Melb's wave pond

[ URBNSURF Re-Open OZ Day 26th Jan ]...(see: Facebook updates)
Melbourne Wave Pool Dirt Bomb ...continues from previous page...
[ Disclaimer ] > tbb doesn't condone flying yer Drone in Airports during dusty storms!
More Dust Storm mud baths ...
truebluebasher will mop it up...just open yer side gate! [ BEWARE THE BEAST ]
Holy Shit Wonka! That, better be chocolate!
Yer gonna need 'The Bucket Basher'...he also does Beast whisper'n for half price!
Vic Wave Pool Relief ...Goldie tbb donates a Titan to save Vic Chix 'n' Surfboards.
Est:1986 / Edmonton Wave Pool, real Chix Surf'n'Shop - mid winter thru Bikini Mall.

Does that mean the Tulla Tub is eligible for some sort of federal government funding and is it in a marginal electorate?

Anyone got Bridget’s number?

Tulla Tubbies Wave Pool Telethon
Sen. Bridget donates Drone Gun to take down paparazzi at Candyman's Grotto.
NT donates a Cyclone Tracy - Xmas Wake-Surf Rescue craft (This is not a pool toy!)
The Party don't endorse Minister GuySmiley's quip about Playboy Grotto hardship.
PM: "Yes! We'd love France to donate our Kreepy Krauly Klass wave pool subs!"
Due to our No Claim Bonus on Cyclone season...
Qldurrz will kindly offer up - 3rd party loans under their Oz Flood Relief monopoly.
Goldie Meter Maid's Mud Army donate their hazmat bikinis to Tulla Tub Mud Army!

But we all know how the Nationals love a darn good new dam, perhaps McKenzie could get the Tulla Tub called the Tullamarine Rural Drought Relief Water Storage Facility and who knows that ought to be worth many millions from the $13 billion allocation that has been mismanaged by the Nationals to save the Murray-Darling.

Perhaps a grant for a retractable roof and fans.
Dust storm proof and always offshore.

Can anyone get in touch with these people. No one answers calls or emails.

There you go memlasurf

I'm with memlasurf but I'm guessing they've got a bit happening...
I have some FIFO related questions if anyone has some info:
- is there an airport shuttle?
- If I was planning back to back days could I leave my board there overnight?
- Qantas and virgin seem to only allow 1 item of checked luggage, is this for real? Surely I can check a sub 15kg bag and standard single shorty and still be well under the 1 item 23kg terms (virgin) with no extra charge.
This sort of stuff has probably been discussed but I wasn't overly frothing on the wave pool (therefore I haven't read every single related post) but now I have a chance to check it out.

memlasurf ...
check the facebook posts...('Nice' request posts generally get an answer!)
Not saying that's a viable option...more like a last option.
belly...URBNSURF Shuttle is 'reserved' for Private booking only...Not Public!
Lockers last Two Hours with wrist band ...(Maybe!)
$20 Unlimited day board swap if they mind yours, walk out & pick it up next day.
"So sorry mate, we had to lock up & missed yer board!" Ask for a free Session!
Public Bus [478/9] T4...(Carousel wait onto next Hrly Pool start) Add 1-2 hrs
To > Watson Drive (1st Stop is Surf Park ) $15 ($6-Card + $9 credit)
First read strict 'No Surfboards' on PT>Bus policy.(Board-hire > Bus is best option).
Check with Airport reception...on hot tip!
Crew all say yer board is gonna smash into Krab pots with faster wave intervals.
There are Parking Shuttles..passing URBNSURF to Airport.
Taxis (Safety) don't like Boards Uber is only rogue makeshift option.
It's a longish dry walk with plenty of wayward non paved intersections ...
Note: All say Pool Surfing is too save your energy & sunburn for pool!
Surfboard Storage.
XL $21/'24 hrs' Airport (T2) Surfboard Lockers (Cash/Card -Self Serve) 5:30am-24:30.
Check $22/day Car Parking ''Free Shuttles'' (Some fit boards on diagonal see here!)
This one passes URBNSURF to Airport.
Melrose Car Parking across the road / (500m) back around to front entry
Charges $25 calendar Day...expensive o/n = 2/days - $50 but free precinct rides
Hours 4:00am -Midnite (Walk ins are accepted)
PT> Bus could add Wave Pool precinct onto Surf Coast (Boards accepted) Line.

Thanks tbb for the info.

I reckon Stunet needs to reward TBB in some way for his efforts over the years. MVP BTL. Dude works hard for the punters out there. Free subscription or a feature profile or a free t-shirt or a paid trip to the tub or something!

Hi Belly, just to add a bit of info to tbb,
- is there an airport shuttle?
No shuttle to the tub but if you are staying at an airport hotel most of them will have shuttles from airport to hotel. From there you can just walk to the pool, just suss one out that's close enough. We stayed at the Mantra and it was an easy 12 minute walk. If you have to cab/uber it don't go with the cab, they get the shits with the short ride, uber are cool with it.
- If I was planning back to back days could I leave my board there overnight?
No they don't offer overnight board storage but they are well aware that it would be a good idea and hope to in the future(I asked when I was there).
Also just on the board thing, as others have suggested the $20 dollars a day rental option is a pretty good deal. They have a good range and you can change it as much as you want on the day. The only thing is if you are like me, on the heavier end of the size scale the options thin out pretty quickly. If you are between say 65-90kgs you should be fine with choice.

Anybody done a group booking?
Pros and cons? or any tips?
My mates want to book it for two hours with just ten of us, one hour on the right and hour on the left.
Works out about $125 each an hour
What do people recommend, an hour break between sessions?
And the best waves are the first few in the set yeah? if i snavel about 3rd position i should be set yeah.

Thanks brucebruce.
Won't be staying at the airport, ex Melbourne-ite with sister in town.
Thinking I might just hire a car anyway to make logistics easier, follow-up sessions the day after arrival are 50% at this stage.
Might give board hire more thought but on the larger side (re options narrowing for bigger riders).

Belly I take my boards with me in BNE Qantas Domestic when I go to fly out of SYD International so you should be under with 2 in a bag

belly / adam12 / brucebruce outed the swellnet volunteer...
Up front : Ben warmly thanked tbb for this or the other as adam12 kindly requests .
tbb works best with the crew, more so on the bleedin' obvious as right here & now.
brucebruce reflects upon certain booked equipment promised ahead of time..
This too will be available in future but not now! eg: Hold on to my fav XXXXL wettie
Pretty sure the hours reflect neighbourhood security... No o/n trade loopholes exist.
Imagine if Thor Left his Beastly Hammer there o/n. Wahines, be abseiling skylites.
Stunet earlier pointed out the stranding of visitors.
Airport Pool will forever run on Airport Timetable including for luggage & transit
brucebruce is onto the Hotel Courtesy Buses (Check! Smaller than [P] Shuttles)
Without boards jump on Courtesy Hotel Bus for Bistro (Not promoted or denied)
Ciloms Hotel Bistro is across the road next to Melrose [P]...(No promo-just nearest)
Note: It's higher off the ground than [P]Shuttles... just under 6ft clearance maybe?
Tip! Ask if your Accom Buses can handle Surf Boards...could blow $30 just there!
Note: (Big Catch!) Some transit arrives at Pool just after the hour...(No refunds)
Check with crew if you can join your line up late...or re-book as $extra day entry.
Earlybird flights are included here, but not prioritised due to poor transit connect.
Airport bus / uber transit [Earliest am Hour Block booking guide for Vic Wave Pool]
7:00 WA / 8:00 NT+Hobart / 9:00 ACT+Syd-nc+Tas+Ade+NZ /11:00 Bne+ GC
Add 1 hour for weekend Bus connect + extra summer rtn time for n/w states.
Airline Times rule so Park must trade within these cemented State timelines
URBNSURF could target cut price Stately Top up Packs that pay for shuttles
They get this back on delayed meal breaks between Airport timed sessions.
Eg: Oz surfers time first available sessions by state (All fine! Now entice extras!)
WA surf 2hrs (Long lunch+voucher) late cheap surf or o/n pack into early bird.
South States surf mid morning session (Long lunch) South cut price mid arvo
Oldurrz arrive for Midday dip (arvo lunch) surf thru dinner & score free doggy bag.
As said the cut price add on is recouped by meals & shop to pay for free shuttles
Effectively milking everyone a day out at Surf theme park (Min spend $150)
Willy Wonka's Woody a welcome & happy sendoff for his stoked worn out surfers.
Very least, hook up a precinct kitty to wave down / detour half empty shuttles.
Wave Pool Airport neighbours leading transit examples...
Pet Care $25/day +$18 Pick up & Return your pet to your house
[P] $25/hr- Free unlimited precinct Shuttles
Cilom Bistro $20 meal -Free precinct rtn Shuttle
Wave Pool $80 - Visitors can skip in the heat & rain all day & get mugged for free!
Again paints surfers as the bad guys, surfers are fast running out of friends!

With virgin I just put extra stuff in the checked in surf bag and stick to the 7kg carry on.
Also, on virgin, because they provide checked in luggage it's not worth it for them to weigh carry ons so you'll be able to take extra onboard if you're a heavy packer.
They're usually pretty easy going compared to jetstar so they'll probably let you seperate your check in bags too.

ID, the consensus seems to be it’s best to have a break between sessions rather than going back to back. 10 mates doing a group booking would be sick.

I reckon back to back is the go.
go nuts.
the surroundings are nice enough but you're at fuckikng Melbourne airport.
get in, get the job done, get out.

Yeah it just sounds like a work out, not sure if my body can handle it, im thinking go in watch it for half an hour or so before your booking if possible.?
Surf the right for an hour, hopefully nail a few nice warm up turns and get a few nice little bazzas when they crank up the beast mode
Take an hour off grab something to drink maybe not alcoholic and watch the left, froth about the session and spin a bit of shit.
And then surf the left, kook out on my backhand cause i never go left and blow a few bazzas on my backhand.
Then got get a good feed and go see a band or something.
And then not do it again until next year.

Sounds perfect. Get there at least half an hour before to give yourself time to get in, get changed and have a stretch etc. Add a bit more time to watch the session before you.

24th Muddy Friday URBNSURF seem to be going soft on Boogerz.
'It's not all about Fibreglass you know!'
Perhaps hinting of less Krab Pots.
Anyhow the Boogerz want to start on advanced settings & whip into Beast mode.
Their mindset is, that the Stand-up fall-guys are scaring away the Beast.
URBNSURF reply was...
'We're looking at introducing public 'EXPERT sessions' soon, that include "BEAST."'
Just saying if you plan a one off trip, keep that in mind.
No mention of Beast Whisperers or Hunting Licence or Beastmasterclass.
Good Oz example is Aloha Surfhouse Joondalup...
Wed/Friday is 4ft Barrel Arvo / night...
About once a month they post on [f] > "6ft L/Barrel is on tonight 5:30-7:00pm".
"Had some issues with the Barrel last night..Sat is off hope on next Thurs night."
"Sorry! The 6ft Barrel got broke again & is still out of Action."
Think crew just flushed out Tulla's temperamental WA beastly cousin.
Now do you believe tbb...swearing wave pools only ever ramp down...A Curse!
This is the moment when Taj headbutted The 6ft Beast from the Sink.
Here's when The God of Thunder broke Wind God Roary's pet beast.
Joel's hectic crushing of the rarely seen Slab Beast from the Qld Surf Loch.
[WARNING] This image will haunt Groms & Hodads & Kooks & Pros.
tbb will wait until you go grab yer were warned!
No use crying about it...We Qldurrz are tough & have sworn to iron out any Slab Beasts.

My own take on timing: Book a session, then take an hour off, then follow up with another session.
Some people connect with the wave, others, like me, don't and it helps to stop and watch, have a think about the wave and your board, while watching how other people approach it.
I kept forcing things to happen until I took a breather and reassessed it.
Fitness? If you're surfing a shortboard a few times a week then a two hour session should be sweet.

Agree taking an hour break would be the best idea if having 2 hours in the tub. Rest and allow you to mentally review what worked and what didn't. I surfed it last night for the first time, just 1 hour, and was kicking myself I hadn't booked a second. I found it hectic and calm at the same time in a weird kinda way.
Hectic as I was on the go almost the full hour either surfing, paddling back or holding my spot in the line-up, calm as I knew another clean wave would roll through in a couple of minutes and everyone was chilled and not trying to snake or get ahead in the line.
One thing I never considered and was a bit miffed about was it's more like 50 minutes, not an hour. Last set was called at the 50min mark, I thought I had another 1-2 sets to sneak in before the hour was up but wasn't to be. Guess that's to allow for changeover between sessions.

From the FB comments on the post below.... "24 in my session yesterday, it was chaos...wave count way low and everyone upset in the water."

Tracked down and read some of those comments. Fair to say you'd be filthy if there were more than the max 18 in your session. 24 is absolutely ridiculous if true and could cause serious aggression in and out of the water. I wonder what the process could be if someone got hurt and could demonstrate Urbnsurf were negligent in allowing more than the prescribed number of surfers in the water... I wonder if the waiver you sign would hold up?
If they want to have celebs surf it or staff jump in and get waves in amongst paying customers, then plan for that and don't allow 18 customers to pay up for that hour. I found 18 manageable, any more and it'd be a shit show.

Any truth to the story that Ita Buttrose was recently spotted in the Urbnsurf car park after sharing a two hour celebrity invite session with Chris Hemsworth ?
Apparently she was overheard remarking “ You’re thor ? I can barely lift my armth ! “

Could be right Blowin...there was a well advanced booking for today...
Olympian Pro JW surfed there on Friday maybe hung around for Today?
On weekend Thor led the Viking Paddle Out...(Possibly, Thor & Bro are Vikings?)
Younger Bro was at same Viking's Club last month.
Likely the Pool was booked for Big Kaunas attending AndyM's shindig next week.

A mate surfed it today, the machine broke down for 10-15mins (shit happens I guess), but more importantly and concerning he said the session was over-booked and he got his lowest wave count yet at about 6-7 waves. How does that even happen when the website doesn't allow you to book a session once it's full?? Hearing these reports of more than 18 in the water a bit now. Careful Urbnsurf... don't cook your service too soon.

Money grabbin

What type of short board is the most appropriate to surf in the wave pool?
Early on I heard and read mixed comments and am keen to know what the general consensus is now that quite a few people have surfed the tub, and a number of them have had multiple sessions. Performance short board? Hybrid? Fish? Or will your average East Coast go-to do the job?

epoxy, short, wide arse.

Interesting to see Glen Casey rode a large looking Board..6'10 or longer by looks of it

Crew say there is no Park drinking fountains or Shade?
Those extra numbers are likely the $90 Gate Entry add ons...
Just squeeze 'em in...strange that they promise a cap in a shopfront pool!
New Resort style premium pools...might keep their promise..
Check out the non mechanical Hybrid for NSW.
N/W Sydney Hawkesbury Wavepool looks deluxe (Outta our league!)
About 2/3rds the size of Melbourne pool, but possibly stretches a longer ride.
Tom is having a laugh with kooky sketches as this flow guy does heavy barrels.
tbb is lookin' more at the continuous high walls as a sign of concerted height!
Most likely the Pool defaults in resort beach mode but ramps on birthdays.


I watched a few You Tubes of the pool over the weekend and it definitely looked like more than 9 per 'point'.

I was there yesterday for my first visit. Two surfs at 6 and 8pm on the advanced right.
I knew it was booked out so was expecting 18 a side. Got a surprise when 22 rolled up for the 6pm slot. The “surf guide” said we would have an extra 5 minutes to offset the overbooking/staff knock offs?
But I’m pretty sure they were full of crap. 12 wave sets that ended at the same time the group on the left did.
Somehow I also got the last wave in the set four times. It would have to carry only 2/3rds the energy of the 11 previous waves. Left me feeling a bit cheated for my first impression.
Second surf only had 15 in it and as a result carried a better rhythm through the hour. Much better camaraderie in the queue.

wonder how prevalent this over-booking phenomena is.

It’s all about the dolla dolla bill y’all.

From last tbb comment (Follow -up)
Many here not seen rare Photos of Entry & Utilities (Thanks to Mama'knows west)
Q & A
Entry gives a good look in...(No loitering or push off..)
Shade : Photos do show a small handful of swing umbrellas.(Lucky few only!)
(Umbrellas Hire or free? ) + Cabanas (Hire)
No sign of Drink Fountains?
Jumping off the centre pier (Yes/No)
This article says hell yeah!
Lifeguards or CX Supervisors?
CX Supervisors...Whatever that is?
Can any crew explain the colour coded Wave Pool Staff...
(Red are Cattle rustlers) > (Blue are the one eye shut, cringing weeping Lifeguards)
Hard to tell if this is a batch are more Urbnsurf safety vidz... (Most likely.)
*Stalker vid ...Full 20min Right to left walk around...manages to pull it off somehow!
Shows more lulls than waves + Swampy path + massive rips on side walls...
Really can't see the need for Lifeguards in this Funeral Parlour.
Left hand swampy Krab pot Mortuary > Funeral > Drone spreads Ashes...sorted.
*Front Entry + more Swampy Crab pots on the left...(A bit Flash this vid is!)
*Bum Pov (A real shitty vid!) Pick of the Litter!
*Right Krab Pots....Standard wipeout reel with some real hams.
*Left Blooper Reel is just as shocking.
Clearly no advanced or intermediate surfers in these videos.
tbb is not being rude...surely 95% of this crew are a danger to themselves & others.
Nearly all here would benefit from more whitewater foamy sessions.
Never seen this level of carnage at snapper or side show alley or a mosh pit...
Clay pigeon shooting meets Crash up derby with bungee chords...Load, Pull...Fire!
No different to inviting boardriders into the flags then bricking it up & go for lunch.
Lifeguard lives in a state of deep depression of pool crash nightmares each night.
Well past calling for Police...get Duttos Subs in there, with leggies of course.

Thx FR

Those videos of the guys surfing are very entertaining, can't stop laughing.
If and when I'm down, I'll watch those videos again, hilarious!

TBB, that's a top quality vid hey, *Bum Pov (A real shitty vid!) Pick of the Litter!

tbb tried not to laugh cause it's kinda serious...pretty hard not to though...smirking!
Grom tbb was sponsored-club-State titles-trophies = (free Pool session & go pros).
Fact is tbb would rate no higher than beginners section for wave pool board-riding.
Would also ensure they re-badge any invite accordingly. (Yep! One of those!)
Yes! tbb is a bit spazz so crew can still laugh a little bit, super fine with that.
truebluebasher ain't never been had won bodysurfing nuthin'
Lame tbb could break XXXXL Beast after first bash...none would ask that though.
This WR crowded wave pool will give you pash rash & horrible pee odour.
This WR crowd of ocean craft is about as dangerous as a traffic jam.
Urbnsurf is less about crowds or surfing ability but about human response time.
Height in a shallow Hard Pool + Wave Train acceleration tangling sharp debris.
tbb covered it before...
Grom Watersliders need 20secs + Pro Olympic surfers get 16secs to recover.
URBNSURF Kooky Krab Pots gotta get fished out in 8 secs or it's a trainwreck.
All see the wave offers less to less surfers into the widening wasted pool expanse.
All see crowds of POV learners pressing against the wave head.
All see Krab Pots mine the critical wave drop of the lineup.
All see why chix keep well clear of the carnage.
All say they are run off their legs with no water to drink.
All see an unkempt wavepool needing love.
All see it's never been so piss easy for any number of solutions.
All know none will ever see the light of day.
All now know why the Beast was muzzled & carted off to the pound.
All see a future of soft foamy daylight sessions & hard sleepless nights.
Tip for Boardriders! Form a Friends of URBNSURF (Wavepool tenants bodycorp)
This way shareholders & Clubs get the inside word for safety improvements.
Better for everyone if Wave Pool performs ship shape.
Plenty here have invested heavily & together represent the heart of URBNSURF.
Such a group would build influence by sheer worth...none wanna upset them!
Your surfing session/s affords you a priority say in the safety of your Wave Pool.
Reckon if owners aren't listening, Body Corp would soon get a drinking tap.

Everyone watch this ...future Urban surf in Sydney.......thanks Tbb from above....

That’s one of the heaviest things I’ve ever seen.
More dangerous than Jaws ? Imagine if the slightest panic rippled through that crowd and the ensuing carnage.
Not to mention the filth.
Fancy being the last person in the pool and thinking “ Fuck yeah , that looks inviting ! “
Also says a lot about different cultures and their concept of personal space. A mosh pit is one thing.....a piss filled pool is another.

Here you are blowie.

Imagine that wave hitting the super crowded day. Mass drownings.

lostdoggy cues the Deen Bro's edit.
Qldurr censors must've banned the Whiteshoe Bulldozer version.
Thanx for moonshining that top shelf contraband lostdoggy...
Who knew it was such a heady brew.
Chinese Newspaper Cartoonists would be drumming up Silver Dragon sacrifices.
After some feedback on the pool. I am contemplating heading down to do a strike mission for a few days. Who has surfed it? Would you recommend doing back to back sessions or have an hour off in between? Is it easy to do an hour on the left then the right immediately after? How knackered are you after 3 sessions in a morning? What are the evening sessions like? Thanks.