Pressure Dings.

An extra 4 ounce tail patch or 3/4 patch..not much extra weight,or maybe a thicker filler coat on the deck ?
I didn't get deck dents on my 1980s boards.
Taj 's would be 1 layer of 4 ounce all over.....dents in that pic could be after only 1 surf.

Dents are mostly due to the foam being soft moreso than the glass being weak . If you use super light foam blank u will get dent even if you have 3x 6oz glassed on your back foot area . So if u dont want dents u need high density foam . Not only that but its how far into the blank the shape has been cut . Ie the outer skin of the blank is hardest & the middle is softest like a loaf of bread or cake . So some shapers will make the effort to make your board with the deck close to the hardest foam & some shapers wont . Nowadays with shaping machines it becomes the work of whomever is setting up each blank onto the stand / rack so the cutting blade can shape your board . Some board makers will make the effort but some , mostly production line workers couldnt be bothered or its not possible to make that happen . Suprisingly some recent boards i have got havent dented at all . My boards are so thick that just the smallest cut is taken off the deck & also the foam is high density . Glassed with 6 oz of course . Said it before & will say again ; surfers should take some responsibility about disposable boards that break its rubbish . Why promote product that will break & become rubbish within a few months . Why try to copy pro surfers by having lightweight boards . Who are u fooling thinking your a pro when your not just get a board that will last a while & doesnt break , snap , ding , dent . Dont help the pollution problem by adding to the zillions of broken boards on the planet . Get a strong one & save money in the long run & save rubbish becos its a petroleum plastic product

Good post again Caml;)
Love the info, you are right about rubbish.
Hey ACB, IMO dents on the top of the board are only aesthetically looking, its what is underneath really champ,
Clean skin below and lines underneath is the most important as well as clean fins ie no dents;)
Don't worry about Taj, he could probably buy 1 million of those pieces of lightweight wicker wacker things;)

udo wrote:I didn't get deck dents on my 1980s boards.
Love it Udes;)
Sure Uppity never had dings like that as well on his boards thru the 70's.

Uppity would have needed alloy deck plates at the least hey ? The time i repaired his rear fin for him becos he cracked it . So ive done it real strong with lots of fibre but less rovings and then he complained it had added too much weight . He said it on one of these here threads the big gimp !

Where is that big fella?!

He has found other outlets I think goofy but I heard from him a while ago and it was all good. My specialties in pressure dents are chin dents, from pushing it into the deck as I paddle in and finger dents from grabbing the rail when I duck dive.

Same BB.
Chin dents are me all over haha
Got a callus on my chin now, it annoys me hard;)

caml's comment about durability was on the money but given that most boards these days are off the rack or a standard model, insisting on a more customised approach can be difficult unless you are dealing with someone operating on a smaller scale, which I heartily suggest.....if you can find the right designer/shaper for your needs.

One word Firewire

BB suggestions for your area? Cheers
Anyone have any theories / ways to avoid pressure dings on a fresh new board deck? Thicker glassing? 70's full board foam grip ( please don't seriously suggest this ) ?
I've had two sweet new sleighs over the summer and while only a few months old, its just got heaps of little heel divits in the deck. Maybe I'm landing too hard, or not distributing my weight evenly. I notice even TB gets em so maybe its just unavoidable