Nick Carrol is a dick

Wasn’t aware but now I’m off to the competitor to suss your coast out.

Nick has long been a dick, nothing like riding your brother's coat tails your whole life and thinking people want to hear your version of events
I quit my coastal watch/ Surfline membership in protest of reading his self fellatio ( although now with SN west Oz surf cams out of order for so long i am regretting that decision just a little bit)

From 26th Feb?
Looks fun, ive get to get over there one day my Sister lived over there for a few years as married a Kiwi, but they came back to Aus a few years ago.
Pic's from article look heaps like NW coast of Tassie, set ups and coastline but with swell.

Wasnt aware either....Beautiful coastline
Dig that pic of my Dear old Mate Ed Korau..fuckn Champ.

Totally off topic, but have blowin and VL been booted off the site?

goofyfoot wrote:Totally off topic, but have blowin and VL been booted off the site?
2 weeks and counting

I wouldn't get too worried about it Inzider. That was a freakish swell with a weird angle and it's not likely to happen again like that in a long time. And Daniel and Coff and Jarred were all posting up a storm on their own insta so it's not like it was any secret. Just the town beaches really. But further down the country....well yeah........

goofyfoot wrote:Totally off topic, but have blowin and VL been booted off the site?
Thought SN seemed different.

Tick wrote:goofyfoot wrote:Totally off topic, but have blowin and VL been booted off the site?
Thought SN seemed different.
Been kinda nice.

Almost peaceful even..

poo-man wrote:I wouldn't get too worried about it Inzider. That was a freakish swell with a weird angle and it's not likely to happen again like that in a long time. And Daniel and Coff and Jarred were all posting up a storm on their own insta so it's not like it was any secret. Just the town beaches really. But further down the country....well yeah........
I think he is referring to another article P Man. Loved that area. Didn’t have a board with me but went down every road I could that hit the coast to see what I could see. Spent the night up the car park under the snow capped volcano

Is inzider Nick Carroll? No one would have read that article without that beautiful promotion and follow up recommendations by Inzider :-P
But yeah, that's pretty shit. No need to blow coasts out especially in this day and age when it's hard to find uncrowded strips of relatively low key wave zones. Sorry for ya Inzider!!

The irony of posting this on website dedicated to surf forecasts, surf cams, stories on surfing and a direct competitor with the same business model.

Indo, it’s a great trip but fickle so make scenery gazing as important as surfing. I recommend ditching the camper vans and hire a station wagon because wherever you go there are cool little motels with empty rooms waiting for a fun negotiated cash transaction. Lots of nice old ladies renting out rooms etc as well…ive been all over much of it north and south and had from reasonable to epic waves. Some scary though with serious isolation and walking around seals to get to the waves. Take a semi gun plus your favourite as the wind can blow your eyeballs out some days and some places are powerful. The beaches are different some even spooky and little bays with giant kelp hiding goodness knows what below when your paddling out alone. Allow a month to get to experience it properly. I couldn’t afford the tourist rides and experiences as they were next level expensive, but the beauty and contrasts were all I needed to have a great trip. Lastly watch the weather reports carefully as it can be howling onshore forecast for a few days so just jump in the car and head to the other side of the island. I got to surf perfect rags my first day there so that is a memory I’ll never forget.

“.... because wherever you go there are cool little motels with empty rooms waiting for a fun negotiated cash transaction....”
Can do capitalism
If you have a go you get a go
Learn that lil trick in the prosperity gospels Optimist ?


Island Bay wrote:Meow!
Just pointing out the gross hypocrisy of our resident god bother IB

Yeah, naah. Just being catty, I reckon.

You’re welcome IB you clearly haven’t tuned in to his recent pronouncements: the man is a kaleidoscope of ethical and moral contradictions yet he sees himself as some sort of devout christian.

Fair enough. I'll have a re-read :-)

had no idea about the article until i read this. So you've kinda blown it up yourself. It doesn't really seem like a secret though, it's super crowded.
But Nick Carrol does seem like a dick from reading his shit over the years

Gay Frowny would be fun to travel with….bargaining with kiwis is fun BRUUUU…get out ya Pingas….save $10 a room…they don’t accept ya communist party credit card over there…ha!

Its a bit hard for some to turn the other cheek .

Unbelievable ….

Thanks for the recommendations and just try to ignore the trolls.
First time I've heard anyone suggest that getting a bargain or bargaining is un Christian or using cash is un Christian???

@optimist, how do you reconcile the use of juvenile gay jokes (its not the 1st time) that would be unacceptable in primary school with your role as husband, father, proclaimed christian and brother of a proud gay man?
@info, it is entirely unremarkable that you wouldn't understand the ethical/ legal issues around actively seeking out a cash (tax-free) business transaction; as tradie its probable you engage in this behaviour on a daily basis and to explain it to you would involve the use of single syllable words and you reading it over and over again with your finger following the words on the screen.
Now fuck off the both of you.

“ as tradie its probable you engage in this behaviour on a daily basis ”
Pretty broad assumption there Guy, way off the mark too I reckon

GuySmiley wrote:@optimist, how do you reconcile the use of juvenile gay jokes (its not the 1st time) that would be unacceptable in primary school with your role as husband, father, proclaimed christian and brother of a proud gay man?
@info, it is entirely unremarkable that you wouldn't understand the ethical/ legal issues around actively seeking out a cash (tax-free) business transaction; as tradie its probable you engage in this behaviour on a daily basis and to explain it to you would involve the use of single syllable words and you reading it over and over again with your finger following the words on the screen.
Now fuck off the both of you.
So you troll optimist (only because he is Christian) and bring negative vibes to a good hearted positive conversation (despite how the topic started) and now your telling us to fuck off. nice one.
BTW. Cash doesn't necessarily equal avoiding paying tax, many business just like cash transactions for a variety of other reasons especially old school types.

GuySmiley wrote:@optimist, how do you reconcile the use of juvenile gay jokes (its not the 1st time) that would be unacceptable in primary school with your role as husband, father, proclaimed christian and brother of a proud gay man?
@info, it is entirely unremarkable that you wouldn't understand the ethical/ legal issues around actively seeking out a cash (tax-free) business transaction; as tradie its probable you engage in this behaviour on a daily basis and to explain it to you would involve the use of single syllable words and you reading it over and over again with your finger following the words on the screen.
Now fuck off the both of you.
You're turning into quite the BB there GS.
BB, VicMoron and your own sanctimony appear boundless.

Cheers guys, also don’t rely on your cards around quiet places in NZ or you’ll be driving a long way to an atm…keep cash all the time to last a few days including accom.. If it wasn’t for the kindness of a farmer who fed us and let us stay in accom until we found some cash we would have been stuffed. Was a funny night being invited by a total stranger for dinner in the middle of nowhere near the sea on the South Island with a variety of guns and big knives on the wall …ha ha…we were a bit nervous but the .guy was a total gentleman …made good home brew too….love NZ…

Optimist wrote:Cheers guys, also don’t rely on your cards around quiet places in NZ or you’ll be driving a long way to an atm…keep cash all the time to last a few days including accom.. If it wasn’t for the kindness of a farmer who fed us and let us stay in accom until we found some cash we would have been stuffed. Was a funny night being invited by a total stranger for dinner in the middle of nowhere near the sea on the South Island with a variety of guns and big knives on the wall …ha ha…we were a bit nervous but the .guy was a total gentleman …made good home brew too….love NZ…
Are you sure you were in NZ? Good story tho.

That little story won't have me travelling to NZ for surf. More the opposite. Not the sort of waves to plan a surf trip over ahead of Indo, many parts of Australia etc.
Now way back in the 70s there was a aqua blue line up shot of Raglan in Surfer and those Puni's farm thin lipped golden A frame barrels. They got me dreaming - but still never went.

How about sn bans optimist,sick of reading your dribble you gullible little man.

swellnet should ban one of their own writers.
Just as abusive as anyone else on here

Yep over two weeks now. Must go 2 days first offence who knows second offence. A month?
It’s funny how they keep the forums clicking over. Many moons ago well before Indo thought the forums were good and went to shit Thermalben had an antagonist Stuey that would relentlessly have a go at Ben. “Im gunning for you Spermalbum” was his catch cry. Surfed with him a couple of times. Million miles an hour jabber jaw full of himself little dog syndrome sorta bloke. Anyway back to the story when he left or was blocked the forums went real quiet.

Opti wrote 'If it wasn’t for the kindness of a farmer who fed us and let us stay in accom until we found some cash we would have been stuffed'. A parable not unlike the fate of Joseph and Mary? Good for you Opti.

@ CBG Yep agree there. Not our call. Were you around back then? Ben was serious about decorum then so quite a few of went off to another forum set up by Wanderer. Nothing nasty but where we could slang shit on each other which was frowned upon on Swellnet and fair enough. Was fun times and we did a few surf trips together. South Coast, Cresso, North Haven. Fuck we did some miles from up here to make those appointments

Agree there also

Gunther you out there?

Spermalbum. That is gold. Lol

As a long-term expat to that neck of the woods I'd note that the photos / vid were supplied by a local fella, to be posted, with v. brief intro, by NC. No idea if the local photog got paid for his work but presume so. Like most places, surfing has exploded here in recent years, from a staunch, mostly quiet local crew (quite a few Aussie expats among 'em from MOTE days and earlier), up to early 2000s, to major recent migration of surfers from within NZ and more further afield - UK, Japan, Brazil, Europe more generally, all living in the area. Having the Women's Dream Tour here for a few years didn't help and there are several major self-publicists, which doesn't help either in respect of keeping crowds down. But noting some of them are life-long locals, just seeking attention, often to promote business interests. The nearby villages are now becoming mini-Byron Bay wanabees. So what were once relatively quiet breaks that don't work well all that often (prevailing wind is onshore, fetch window is narrow and swell-generating storms are 'galloping' across it), are now chockas most of the time. So it goes. The main break featured, the right hander, is particularly noted for the regular abuse and episodic fights there. All that said, it ain't quite Noosa or Superbank!

Also, the waves are not, as claimed, 'world class', if that term reflects Hawaii, Indo, Tahiti or other barreling reef breaks - nothing like it.

Roadkill wrote:Spermalbum. That is gold. Lol
I thought so too great play on words but I feel for Ben because it was all just nasty and ridiculous and baseless. Geez I shouldn’t have brought it up.

seeds wrote:Roadkill wrote:Spermalbum. That is gold. Lol
I thought so too great play on words but I feel for Ben because it was all just nasty and ridiculous and baseless. Geez I shouldn’t have brought it up.
haha, i love the nicknames on swellnet.

You forgot cold Lindo….really friggin ccccold.

Let’s hope like fuck no one does a piece on the spearfishing or crays in close.
Thanks nick for extensively publicsing my home coast in NZ. You are a dick. Fuck surfline, scumbag fuckwit shitlickers. Fuck off.