Surf Board Games

Early 1960's Oz Surfing Board game should attract Surfer Gurlz
See here...
" SURFBOARD " A Thrilling Australian Surfboard Race Game
Muscle Beach Bullies crashing a Beach Blanket Bingo Session
Warning : May pop yer lil' sister's eyes out...nuthin' suss!
Object of the Game :
To take a team of 2 Surf Board riders from the start at the Beach...
...around the Buoy to the Finish at the clubhouse!
Pretty sure Surf Lakes ripped their X Wave Pool design from this John Sands Gameboard
Got Lucky twice here....Great Gallery of Breaker Cards

1980 Surf's Up (Hawaii)
Dec 1979 Aloha ~ Wahine named Julie W Miller dared to dream big! Of Hawaiian Surfing Game
See Photo of Julie with Hibiscus Flower in her Hair + Authentic Surf Chick Pioneer Signature
Object of Game :
Kinda like > Sell yer Soul to backdoor the North Shore Surf Empire
So ya Fly into Honolulu Airport with $2,500
Rent a Car & Surfboard then check into Waikiki Hotel
Start yer Surf Safari "Attempting" to surf Secret Spots...
Says ya have to Compete against Locals & pay their Bribes (No kidding)
Watch ya don't get wiped out & keep checking yer Surf Reports...
First Surfer to Conquer 4 surf Breaks wins the Iconic Hawaiian {Quaddie}
That's obviously way more prestigious than that cheap Hawaiian knock off ... triple crown
Got Lucky again here...gonna share the Game Gallery
Might wanna rip this before they censor (Rogue Hawaiian Chiko Chick's contraband Hot Link!)
Gromz Look away...(Video may have been dreamed up by a Surf Chick...)
Shows Gameboard / Pieces / Bucks / Cards
Smoke Free Version Over Here...
Crew: Where can we get the '70's Smoking Hot Version from tbb...
Ya dirty bastards...You'll have to ask Surf Game Dominatrix Julie...
Julie says it was a 3's Company Roommates Dream Share Living Arrangement...Very '70's
So it' was Julie's Wet Dream to stoke ASP Triple Crown into WSL Alive in the Quaddie
Surf Board Games
[ Objective )
Subversive Plot by sick crew to attract more Chiko Chix to swellnet
[ Instructions )
Click'n'Collect more tacky surf merch
[ Rules )
Find a Surfing Board Game that Chiko Chix would be game enough to Play.