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In the bottom of the valleys with no wind, all that solar and heavy packs/exertion you get pretty hot so a dip in the freezing river becomes very appealing.
We just slid in as it was quite shallow and at first it didn't feel that bad but then within seconds the burn and cold was real. A quick dip of the head under and then straight out to then lie on the warm granite rocks.

Sliding Sarcophagus Lid...crew's outta limits safaris look nice...not so isolated after all.
Livin' the dream...thanks for the freeride!
Brrrr...that's a wake up a call...thought tbb was the crazy one..
Mama weer all crazy now...swellnet backroads original and best...that's the spirit crew!

There's a pair of these guys that nest around our area and I see them on a regular basis walking the dogs on the beach, but can never get close to them. This guy swooped straight over my car the other day and perched in the tree right next to me. Pity the auto focus picked on the twigs in the foreground.
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garyg1412 wrote:There's a pair of these guys that nest around our area and I see them on a regular basis walking the dogs on the beach, but can never get close to them. This guy swooped straight over my car the other day and perched in the tree right next to me. Pity the auto focus picked on the twigs in the foreground.
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garyg1412. Hi.
Very nice mate. Got a fair few around here, established nests, I live in sheep country, they love the afterbirth when lambs are born.
If it helps , not sure of how extensive your bird knowledge is, the larger bird of the pair is the female. All the best. AW

AlfredWallace wrote:garyg1412 wrote:There's a pair of these guys that nest around our area and I see them on a regular basis walking the dogs on the beach, but can never get close to them. This guy swooped straight over my car the other day and perched in the tree right next to me. Pity the auto focus picked on the twigs in the foreground.
free photo contentgaryg1412. Hi.
Very nice mate. Got a fair few around here, established nests, I live in sheep country, they love the afterbirth when lambs are born.If it helps , not sure of how extensive your bird knowledge is, the larger bird of the pair is the female. All the best. AW
Never knew that AW. I've heard rumours that they take small lambs. Any truth in that??

garyg1412 wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:garyg1412 wrote:There's a pair of these guys that nest around our area and I see them on a regular basis walking the dogs on the beach, but can never get close to them. This guy swooped straight over my car the other day and perched in the tree right next to me. Pity the auto focus picked on the twigs in the foreground.
free photo contentgaryg1412. Hi.
Very nice mate. Got a fair few around here, established nests, I live in sheep country, they love the afterbirth when lambs are born.If it helps , not sure of how extensive your bird knowledge is, the larger bird of the pair is the female. All the best. AW
Never knew that AW. I've heard rumours that they take small lambs. Any truth in that??
On the odd occasion maybe, I’ve witnessed one fly very low over a Joey kangaroo last year following the animal along the fence line, it would drop its feet down like sky cranes missing most the time. The Joey had no idea what was going on above it.
We are talking only a metre off the ground.
My son and I a couple of years ago saw a female wedgie on a fence post here in a neighbouring farm with a squawking Sulfur Crested Cockatoo hanging upside down from one of its feet.
The stuff you see. AW

Hello Alfred
That Monster Yabby does look Wired .
He is posing nicely 4 the photo , though .
Maybe your neighbour had an Oppy Plant growing next 2 the dam ?
As a kid , a bunch of us little nutters jumped INTO a near empty Dam next to Channel 10 in Nunna .
Stuck our hands into the holes and pulled them out .
I have NFI who tried it first !
We only kept the big ones and took them home and put them on the Lawn to count them .
After having a quick drink , we found out that Yabbies are quick on land 2 .
We re caught 138 with heaps gone missing in Blackburn , heading 2 the Lake probably .
My mum had no idea what 2 do with them , but the Italians next door sure did .
I eat them now .
Yum !

Pop Down wrote:Hello Alfred
That Monster Yabby does look Wired .
He is posing nicely 4 the photo , though .
Maybe your neighbour had an Oppy Plant growing next 2 the dam ?
As a kid , a bunch of us little nutters jumped INTO a near empty Dam next to Channel 10 in Nunna .
Stuck our hands into the holes and pulled them out .
I have NFI who tried it first !
We only kept the big ones and took them home and put them on the Lawn to count them .
After having a quick drink , we found out that Yabbies are quick on land 2 .
We re caught 138 with heaps gone missing in Blackburn , heading 2 the Lake probably .
My mum had no idea what 2 do with them , but the Italians next door sure did .
I eat them now .
Yum !
Pops. Hi mate.
Yep, he looked stunned, I think all those invertebrates got a liquid surprise.
They can sure move. Blackburn Lake has probably got some behemoths there from your era.
Bird observing mate of mine put two nets in the aforementioned dam this time last year, we then headed off for 8 hours of collecting bird data.
When he pulled in his nets, approximately 120 big mother fuckers, really blue, sign of good health.
He’s not Italian but loves them cooked in garlic, chilli, passata and olive oil on top of pasta.
I find them a bit silty/dirty to taste, depends upon which rock or soil the sediment is derived from.
Bellissimo, ciao fella. AW

you would like de yabby anda pricklelee-back froma de limestone witha sandy bottom, Alfredo.

basesix wrote:you would like de yabby anda pricklelee-back froma de limestone witha sandy bottom, Alfredo.
One Southern Rock Lobster will be kind of you Angelo, ciao.
Transport by mule to my locale may cost you more Lira than the kilogram price of the migratory invertebrate.
No females allowed. AW

I will get it to you, pronto, Alfredo, uno rock lobster, senza the chickadees..
Numero Nove from the 1980s grizzeley bear television show is on his way.
Sadly Otto, Sette, and the rest have joined the equus africanus in the eternal savannah,
(I have included a kilo of pipis, fresh, you pay me when you want to, no problem..)

Hello Base6
If you are ever around Chapel St again , a kilo of fresh pipis is what U would pay 4 a night , in Windsor I think !
We can do them Alfredo , with Alfredo , perhaps ?
The Castle would Go Off !

wonderful @PopD!
I'll turn up to chapel st with TWO kilos, just to be sure.
I'm no green-meat just off the boat,
I know better than to shout 'cockles' at passers by
just cos they are from our fair state.
I think people will be beguiled by my local knowledge
as I shout 'PIPIs.. fresh PIPIs.. a succulent seafood meahll ??' at them.
(hope you have crittall windows and exposed brick at your joint,
no point in warehouse conversions, if the bones are hidden,
unless there's a bit of a view of industrial of course..)

Hey basey
As Smiley said , keep your Valuable Pipi Private , as Chapel St is busy and U would B Jumped by some bushyrangers, 4 sure .
You will love the Bones of my place , nothing exposed though , bagged , painted , but Industrious things happening all the time .
Not sure how U pronounce "suck u lent meahll Pipi" , but don't yell IT out ffs !
Think Inundation !
I am in the bloody middle of the Prahran end and 200m away .
Its freaky fun .

oh, cool.. so the Prahran end of chapel street, with me barrow..?
like I say, I only know the toorak end, but I imagine it is similarly wholesome.
I'll keep my spruiking simple, something like "big load o' cockles, get it in ya!
get the cockles in ya! new to town, never been before,
who wants some clam chowder tonight? throw your tackle out!
there's plenty of pipis here for the taking, price by weight,
buy the lot in exchange for a bed to sleep in, that's right,
gimme a room for the night, I'll give you all the cockles you need!"
something like that?

This end is not like the end U have poked before .
This is the Tattoo End .
Your Spruiking is spectacular and you have Buckleys Chance reaching the Castle , without getting your Hood Robbed vigorously .
The Story will get u in and I will patch u up by applying Ice & Beer lol ( real ice ) .

I think tattoos are purdy @PopD. Like @indo, I don't have any
(as a sincere aside here, @AWs are by far the best I have ever seen)
but, I think I will make friends at the Prahran end of Chapel street (which sounds magical)
by simply asking everyone I meet if I can see their tattoos with a big smile on my face.

I will watch with bated breath , how U go with that Opening line B6 .
I could try it , as reckon it would really work in attracting lots of Friendly Stuff .
As I live here , I think I should C what sort of Stuff it attracts , before trying it .
I nearly got a tattoo or 2 .
Then remembered "David" didn't need 1 :) .
IF we meet , gee I would like 2C Alfredo Art 2 , we WILL have some laughs !!!!!!
Party, Party , Party !

GuySmiley wrote:^^ the silty taste thing-aren’t you meant to let them bath in fresh water for a bit to clear that mud taste away?
Reckon that yabbie ^^ might have had a cameo in a Captain Goodvibes episode his that big @AW :)
@b6, depending on which end of Chapel you’re on and the time of day you yell fresh cockles at people on the street you might see quite a lot of unexpected action … just saying:)
GuySmiley. Hi mate. How are you doing? Health and body good ?
Yes, I think you are right. I’m not experienced with yabbie cooking, crayfish definitely, my forebears still fish for them.
I love Pippies & Cockles, Guy & Pops, garlic-olive oil , chopped garlic, a sugo oil sauce, Bellissimo.
In 2017 went to Jardim Do Mar, little village on the NW coast of Madeira, it was December, Winter and still 18c.
Story short, after a walk around town and watched 2ft super long peelers roll on through that famous spot, walked a kilometre south, found a little family affair two storey beach cafe.
The pippies were out of this world, as were the butterflied garlic prawns, done in full Portuguese style.
Ram the food down my throat, ended up as ‘full as a state school hat rack’.
About to pay, the mamma steps out of the kitchen, her daughter says we are about to close here, have what’s left in the massive wok like pan.
Scoffed another load down. Life’s good. AW

Hi lads, I will be in KI in a couple of weeks time eating marron every night.
They are the size of small lobsters and make your yabbies look like tiny shrimps.
We have a few secret spots where you can nearly always fill a bucket in a couple of hours. Surf in the morning then hang around the peaceful creek enjoying the natural serenity in the arvo. I like them in a bowl of vinegar, a dash of olive oil and salt and pepper, classic, better than lobster and so easy to catch.
You can keep your East coast pipis too, Goolwa cockles shit all over them.

old-dog wrote:Hi lads, I will be in KI in a couple of weeks time eating marron every night.
They are the size of small lobsters and make your yabbies look like tiny shrimps.
We have a few secret spots where you can nearly always fill a bucket in a couple of hours. Surf in the morning then hang around the peaceful creek enjoying the natural serenity in the arvo. I like them in a bowl of vinegar, a dash of olive oil and salt and pepper, classic, better than lobster and so easy to catch.
You can keep your East coast pipis too, Goolwa cockles shit all over them.
Old-Dog. Hi mate.
You’ve got my stomach rumbling now.
Your trip away sounds superb.
I’ll agree, I think crayfish are overrated and over priced.
My brother who lives on the other KI, had us over for NYE about a decade ago.
A mate of his asked me if I liked crayfish, said yes, but I find it a little bland.
This guy then opens his esky and pulls out a huge Velvet Crab, the one with the soft hairy brown hairs all over the body.
My Lordy me, it left crayfish for dead, had flavour and a smooth texture, quite chunky and flaky.
From that point on, I always ask fish outlets do they ever stock it. AW

When I go to the local food outlets , I will ask if Velvet Crab is on the menu .
As a lot of the waitresses are young , they probably haven't heard about the Crabs and will have a quizzical look .
Not sure if saying " the ones with soft brown hair " , will help much , but they sure sound tasty !
I can be Crabby , Flakey and like the feel of Velvet 2 .
The Hunt 4 a VC on Chapel St begins .

Hi AW, my all-time favorite is blue swimmer crabs. We enjoy raking for them up at Thompsons beach. Those beaches are amazing, at high tide it looks like a normal beach, at low tide you can barely see the water. You walk out a few k's with the tub tied around your waist and old sandshoes on and follow the channels in between the ribbon weed beds raking in the sandy patches. Great fun and some of the males are massive. Boil them up, clean them, chill them in the fridge and then sit down with a few cold beers and eat them as you shell them, el Naturale. Yum.

GuySmiley wrote:Hey there @old-dog & @AW, is there anything bigger and more varied in colour than a KI tiger snake? Spent a few weeks touring France a few years back with a KI farmer and the photos of the tigers he showed us blew me away!
all down southeast SA, too, foreigners think they are red-bellies.. all about the head and scales, snake id,
they are total gentlemen.. I have nearly tripped over some monsters in coorong sand-dunes,
and in little dip NP and canunda NP, they simply flatten their necks to the ground,
wait, eyeball you and see what the next move is.
not like frickin' eastern browns, aggressive, combative bastards..

No way Smiley , as have no idea what they Serve Up and haven't seen them On Chapel .
Blue Oysters , like Mountain Oysters , aren't my cup of T .
At 65 , I have low milage .
Being a One Straight St and 1 type of Oyster Man , helps with this .

Hi GuySmiley, I went to KI on a school camp when I was about 12 and was running along a track in Flinders Chase, came around a bend and almost trod on a decent brown snake, I don't know who was more scared me or the snake. The same day I was looking for frogs in a dry creek bed, turned over a rock and seeing something move quickly grabbed it with my hand and closed it, then I looked down and saw that there was another one there and it wasn't a frog but a huge spider and the other one was in my hand.
The same day I turned over a log I was sitting on and there were four scorpions under it.

Don't forget to ask about the bearded clams PD.
I haven't seen one in decades, but I hear they're still available.
Fresh water yabbies for me have to be well salted and accompanied by a seafood sauce with a touch of tobasco. I can't eat mud bugs any other way.

Hey old-dog .
Did U Learn to Turn Things over more carefully , after that day Flirting with Death ?
As guessing U are older than 15 and have been married , the Answer MUST be yes :)) !

don't forget to Pop over to Opti's old thread @PopD,
I'm mewburning soon, and in jan as part of a sing thing,
cool to arrange an allison, adub, kinda gerday..

GuySmiley wrote:Hey there @old-dog & @AW, is there anything bigger and more varied in colour than a KI tiger snake? Spent a few weeks touring France a few years back with a KI farmer and the photos of the tigers he showed us blew me away!
GuySmiley, Old Dog, Tubeshooter, Basesix , PopDown
I might digress.
How good is the written word , I post a yabbie photo and look how much dialogue we’ve all entered into ?
Food for the brain, in-house brain training, fucking brilliant.
Absolutely fabulous, AB FAB.
Members of the Swellnet engine room.
Guy, throughout the Bass Strait Islands, King & Flinders, the Hunter Group, Three Hummock, Mt. Chappell and all those stepping stone islands like Dog, Seal etc. in the Vansittart Shoals area linking Wilson’s Promontory to Tasmania in the last ice age.
This would also apply to those islands west of Kangaroo and the other Flinders Island west of the Eyre Peninsula , Port Lincoln Islands as well, Greenly, Neptune etc.
Snakes phenotypes ( what you see on the outside) is mostly a result of where they live and what they eat.
For example, my brother, who is like me, loves the entire biological world.
Back in his uni days, his class went to Mt.Chappell Island in Bass Strait to do ecology stuff.
Most of the time was spent studying, avoiding and being careful around the biggest and blackest tiger snakes in the country.
A result of having very few predators and an unlimited supply of Short-Tailed Shearwaters (muttonbirds). He remarked at the length and girth, never seen tiger snakes like them before. Isolation produce’s nature’s wonders. AW

^ tots, @AW, and I'm having a bit of a rough day mentally, just need simple and gentle today,
and the swellnet crew have made some fluffy nothings nice, and camaraderie meaningful, cheers.

Hi Pop Down, yep married for about 38 years, I could have knocked off the storm and strife and been back out of jail by now.
My second favorite would have to be abalone, the huge green lips you get over west, once you learn how to clean and slice them up you've got it made, hard to beat even though they look like alien vaginas.

what's the Vansittart Shoals thing, we have Vansittart stuff here, a name I haven't ever looked into? anyone good, or just a lachy macquarie?

Hey Old Dog
Hats off 2 U .
Eating an aliens Snoowzer sounds interesting and I have no idea what they look like .
U have guts !
38 years , your wife must have them 2 :) !
Maybe like a Shoaly Vany thingy that basey is checking out on some forbidden site , probably .

basesix wrote:what's the Vansittart Shoals thing, we have Vansittart stuff here, a name I haven't ever looked into? anyone good, or just a lachy macquarie?
Basesix. I hope you’re feeling fluffier after your afternoon of words.
The Vansittart Shoals(islands) are over near the NE tip of Tassie.
There’s a good book I read years ago about small merchant boats in the 1930,40,50’s , can’t quite remember the exact time, that would load up in Hobart and then distribute goods to those few hundred islands, harsh skippers, harsh conditions.
For fuck sake, in Long Boats they use to row massively loaded craft full of timber sleepers to Melbourne, often the load would break loose in big swells and kill most of the rowers.
I’ll think of the title later tonight. It was a great read.
I highly recommend French EarlGrey tea, it’s my daily friend. AW
Edit. Vansittart I think was British, I’ll look into it later.

PoppaD is on song this arvo. ;)

if you can find someone who can do a thin-sliced abalone flash-fried light-tempura-batter appetiser/canapé ...
marry them, list crockery on the registry and buy them a snorkel.

tubeshooter wrote:PoppaD is on song this arvo. ;)
Tubeshooter. Hi mate.
To use one of Pops own phrases.
He’s definitely Popping off today, it’s entertaining for sure.
Old -Dog and his tough to chew Abalonial vaginas.
Were they Green lipped or pink lipped ? Just asking for a friend. AW

I am lost and will Pop Off .
I enjoyed seeing some recent posts on Opti's Thread and having a quick chat .
AW , I thought they were Blue Lipped and as Alien , they sound scary As !
Not the sort of Thing I would put My mouth anywhere near , no way .
Green sounds terrible but Pink sounds cool !

When the weeds sway and part and you see green lip abs the size of dinner plates shining like diamonds in the filtered sunlight, your mouth starts watering as you sneak up on them with your screwdriver and pop them off. I Don't mind their poor cousin, the crusty looking black lip abs too. Nothing tough about abalone when properly prepared.

These Abalone Things are starting to sound like they come In 50 Shades of Grey Colours .
I am cooking fried rice tonight and will hold the Seafood .
I will Pork it instead .
Good night .
In semi lockdown I'm finally sorting through a lifetime of photos and inspired by what Craig and Andy recently posted I thought why not.
We travel a fair bit and there has to be some crackers in the vaults.
Good if we follow the Swellnet tradition of not naming or being too obvious.