Burnt Lips - HELP

surf mud or a big moustache

50+ waterproof sunscreen on face and rub it into your lips not on to your lips as well. On top of that, Zinc. Again, rub some into your lips and put another layer over top of that.
Don't worry about how you look. Nobody else does.

Good zinc , apply often

I've had very good results with Sun Zapper Zinc on face and lips, that's all I use these days. Stays on lips very well and I tuck the zinc stick in my wetsuit arm when going surfing, reapply on lips/nose wherever in the surf

Zinc stick would be much easier than surf mud in foil.

Not cumbersome at all, surf mud in a foil nah mate that will be cumbersome and messy. Sun zapper stays on well when even applied wet I've found.

That surf mud is out of control expensive. $26 for a little tin!
I’ve used this gear for decades and found it to be unbeatable. It’ll stay on for a four hour surf no dramas. I’ve got a relo who buys me a half dozen tubes for Chrissy each year and I’m just about done by the time Xmas Rolla around again. I use a fuvk load of zinc. Pretty sure it’s about $7 a tube. Best sunscreen ever. No contest.

I've been using Clear Zinke by Key Sun for the last few years on my bald noggin and it's bloody good.

Yes, surf mud to expensive. I used to use that Blowin and it is I think the cheapest protection on the market but then found that Sunzapper stick stays on even better especially the lips and I can take it with me into the surf and apply as required. Sunzapper is about $10/stick.

Im with Ben ,clear zinc by key sun is a winner fairly cheap too cause it goes a long way

Go da Bronzinc!luv it but i did what lostdoggy said n grew the big ol mo mo mustachio.it works well except the wife told me i looked like Freddy Mercury or Borat!

Just found Bronze Zinc online at Priceline for $4 a tube. So you can get 6.5 tubes for the same price as the so-hot-right-now Surf Mud.
$26 is a small price to pay to be seen with the right sunscreen in the carpark though. Def worth it for the street cred.*
* Sarcasm

I was going to say “Roach Clip” or card board roach/filter. But you guys are talking about something completely different.

Now Vic knows what to get blowie for Valentine's Day.

Blowin wrote:That surf mud is out of control expensive. $26 for a little tin!
I’ve used this gear for decades and found it to be unbeatable. It’ll stay on for a four hour surf no dramas. I’ve got a relo who buys me a half dozen tubes for Chrissy each year and I’m just about done by the time Xmas Rolla around again. I use a fuvk load of zinc. Pretty sure it’s about $7 a tube. Best sunscreen ever. No contest.
Hey, blowin.
With regards to that little tin.
I get 2-3 summers out of one. You don’t need much out of it.
I tried a few of the other similar ones to surf mud but I prefer it’s consistency and it is almost perfect match to my skin tone but that doesn’t really matter, but helps if you go somewhere after surf and don’t rub it all off.
I think I paid an even $20 last time I bought it. So price of a 6 pack for a couple of summers + is no big deal to me.
My mate got something made up at a compound chemist based on surf mud or something similar. Got about double the size for like $10 and it’s even thicker. Just need a tiny amount of it. Hard to wash off though which could be a positive on an indo surf trip.

Was given a tin of surf mud. Thick and stays on, but need a spatula to remove it!

Soft tissue paper on a wet face does the trick for me.
I had a look at my tin. Says I paid $21 from Rainbow beach tourist centre. I was there in Dec 2021 and there’s more than half left.

lostdoggy wrote:Blowin wrote:That surf mud is out of control expensive. $26 for a little tin!
I’ve used this gear for decades and found it to be unbeatable. It’ll stay on for a four hour surf no dramas. I’ve got a relo who buys me a half dozen tubes for Chrissy each year and I’m just about done by the time Xmas Rolla around again. I use a fuvk load of zinc. Pretty sure it’s about $7 a tube. Best sunscreen ever. No contest.
Hey, blowin.
With regards to that little tin.
I get 2-3 summers out of one. You don’t need much out of it.
I tried a few of the other similar ones to surf mud but I prefer it’s consistency and it is almost perfect match to my skin tone but that doesn’t really matter, but helps if you go somewhere after surf and don’t rub it all off.
I think I paid an even $20 last time I bought it. So price of a 6 pack for a couple of summers + is no big deal to me.My mate got something made up at a compound chemist based on surf mud or something similar. Got about double the size for like $10 and it’s even thicker. Just need a tiny amount of it. Hard to wash off though which could be a positive on an indo surf trip.
That pictured Bronze Zinc is (was) great, cheap and works well, been around forever ,I was told by local chemist that it will soon no longer be available , not sure if it was business or ingredients so if you see it buy them all !
I got the last 3 tubes they had .

I've had some hectic burnt lips experiences. A hat! Drink lots of water. Don't eat hot spaghetti or pizza once they are starting to get burnt...or anything hot really.
There's a lip balm that nivea put out, just the little stick called lip repair and protection. It doesn't have all the chemicals that the other ones have. Also some of that lanolin lip balm is soothing.
I've tried zincs, screens etc but if you're constantly in the sun and the wind and salt, they conspire against you too much. The bronze zinc is good but once they start to get burnt, that will just add to the burning feeling. So yeah, a hat!
Here's an interesting one lads, what do people do to stop their lips getting burnt? Mine are getting roasted at the moment, its fucked.