Tunks being sold off to Kerry Stokes

Wow. And he owns Balquhidder Station too.
My folks looked at one of the few land plots at Tunkalilla back in the early 90's when one of 'em came on to the market. We'd booked in with the real estate guy to go down and have a look, but that evening he informed us that some lawyer-kinda guy rang up and snapped up the block over the phone, sight unseen!

I'm with you Craig, that place needs to be left alone. Would like to have crosers beach house with the reef out front though, awesome spot with the the right winds.

Wow.. I didn't know this:
"Tunkalilla has the local aboriginal Kaurna dialect meaning of “place of many smells” due to the whale carcasses that used to wash up on the beach's 7 kilometre sandy shore."

One of the first times I surfed Tunkalilla - the same year I got my P's (mid '91 I think) - I pulled up in the carpark and a massive whale was doing handstands as it swam westward from the eastern corner of the beach. We grabbed our boards and bolted down the hill and walked alongside it for a small distance, it was just 20-30m offshore. Perhaps the whales get lured in close due to the deep water?
Interesting story regarding billionaire Kerry Stokes trying to buy up land at Tunkalilla Beach, and for only 1mil, crazy!
He says it's to maintain the Heysen Trail and would only build one private property on the land, but one has to wonder.
I'm guessing access won't be restricted..