Longboards on planes

Travelled with Singapore Airlines and Garuda Indonesia with a 9'2" longboard, no problems. Well the first time I came home with a little crack in the nose (despite pool noodle coverage) easy fix though, but subsequent times no worries.
A friend also travels with a longboard similar length with Virgin, no problem.

Singapore Airlines

Hey FlashGordo what did you end up doing? I’m off in a few days and noticed Singapore Airlines have reduced board sizes to 200cm and I’m freaking out that they won’t take my board.

Heading on a long-haul trip and would love to take a log with me. Lots of airlines seeming to have very stringent limits - but people seem to travel with longboards and guns all the time.
Has anyone actually been turned away for a board that's too long? (rather than for having too many boards/bag too heavy etc.).
Any advice appreciated.