OMBE surf coaching


Claytons a legend. Great shaper and great coach. A really good bloke. His boards have gotten me through some very critical situations where i may have got pretty smoked if the board didn't do what it was built to do. And as a coach, he simplifies things, puts a couple of key words in your head for you to take in the water and honestly, your surfing will improve shitloads.
So many vids on youtube to help improve your surfing and have heard epic feedback from friends that have signed up for the OMBE program.
Definitely highly recommend who they are and what they stand for.
Hello Swellnet community,
There's a new surf coaching platform out there, that I've been on for a while. It is probably targeted at the whole range of intermediate surfers, also touching on Advanced surfers. Originally I wasn't convinced about the online bit but there a truckload of content and video analysis that is pretty spot on I have to say. I've already picked up a few things that have made my poor intermediate surfing a lot more enjoyable.
The head coach is Clayton Nienaber, who is also a very experienced shaper featured a few times on Swellnet articles. If you want to trial his insights head to their youtube channel (of the same name) and look at the ton of gold that's there.
Anyway you join or not it is up to you. They are trying to build up the community so any new member counts. Sign up is free and obligation free. If you're keen you can use my referral link below (yes I stand to get a free program out of that, full disclosure).
Cheers :-)