Problems associating with surfing - Year 12 HSC DAT Major project

"Just wondering whether anyone has some sick ideas that haven't been invented yet."
Erm, yeah - but revealing them on a public forum wouldn't indicate much business acumen.

A quick release leg rope mechanism that doesn't require squatting to reach the strap ........ figure that one out and go straight to a manufacturer!

Ben deffo has a good point.
For inspiration though there's a few ideas here: (not mine)
A collapsible, modular surfboard. ...
Second skin. ...
Spider thread legrope. ...
Augmented reality helmet. ...
Wetsuit dryer. ...
Paddle assistant. ...
Pressure jets. ...
Silicon wax dots.
I reckon the paddle assistant might be good for Maroubra. (See picture in link below)

Signal disrupter that corrupts instagram transmission from locations with offshore winds.
Black zinc like the makeup the NFL players wear during night games to absorb glare and prevent pterygiums.
Biodegradable bikinis with an unpredictable and very short lifespan. Maybe even water soluble....
Seasonally adjustable wetsuits ie
Slim fit surfing helmets that won’t break your neck in a duck dive / wipeout.
GPS surfboard to mark takeoff positions.
Shark repellent.
Crowd repellent.

Self propagated original thought. (Bit of tautology for the Rex Mossip fans)

Gps surfboard to mark take off pos.!!!! Is that a thing? Brilliant!!!

Front foot deck-grip with collapsible footstrap

* disclaimer ; Has been invented,works,never commercially produced as far as a know

Back in the early eighties (?) someone was selling deck pads and booties with Velcro so you could jump and do airs because the surfboard stuck to you feet. Was a great idea and lots of fun because you didn’t need any skill to be able to do and land an aerial but your booties were stuck to well to the deck grip and it was hard to release them. After a couple of weeks I just used the front boot and that was enough. I snapped the board and never tried it again. Could be something to refine and sell.

@blowin 'Signal disrupter that corrupts instagram transmission from locations with offshore winds' is a damn fine idea. Even better, what about a signal disrupter that disables the camera function of smart phones all together wherever the wind is blowing in a land to sea direction.

But wait I've got an even better one, some kind of rebounding electro field that repels cars with more than two surfers in them within 5 kilometres of quiet surf breaks.
Hey Guys,
I am having trouble thinking about a Design and Tech idea for my year 12 major. Just wondering whether anyone has some sick ideas that haven't been invented yet. I surf heaps down maroubra and wanted to do something that associates with surfing as I have a few connections through the sport.
Any idea is worth sharing !!