Rip Curl Rubber Soul surf video soundtrack circa 90's

Ed Kuepper
Celibate Rifles
Indo dreaming will be along shortly with more.

Ha ha yep udo knows me to well.
Ed Kuepper= To many clues
Ed Kuepper=When theres this party
The Celibate rifles= electric snake river (IMHO hugely underrated song)
The Celibate rifles= johnny
The Celibate rifles= O Salvation
The Celibate rifles= Wild desire
GOD= Human abbreviation
The Philistines= Ape shit metal locust (last song on credits)
Not sure of the other songs maybe some Exploding white mice were on there.
Maybe Blaze of glory?
Let the kids dance and Pipeline where on savage cuts 2
Anyway this old thread might interest you

Ya savage cuts on audio cassette in the car. That brings back some memories

Vale Damien Lovelock..
Thanks for everything

There was a session of surfer vetea david, in long tubes, which I think was in Indonesia if I'm not mistaken, and it had an amazing song, does anyone remember what that song was?

I remember the section, i think it was Dessert point.
Was it this song?

Dessert point... mmmmmmmm!

Yummy yummy

ha ha....Desert idea how anyone that is not a native speaker learns english.

Sheer necessity, ID. Few speak your language, so you better learn theirs.
And due to massive cultural imperialism.

Any one know if there’s copies that are not VHS of all those Peter Kirkhouse (PK) surf films - cold, cold 2 etc?

SurfMadDad wrote:Thank you for getting back to me

Hi guys...I've just joined I used to have Ripcurl Rubber's very's available on you tube very grainy and muffled sound but still cool...I need help if possible...I play the song Home by The Handmedowns at 29 minutes in ..the section on Eastern Indo...I can't make out the Lyrics...if anyone can assist please email me on thanks guys...I love the song but need to know it all to play it properly...keep surfing...Hugh Cape Town

Peter “PK” Kirkhouse films
Masters were found, restored and are streaming on Nalu.TV

Craig Hoffmann wrote:SAVAGE CUTS
RUBBER SOULPeter “PK” Kirkhouse films
Masters were found, restored and are streaming on Nalu.TV
Nice loved those videos and soundtracks
I used to have the Rip Curl Rubber Soul video when I was a grom in the 90's and I remember it having a really good soundtrack. Does anyone have a list of the songs as I can't remember who was on there. It was my first surf video I got and I still remember it.