Random surfcam images

Not sure Stu,......never saw him standing next to anyone...... but it was a pretty intense barrel shot....for the time...


Gerry Manion is a Cronulla legend.

That's the one Wally.......Thanks mate......
Pretty sure it was center spread of a seppo mag to boot...

and the nearest jet ski is 40 years away

Easter 1977

Don't suppose you could pull up the shot of MP when he was forced to go backdoor pipe........Hawaiian chaps wouldn't let him go left ......Used to be poster size glossy....
77 ish as well....

Yeah megzee i know that guy hes a champ i think he posts on here sometimes. Still charging and racing mitsubishi evo's. always has manners and grace in the surf and still charging.

That is my all time, number 1 favourite surf photo EVER! And that's saying something. I have loved that shot for years.

PS- Not Shark Island, Cronulla Point I believe. Stu can confirm.

@Groundswell, really great to hear that mate, manners and grace are always reciprocated with respect...
@Zenagain....Geez, you might be right, come to think of it. I stared at the piccy on my wall for years.....Single fin, no wetty, and probably no leggy...

Yep, it's the Point.
The wave is actually only 8ft, he just makes it look bigger.

megzee wrote:Don't suppose you could pull up the shot of MP when he was forced to go backdoor pipe........Hawaiian chaps wouldn't let him go left ......Used to be poster size glossy....
77 ish as well....
74 i reckon

Cheers Udo....74 sounds about right.....

When he kicked out and started paddling back out his hands touched Coral..

Yeah, but MP's arms were about 5 foot long......

There was a photo of MP surfing backdoor pipe. I think it was in Surfing World. It is definitely the same board. It is very possibly the same wave. The tagline was something like, MP flew into Honolulu, drove to the North Shore and paddled out at Pipe. Within 2 hours of arriving in Hawaii, this was his first wave.

Yep thats the one.

Back in those days, you didn’t get the blanket coverage of the North Shore season like you get now. You would get some photos and a few articles. I remember after that MP visit, in a season review, an Hawaiian legend saying MP was taking off deeper and drawing sharper lines than anyone else on the North Shore.

Same trip he dropped in on Ben Aipa out Sunset ...Later on the beach Ben punched MPs fin out...his hand hurt so MP copped one in the Mouth ..

Not to mention torchin up a big fat one on the plane on the way over.....with a few pints of resin in his carry on bag......
Might have to dig out my MP book again...

Gerry 'Popout' Manion!
Good blast from the past!


Whale watching on the Christies cam -

Some pretty cool sparkle on the tiny Trigs peelers -

Nice, also, scroll 1 minute in, dolphins sharing the waves! https://www.swellnet.com/surfcams/triggs/replays

Wonder if that wave at Noosa that mowed 7 punters down could be inserted in this thread?




The Rye surfcam...
Aint Rye is it?
Very sneaky.

thermalben wrote:
Columbia livia

thermalben wrote:
Eudynamis orientalis

GuySmiley wrote:I'll swoop the SUPs first and then the mals ...
Has to be Victoria- White-backed Magpie

thermalben wrote:One still image every ten minutes.. and this is what was captured at Lorne when the shutter opened.

lostdoggy wrote:Here you go, guy.
This bird is sent down by Swellnet to block rival cam vision btw.
Common Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) In breeding mode (yellow bill) spotted plumage but wearing, soon to be black. Great snap by the cam.

The storm we had down here Sunday night looked amazing on the 13th Beach cam, couldn’t time a screen shot though…..

A beautiful setting moon on the Mid Coast.

Was nice over this way too, Bloody cold start to the day tho.

Yeah all the cams looked great!

Kingscliff cam 16:30 today 9/08/23 - heaps of whale action out the back

Different sort of action on the northern GC cams today


Captured a bit of lightening off the Gold Coast this morning


From about 9:32am this morning on the Boatramp surfcam there is about 10 minutes of some pretty cool whale action.
Every week our surfcams output some interesting/arty/bizarre still images.. it's about time I started documenting 'em.