Jeff Divine's best photograph: a wipeout on surfing's greatest wave

I reckon it is great shot because it is so different from the usual fare. Great composition with the board tracking its course while the rider gets ahead of himself, in a reclining pose in parallel with his shadow. His pose mirrors shadows and ledges of the lip line and the shades in the whitewater make it really arresting, all tone and texture, with an implicit beating to come.

I think the great is more from a whole photographic point of view rather than a pure surfing perspective. Almost a perfect contrast to the "normal" great surfing shot. Outstanding tones and light. I love it.

It's a fine shot, but the headline's got nothing to do with anything really, there's no reference from JD in the article about if he considers this his 'best' photo, and nothing on that call from the writer. Headline's a bit sub par / lazy from the good old Guardian I reckon.

Of course– with that nagging feeling of 'I must have missed something' I revisited the piece and there's that 'my best shot' lil title on the left, so my previous comment was, like, totally wrong!

Heh heh Gra, we have all been there....

I like that this almost blind dude was out there scaring the crap out of the likes of Joey Cabell, Gerry Lopez, buttons, Rory Russell, Eddie and taking the drop
Short article in The Guardian:
Jeff Divine’s best photograph: a wipeout on surfing's greatest wave