Fixing dings the easy way?

furlong's picture
furlong started the topic in Sunday, 2 Feb 2014 at 9:59pm

I am an absolute kook when it comes to dinging my boards and then screwing up my repair jobs. My all time worst was slamming the boot on the tail while picking up favourite board from the shaper after he fixed the nose. My latest debacle was tripping up the stairs after a surf and then watching my fibreglass repair effort flake away on my next surf after fixing it. Has anybody got advice/recommendations about those instant tube products that seem much simpler than fibreglass repair kits

billroy's picture
billroy's picture
billroy Monday, 3 Feb 2014 at 11:21am

Depends on how much you value your board and the severity of the ding. I use sun-cure on dings from doorways/being in the car that don't breach the foam. Have done good jobs where I've paid more attention (sanding it smooth, cleaning it, putting the resin in, sanding it to shape) and quick fixes where I've just squirted it on and spread it around. definitely makes a fair difference, and can start flaking if not applied properly.

Took an old but sentimental board into the surf shop for repair. Had a deep ding that pierced the foam larger than a 50c piece. They said they could repair it, but suggested a whole tube of sun-cure and I'd save some cash and the board would still surf alright. Haven't done it yet, and am skeptical because I think the resin will just drip into the body, but am going to give it a crack.

Works fine for me, but I'm not too fussy.

ACB__'s picture
ACB__'s picture
ACB__ Wednesday, 5 Feb 2014 at 8:13am

Fill the bastard with candle wax.

singkenken's picture
singkenken's picture
singkenken Friday, 7 Feb 2014 at 8:45am

Just do it old skool - sand properly, cut out any rough edges, fill ./c resin & await proper cure. Sand properly - @ least 4 grades down to 400grit or so then finnish with a good cutting cream. Perfect!!!.

mothart's picture
mothart's picture
mothart Friday, 7 Feb 2014 at 10:33am

If you want it real schmick, when you first sand the cloth back (careful now, keep it in side the edges, we don't want any sand throughs) just do it in a coarse grade, then paint a filler coat over the sanded area.
This will cover any cloth, pin holes & deep scratches.
When fully cured, take the edges of with a bit finer paper and work your way through the grades.
A bit more time, nice results.

mozzie's picture
mozzie's picture
mozzie Friday, 7 Feb 2014 at 7:11pm

Moth, you still shaping? I recall you pumping out some pretty good shapes in the early 2000s & heard rumors you were on the west coast?

mothart's picture
mothart's picture
mothart Saturday, 8 Feb 2014 at 1:55pm

Yeah mate, I'm on the West Coast.

Only doing a few boards a year when I make it back to ADL. Got a good deal where I shape em and Mick & Leighton finish them. I was pretty over the Glassing & sanding in the end.

What about yourself?

non-local's picture
non-local's picture
non-local Wednesday, 12 Feb 2014 at 8:46am

First thing you should do is to go out and buy a cover for your board and by the sounds of it a good thick padded one.
Secondly you should use it.
Finally if you do ding your board in the future you should go directly to a ding repairer and get them to fix it properly, but if do as above you won't need said ding repairer as much.
Good Luck :-)

rrrrrrrrr's picture
rrrrrrrrr's picture
rrrrrrrrr Monday, 29 Sep 2014 at 12:02pm

Fix surfboard dings I use sun curing's ding repair resin high C/P

eat-your-vegies's picture
eat-your-vegies's picture
eat-your-vegies Monday, 29 Sep 2014 at 4:03pm

if you got a crack or hole In your rail I recommend a proper repair with a couple of layers of glass fibre cloth running in the correct slant. best done by someone who knows their shit if you don't want a snapped board next time you surf 3' sth straddie.
if its on the deck or bottom and ya just wana bog and fill it, any thing will do EXCEPT FUCKIN WAX.
never use wax.
tapes good in the mean time .