~ Random Insta Pics and Clips ~

Mum and Dad just introduced me to bub, 2 days out of the nest

Fuck what a board!

x 2!!!

Soo heavy and lucky there were no more sets and the current pushed him through! Hard to watch..

Intense situation. Can see a bit of panic when he's near the rocks but trying to stroke back out rather than let himself get sucked back through.
Wonder what happened to the guy left in the water on the northern side. Those inside rocks are heavy too. Remember RCJ climbing them a few years back?

How smooth was that take off! Every time you see footage of the guy it’s mind blowing

Talk about chip-shot to triple-up grower..

Love the feeling of taking off and getting to your feet under a double up like that..one of the best feelings in surfing..

groundswell wrote:Love the feeling of taking off and getting to your feet under a double up like that..one of the best feelings in surfing..
x 2
My old local would do that on a good day: 2ft takeoff to 5ft double-up. Would kick out hooting my head off (only the gulls and gannets would ever know).

Yep, growing rip-bowl banks and reefs are insanely fun. The gift that keeps on giving, love em!

High risk activity.

Got to admit the resin tints JB does are world class. love that board Udo..still reckon my best surfing has been on banksys. Left my best banks in indo 11 years ago and havent been back since..regretful decision.
I even on my way home bought five back seats on the bus back to mataram airport just for foot room so had room for a board bag...had only my backpack which was a luxury at the airport.

udo, i don't know what you do, but udo it so well.