Ear Plug Advice

Tried a million other plugs, some of them expensive. These are gold; never fall out, never let in water. Cheap as chips.
Macks Aquablock Earplugs

Hey couchy , Ive ben wearing plugs for 25 years now , and have avoided the drill after being told it was inevitable .( if anything the ears are getting better ) tried most of 'em over the years . Surf Ears 2.0 are the best I've had in all that time . they don't last forever probably around 12-18 months , the leash is handy if they do come out as they are not cheap . All the best with the ears , it can take a while to get used to wearing plugs but well worth it - wear the every time, every where and you get to the point where it feels weird with out them

I used to use surfears wich were great but now I've gone back to Blu Tac which is cheap and does teh same job

I've been wearing Docs Pro Plugs for 25 years - they've always worked very well (in Tasmania particularly). I recently bought some Surf Ears, which are much prettier and more thoughtfully packaged, plus the leash is better, but are nearly twice the price. I can't discern any difference between them in terms of how much sound they block out. Blu Tac does the job as well, it just falls out a bit and it blocks sound almost entirely and can leave little chunks of blu gou in your ears. Bear in mind if you surf cold water, you will likely develop exostoses over time, but the plugs will certainly slow it down.

If getting water in the ears isn’t annoying so you think wearing a hood or a hat that covers your ears from the wind helps stop getting surfers ear? I heard it was more from cold air rather than cold water

I reckon a well fitted hood (with minimal or no flushing) should work really well. I wear plugs almost all year in Vic aside from when I’m wearing a hood in the cooler months.

Speedo....Biofuse aquatics...The best I have used over many years.Push them into ear canal and rotate them so the arm sits in the crease of the ear.This prevents them from falling out.Whatever you do, stay away from ones with strings (Tang%@#$les)...Very cheap and the best....

40 years ago when I had it in my left ear, I said to the Dr's that its from the predominate SW wind direction, they laughed at me Barrel

It can run in families where non surfing members can have minor forms of growth e.g. I’ve had both ears done and my former competitive swimmer daughter (outdoor pools) now suffers from bad water retention whenever she swims. Fairly common we’re told.

Blu tac. Cheap and can use bigger and smaller chunks as suits your ear.
Used it in tropics and other guys on the boat were getting ear infections by the end of the trip. Not me
Keeps out water and wind.
Big wave surfers and pipe surfers who talk about getting ear drums burst should use it as protection. Use big chunks so it can't get pushed in.
I have dived to 4 metres with them in.
Hey guys,
I'm seeking advice on different brands of ear plugs?
Basically need to start wearing them cause getting water stuck in me ears but don't want it to feel like I'm wearing them... if ya get me gist.