I've had one for many years and love it, but only use it in summer and when the waves are small and you can paddle around the impact zone. It has probably saved my head and face from skin cancer, so I say hats off to the inventor of this handy product.

The peak of the cap does limit peripheral vision when paddling.
I prefer the hats with the stiffer part at the front which you can flip up and therefore not restrict your vision range.

How does the Peak of a cap limit Peripheral vision when paddling ?

Billabong had a good hat years ago. Not stiff so when duck diving it would stay in place. With the stiff peaks you can duck your head down more when duck diving to minimise wave pulling it off. I've got a rashie with a peak attached. It covers your neck and ears too and is all one piece. It looks pretty weird like a space suit but it perfect for Indo.

I started using those hooded rashies in Maldives and indo, Worked well. Use them in summer and a wetsuit cap in winter mainly to keep the ear plugs in place (surfers ears), Only time in big surf the rashie let me down. Got rinsed and wanted to quickly paddle out of impact zone. Surfaced with the rashie covering my face and went to take a big breath. Total waterboarding experience - freaked me out
From the inventor of the surfcap ... don't buy one ... you will find that the wide brim/bill will push it off your head as you duck-dive when paddling out. The best design is not the one I invented but the boonie style with a brim all the way around the crown of the hat. Trust me ...don't waste your money you kooks!