Police enforcement at Westernport beaches

Judging by today's crowds, I think the cops have given up.

Based on what the cams are showing atm it seems Tony’s warning is being ignored by many.

They were doing those things a while back coming onto the island, think they have calmed down now though, but who knows could just be doing random hits.

I really hope there's no real crimes being committed in Vicco at the moment.

The irony is the "local NON surfing communities" are likely Toorak blow-ins that moved to their Shoreham holiday home at the start of the lockdown

It’s been said before, Westernport is just depressing. Shit waves and crowds to boot.

blackers wrote:It’s been said before, Westernport is just depressing. Shit waves and crowds to boot.
Stop talking it up Blackers, it will only encourage more people...

Ive only surfed there a dozen times mostly as a grommet and i will probably never bother surfing there again, sure the waves lack power and size and it gets crowded, but its still a really nice area, its barely changed on land since the 80s and the area is rich in reefs and just has a nice overall vibe.
The world is a better place with this area than without it.
Hi Everyone.
This is a heads up. The police have been pulling people over, inspecting plates, and issuing infringements at many of the western port beaches for the past four days. It is reported that this will continue whilst non compliance of the 5klm rule continues to be flaunted by the surfing community.
I am told that multiple individuals, many from hot spot areas across the Melbourne metropolitan area, have been issued infringement notices for multiple offences.
Whilst the chances of spreading or contracting the virus in the surf is apparently lower, the chance of contracting it in the toilets, as you pass each other on the narrow stairs, in the businesses that you visit on the way too and from the beach, is reportedly considerable. Especially considering the number of people we are seeing from all over Melbourne
If the health concerns, or monetary penalty isn't a deterrent, please consider the impacts it is having on the broader community.
There is considerable concern from the local NON surfing communities who are pushing hard for even more enforcement.
I hate to state the obvious, but ignoring the current restrictions will only lead to further enforcement, further restrictions and more pain for everyone.
Take care.
Tony. Ranger. Point Leo