Xmas New Years Forcast.

Yeah by coincidence we're just punching out one right now! Doesn't look good though...

Thanks ACB.. really appreciate the nice words. Plenty more to come over the coming months too! Just need some bloody swell.

not for aust but the cyclone gfs is showing south of Sumatra just curious on the swell for java and bali, any good or wrong direction ??
oops that was supposed to go in the crystal ball cyclone thread.

Not very good at all Udo, the system is too weak and the supporting ridge and strongest winds are on its southerrn flank, aimed towards the west and Reunion Island rather than Java.
Also the cyclone will track south-west and away from Indonesia which will lessen any swell expected off the system.
Any chance your could do a NSW east coast forcast for the break? I'm going to spend my holidays at the south coast, followed by an up and back roadtrip from batemans bay to byron.
Hows it looking? I may be mistaken in saying there could be a little pulse around NYE...
Love your work.