In Memory of Bob Pike

Stu may be able to help you with contact for RedNed.

Kevin Platts kids had good feedback by setting up a face book page.

I remember and met both Bob and Rick surfing the Bower and sometimes Nth Steyne. The bloke who might have some better knowledge if he can be found is Jeff Hollands/Fergus (aka "Fungus") who lived in Carlton Street just 20 metres from the water at Nth Steyne. I've lost track of him. Someone must know where he is amongs the myriad of readers....surely. The blokes from the Brigade at Sydney Road I think it was knew them pretty well as did Robbie Kerr who unfortunately was killed at age 21 on his motor cycle at East Esplanade. ...(Robbie worked at Fire Control, his sister Marlene married Mike Jeffrey who became GG.) Both Bob and Rick were much admired surfers, good blokes...easy to talk to. I'm trying hard to recall was it Rick? who was a policeman .......anyway..."Fungus" if he can be found might be a good source. He'd be close to my age now...about 74.

I am wanting to get in touch with Barry Kelly (redned) who went to Hawaii with Bob Pike, Bob McTavish and Dave Chidgey. We have a 10ft longboard carrying the detail "custom shaped by Bob Pike" and wanted to get in touch with people who knew him so that we can do a book and perhaps documentary on the history of this Australian big wave surfer, about which little is know and documented and whose recognition is understated. For example few people would know that Bob Pike was a prolific shaper and made boards at Scott Dillion's factory in Brookvale. Bob McTavish has told me that Pikey would come into the factory after a shift with the fire brigade at Narrabeen, cut four blanks, glue up stringers, then shape, glass and complete four boards prepared from the days before (most of these must have carried Dillion's name as there are very few boards with Pikeys details). Our intention is to try and fill in the gaps in Pikeys history, which we believe (just like McTavish's books) surfers would be stocked to know, and make this board available to surfing museums with these and other stories about him and the early days of surfing in this country, So Barry could you please contact me at the email address Anyone else who knew Pikey, directly or indirectly, has anecdotes or stories regarding him, is encouraged to forward information to this email address also, so that we can start to collect data for this project. Many thanks. Rick Pike