Non-essential services shut down




Thats kind of why it's a last resort, even just closing schools is going to put huge pressure on house holds, who is going to look after the kids if both parents need to work to pay mortgages etc?
Even child care services etc are closed, one parent stay's home to look after kids other goes to work, but they might not have enough money to pay all the bills etc
This is going to be huge, business big and small will go under, people will loose jobs, loose houses, plus possibly lose the odd friend or family member.
Shit most likely has only just started.
Luckily my missus works in a sector that wont be affected and luckily i work for myself and have flexibility and even if loose some work have low morage payments etc.
But heaps of people aren't going to be so lucky.

i could say but i wont

NSW gov Instagram

Good question(s) goofy!
What exactly are non-essential services? Apparently we will find out more tomorrow.
Not sure that the mortgage and other bills can be stopped by us individuals. That sort of help is going to have to come from the guvmint. Or the banks. Or both.

The great reset, the great recession, the great realisation, who knows, all we know for sure is that Cundalini wants his hand back

I'll pay that

The great reset
Why am I even worried?
Bring. It. On.

is it going to be the great reset? thats the big question.

The great reset is depression, culture changing not always for the better.

What about daycare?

Re Mortgages:
A CBA spokesperson said:
All of our home loan customers will be able to pause their repayments for up to six months should they need to.
Westpac said:
Westpac customers who have lost their job or suffered loss of income as a result of COVID-19 should contact us for three months deferral on their home loan mortgage repayments, with extension for a further three months available after review.
The NAB wrote:
[Customers can] Pause home loan repayments for up to six months, including a three-month checkpoint.
And the ANZ noted:
[Customers can] Request a deferral of home loan repayments for up to six months, with a review at three months, with interest capitalised[2].
BUT which means "That's a very complicated way of saying, "after you're done with your mortgage 'holiday', as some are calling it, you'll have to keep up your repayments, and your balance will be bigger than when you started the deferral process".

Tradies just turned up next door, hairdresser is going to open.
Fuck it .....just do what you want. No one cares.
I’m selling Wu flu flavoured sponge cake at the markets over Easter.

If they don’t get told specifically from the government that they can’t work of course they will continue to work.
Otherwise they don’t have an income and not everyone has the capacity to live off what they have already.

Just had a look at the Centrelink page for registering for corona payments.
Wrist Slitting stuff.

Im at work (carpenter) and have had a delivery already from local hardware - business as usual.
I’ll happily stop working if when im told specially if/when bills/rent/mortgages are frozen.
Im sub-contractor or self-employed, at what point do i become technically unemployed?

'goofyfoot ...What's with all the Dots?' [ tbb is not as strong as Udo...] Forgive me!
[000] Dutto cracked swellnet top secret [ . ] code...(tbb can now reveal State Secret)
[ . ] = Non essential swellnet comments...(Sympathisers Strike Action!) Durr!
TOL (Ticket Of Leave) crew were simply complying with goofyfoot's directive.
+ Give yer dowdy Civic Service Announcement a booster shot of Punk Cred!
Ben must soon separate our Comments into State of Origin Postcode Boxes.
Computer Virus will spell the end of swellnet water boarding Jacuzzis...
Convoys of Dots...........................................................................................................................
Towns are no longer big enough for Naturals v Goofs or Basherz vs Skegz...
Save the Village Idiot / Save the World.
End of world Birthday Breaky with tbb written on it...See Ya! (Don't tell Dutto!)

TBB. Cryptic but on the money as usual.

Making a new claim is pretty much impossible. At the end of the process you need to book a phone appointment. There are no dates or times available and it keeps spinning to nowhere. Mygov is crashing and you can't get through on the phone. This will force everyone to turn up at Centrelink offices...

It was hard enough to get through to them in normal times

The site asked if I was registered for Centrelink. I clicked no.
Then it asked me to type in my Centrelink registration number.
You’d be homicidal if you’d just got the arse from work.

blowin, well done for being all over this from early on. you were right and scomo is a fucking idiot. anyone see him interviewed on channel 2 last night, the interviewer (youngish guy with white hair) made him look a fool with gentle questions. I had him in the disappointing basket (with Gillard and Turnbull)) but have shuffled him into fuckwits (with Rudd and abbott)

Andy lol
And +1 to TBB for 'Ticket of Leave'... make sure you don't get sent to Sarah Island (or maybe you might want to with current situation)

Forget the great toilet paper crisis, breweries round here shut yesterday, pubs in the week. No bottlos!
It's political shitfuckery gone mad, I tell ya.

The duopoly outlets will still be a goer? Scum.

...annnd the political class displays itself...

Bottle Owes are OPEN!
They are an ESSENTIAL service.

Huzzah! The only thing that'd get Aussies riled up otherwise.

Wed 25th March (Midnite) Qld - NSW Border Closed
(Self Isolate 14 days rule) NRL > Off +
Easter Beaches Camping Cancelled.

off topic but love how alcohol shops which supply the most proven harmful drug can stay open but a plant in the ground is still off limits

Bottlos open! Now we are going to see some real stockpiling. I was onto it yesterday. Buuuuurp.

Been a rush on that too on the Peninsula Mr.Bone.

Might be all we are left with stylemaster.

Can all the fucking Melbourne cunts self isolate in their primary residence. Bit selfish to potentially bring more cases down and put pressure on our stores that aren’t equipped with the stock they prepare for in summer.

Going to be interesting come Saturday with the warm weather on the way Nick

I had him in with k Rudd and Abbott but after the last 6 months, he is making them look good. He is useless and god should strike him down for been a useless fucken idiot.
So what does this mean exactly?
And once work stops, how do you go about getting the mortgage and other bill payments stopped?