Surfboard storage at the beach.

lonesurfa's picture
lonesurfa started the topic in Friday, 19 Feb 2010 at 11:42pm

Just want to know if there are other surfers out there that would find beach-side board storage lockers handy?

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Saturday, 20 Feb 2010 at 1:23am

I've got one at every beach in Australia, it's my car.

lonesurfa's picture
lonesurfa's picture
lonesurfa Saturday, 20 Feb 2010 at 8:55am

I was thinking it may be good for surfers who want to ride a motorbike/scooter to their favourite breaks. Save a bit on fuel cost around Vicco.

speedneedle's picture
speedneedle's picture
speedneedle Saturday, 20 Feb 2010 at 9:11am

Would that make it more difficult if you want to head for waves in the other direction?

Hmm...not so many takers, unless your local pumps all the time!

Not a bad option however for city dwellers, grommys with no wheels...I've read of this, in the 60's at some Sydney locations, but boards were huge then.

I believe its quite a happening little scene in Japan, with the locker set-up tied in with surfshops and/or clubs. Have a look-in, could be a business in it for somebody enterprising.


kaftan's picture
kaftan's picture
kaftan Saturday, 20 Feb 2010 at 11:09am

could be handy, living an hour away from the coast i need to choose which board to bring before i leave, this type of board storage facility would mean being able to choose which board to use when i actually see the conditions first hand and leave the other board safely, i have a ute so cannot leave boards safely in it while surfing, also mals for example don't fit into small cars and aren't safe being left on the roof-racks.

lonesurfa's picture
lonesurfa's picture
lonesurfa Sunday, 21 Feb 2010 at 2:02am

It should be a good way for surf-lifesaving clubs to raise money. I don't know why they don't do it. They are the ones who would be the best able to provide the facility. They already have the land or space required for it. They could probably charge around 20 bucks a month per board.

brendo's picture
brendo's picture
brendo Wednesday, 21 Sep 2011 at 10:34am

most lifesaving clubs are chockers with clubbie boards and boats ! And you'd never be guaranteed someone wouldn't nick your board anyway.