used those terms in their weather forecasts? Brisbane: Not Bad. Sydney: So So. Melbourne: Meh. Adelaide: Average. Perth: OK. etc etc.
haha ... made my day.

And it's all go !!

Already had enough of American accents.. Gunna be a long year
Apparently jjf just did a " nose poke tail slide fin waft"

Clinton Hobgood!

goofy I will take a nose poke over a backside air any day!

And then when you do realise and switch over you've gotta watch a start up ad again. Potentially missing some of the action but increasing ad revenue. So maybe its deliberate?

I've actually just clicked on to the webcast for the first time this morning and despite the obvious (justified) gripes about the 'Americanising' of it, I don't think it's too bad. The ads don't seem to be too intrusive and the camera work is pretty sharp. Commentary is ok, but I'm used to seppo accents.
the things that annoy me are that stupid desk. Are they going to cart that thing around the world or comission another one locally for each event? And the reference to 'Commisioner Perrow'. What a fucking wank that is.
As an aside, looks like Alana has remebered her pants this year. Maybe she's going to have a serious crack at it. (no pun intended).

best day of womens surfing since last years roxy pro !
think i'm in love with courtney c.

@thermalben..why are you whinging about the website and the streaming when you and your website had and still have problems? I woulda thought you would have some sympathy for the teething probs??

I thought that would have gone without saying. But there you go Ben. you said it.
Overall, I think Zosea have done a pretty good job so far, a few glitches aside.

All you fellas saying stuff about the glitches etc.
Pretty much you're helping them sort their shit out,
Who cares about Samsung. Zosea, let them sort their own shit out.
Not the help from SN and all their followers....?
Hope that makes sense. A couple for sure...............:)

After three days I'm now prepared to move to judgement. Here it is:
All things considered, not too bad.
The positives:
Direction - someone is doing a better than previous job of focussing on the surfing in the water rather craps going on around the edges of it. In particular, much less crossing to ads or interviews or other such stuff when someone is about to take off on the best wave of the heat. I like the way that we actually get to watch the surf at the end of a close heat. Thanks for that, keep it up. Watch the changes of camera mid wave though - that's just hard to follow.
Crass commercialism - seems to be at a much lower level. We are looking at a sports broadcast, not thinly disguised advertorial delivered by Marketing department hacks. GT and his ilk are but a distant and unpleasant memory. Many, many thanks for delivering us from this evil.
Production values - It just looks better. Slo mo replays are delicious. Graphics are generally good (though that graphic of the thruster fins and tail that sits behind various pieces is soooo wrong). But there's been effort put into getting the look right.
Not so generous on commentary, though. Most of the team aren't too bad, but Turpel is BOOORRRING. Joey, maaate, learn to a) shut up sometimes and b) say something worth hearing when you do talk. It's not radio, bro. Dead air is fine.
And sorry Pottz, but you're missing the mark in my book too. If you're the expert commentator, be prepared to dissect and inform us. If someone does something cool, get excited. If someone does something bad, pick it apart. If someone (including you, Pottz) does something stupid, laugh. Where's the personality?
And please, the cliche count is through the roof. "Caution to the wind" and "ticking the boxes" are particularly annoying, and for crying out loud, if you hear yourself saying "back in the day" just stop talking immediately. It's not about you, mate. Go and ask Blakey how it's done, if you're not sure.
Don't mind the rest. Rosie Hodge is really good, and the other yanks (Mel, Kline, Parnell) are decent enough.
Overall, I think I like the new world order. I'm giving it three and a half stars.

for me day 001 was unwatchable...commercials count and placement killed it for me.
and what's the new deal with floatation device on towed-out surfers ?
safety 101 ? hmm, prevention...good move

Very disappointing to hear semi-illiterate surfing commentators on the ASP event website. Some are good but others cannot even pronounce the contestants names properly. Surely that is not too much to expect from a professional organisation. The commentary seems to be drifting towards mainstream sports-type presentations. Are the ASP trying to capture a non-surfing audience? It is becoming boring for us long-time watchers. Don't know why the ASP website was changed. As a senior citizen I find it harder to navigate. Bring back GT. Loved his creepy manner and a real persona out of the norm.

GT was pretty fruity....easy guy to hate on but actually a top bloke in person.

Not the best commentary so far. Preferred last years guys. When's it back on?
Twenty minutes in and there's already been four ad breaks with three or four ads per break. This is the Broadcast TV model in full swing (will be interesting to see how they juggle it once the competition starts).
Been a few streaming hiccups but otherwise seems to be working OK.