~ Spotted ~ Gumtree ~ Ebay ~ Facey ~

udo wrote:Thats an Outside Corner Weapon
This is also well priced
Thread drift, but the gumtree add referred to this video, specifically the last board. Feast your eyes on Rasta in epic Point waves on a very lively 8'10 (starts around 3:50):

Nah. He just relisted it to get it back to the top.

Beautiful board. Shame it's a Thruster.

stunet wrote:Beautiful board. Shame it's a Thruster.
Couldn’t understand why it was only set up as a thruster , custom order maybe ?

Agree Stu, should have been set up as a quad only

They’re all moving to qld..

udo wrote:https://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/byron-bay/surfing/found-surfboard/128738...
damn...that'll ruin your holiday...driving off without your new xmas board.

I never got along with that set. Might work for someone

Didn't last long udo.
How's the dims on this knife?
7'6 by 17 3/4

udo wrote:$50
That Webster is a freaking steal. Too bad I’ve already got 22 boards laying around the house.
Still tempted!
Somebody buy it and put me out of my FOMO misery.

Seems I missed out on this today on market place was only $50, sent a message(2hrs after listed this morning) but still no reply and now says sold, damn i should have just said id pay more or something, look at the bottom it looks mint.
Was for sale with metric measurements with a completely clueless description, no mention of shaper.
Im sure someone is pretty happy right now.
Damn could be a few grand board if shaped by Lynch or someone in that condition

Looks unreal! Shaper's logo might give the answer indo. Not sure I'd trust that leggie tho!

Knocked down the asking price of a Lynch shaped 6’2” in mint (likely never surfed) condition to $30 from $40 at a market years ago. Ended up trading it direct to RipCurl for 2 new boards and 2 wetsuits. It ended up on display at the Torquay shop.

Winning Guy.
Any regrets?

zenagain wrote:Winning Guy.
Any regrets?
At the time I got it at the market I was only thinking it would be good for my son until a local legend shaper set me straight. I had no idea of its value and the guy happily took the $30. I then contract RC as I had not personal attachment to the board and I wanted it to go home as it were. Turns out it was likely to be one of Wayne’s first under that RC rainbow logo era so I was really happy returning it to its home. The guy I dealt with at RC was great and understood where I was coming from and was equally generous to me.

Well there you go Guy- even better.

Cockee wrote:Looks unreal! Shaper's logo might give the answer indo. Not sure I'd trust that leggie tho!
Not likely a lynch shape at the time his logo was a fish with an open tail very similar to that design you see god bothers stick on their cars with the words shaped by Wayne lynch inside the fish. While not all that clear the logo in info’s pic looks rounded so perhaps shaped by Don Alcroft. Still a valuable (historical sense) piece of Vicco surfing history.

GuySmiley wrote:Cockee wrote:Looks unreal! Shaper's logo might give the answer indo. Not sure I'd trust that leggie tho!
Not likely a lynch shape at the time his logo was a fish with an open tail very similar to that design you see god bothers stick on their cars with the words shaped by Wayne lynch inside the fish. While not all that clear the logo in info’s pic looks rounded so perhaps shaped by Don Alcroft. Still a valuable (historical sense) piece of Vicco surfing history.
Yeah i think your right, you see quite a few Don Alcroft Rip curl boards of this era around too and from memory his logo is that kind of rounded shape.
I was hoping it was by AL Colk as he took me surfing regularly as a grommet and did a few boards during this era for Rip Curl but his logo on Rip Curl boards is different too.
Anyway missed out on it so doesn't matter, BTW. cool story.

Joel Fitz sale on at the mo, save yourself a few bucks.

With Steve's self reported ding repair skills I imagine he'd lose money on them.

My wife came home with two beat-up surfboards the other day from her friends place.
I put them out on the side of the road for free.
Two two days for them to be claimed.
One 7S fish, one 90's style thruster.

freeride76 wrote:My wife came home with two beat-up surfboards the other day from her friends place.
I put them out on the side of the road for free.
Two two days for them to be claimed.
One 7S fish, one 90's style thruster.
....they'll be turned into mail box facades that'll you'll now have to drive past twice a day.

indo-dreaming wrote:Seems I missed out on this today on market place was only $50, sent a message(2hrs after listed this morning) but still no reply and now says sold, damn i should have just said id pay more or something, look at the bottom it looks mint.
Was for sale with metric measurements with a completely clueless description, no mention of shaper.
Im sure someone is pretty happy right now.
Damn could be a few grand board if shaped by Lynch or someone in that condition
Have you tried riding one of those before? There is a reason those shapes haven't made a comeback..

Might go good at pipe and similar style breaks but not many other places I’d imagine.
Bargain Boards - Fins - ETC - spotted - wanted