Surfers etiquette: if you're travelling here to surf, please respect the locals.

This one's for you then:

ha ha good one, needs to be in spanish for all the south americans down here but they wouldn't care just look at the way they treat the place, aholes

Agree seaslug, maybe in french too.
Just yesterday arvo watching fun tiny surf , van chick pulls up ,straight on the phone to (by the sounds of it 3 different calls) , while turning the van around to claim more ground in the carpark
" Wi wi the wave are soooo perfect come to ........ers , I am here "
New surfers , no idea
No fucking idea actually

Yep Campbell agree, what did General Paton say, "I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me".

Don't get many french surfers in my area.
I did meet a couple of South African surfers staying nextdoor to a mates place last week. Top blokes. Instantly hit it off and within minutes were taking the piss out of each other and our respective countries. Had 4 surfs with them and even showed em a little 'off the radar' spot after swearing them to secrecy. I thought they deserved it because they were respectful visitors and they were travelling without a crew anyway. I was just remembering the few times I've been clued in by a local after getting to know them better. I enjoyed the arvo beers and post surf chats with those mad strangers.
Apart from that ,I haven't given one tourist the time of day these holidays yet , though I did send one guy a few km the wrong way on his search for a certain 4wd access track after his rude, interrupting 'request' for directions , in a beach side carpark ,,in his jacked up monster truck with all the shit. Fark him.

Saffas are generally pretty decent to surf with I've found.


ringmaster wrote:As someone who has lived around here for 30 odd years, I can tell ya that pretty well any car with a '3228' sticker on it has been here for about 5 minutes. They've only made an appearance in the last few years and personally I find them fucken cringeworthy. 'Wannabe' local for sure. Crew that have lived here (or anywhere) for a long enough time don't have a need to advertise the fact.
If you see one in the car park where you surf next be sure to piss on it.
*My car is stickerless and actually has the licence plate framed by a Melbourne car dealership where I bought it.
Ha ha , That is exactly what happens here in Margaret River , the shire worked out that there is a hot market for "local" numberplates , everyone that just moved to town wants a "MR Winecountry" or AU100000000 on their range rover or 200series so they can show off how local they are. Genius marketing. I see alot of EX (exmouth) , DE (denmark) even Kalb (kalbarri) so I guess appearing to be local is catching

WA has had country shire plates for a long, long time. MR, MDG, BE, GN, GNG, MI, MW, EX, AL, I reckon they are really quite cool. If two locations have the same initials, one gets a dot behind it like GN for Geraldton and GN. for Gnowangerup. iirc
Country plate bingo was if you bought a farm in a neighbouring shire, trying to get the same number on cars in each shire - BIL did that one successfully.
Would love that kind of thing in regional Vic.
And my 3228 sticker is used as a bookmark.

WA shire plates have been out for years. I had Exmouth plates on a car I bought in town back in the 90s.

Beverley plates on my old V8 Fairmont XW wagon. That was the cream on the cake of an awesome car. Then marrying into a farming family, it was which car didn't have shire plates on it, including headers and tractors etc
The Mullewa one is a nice plate, with a picture of the wreath flower in the middle of it.
What have we got here, Vic, the education state lol
Edit: Vic's most awesome plate was 'Victoria - Garden State' green on white. Ie, it actually rains here and gets green so you can grow great gardens. One of the surf journos did a surfcoast article years ago that was called 'The Secret Garden', that's pretty much us in the cold with all the cliffs and green headlands. I have one approaching classic that does indeed have this time/plate as it's original plate, and I have the numbers, might re-rego it back to original for a much better plate. Rant over.

It's been a long holiday season but thank Jeebus the end of January has come .
Long lines of traffic leaving town , convoys of vanners , jacked and stickered up 4wds , Prados with bike racks , all sorts of sports/luxury cars and last but not least ,the doof doofing P platers with loud exhausts.
What a pleasant sight. The exodus began at around 11 am and just built up momentum as the arvo progressed.
I can feel myself breathing properly again. The birds sound louder , the air smells fresher , the sky looks bluer. I know that's not really true but you get my drift.