Flying to Padang (for Ments trips)

Air Asia is the fastest and cheapest international carrier according to my quick research. Wikipedia lists these other airlines:
Batik Air: Jakarta–Halim Perdanakusuma, Jakarta–Soekarno–Hatta
Citilink: Batam, Jakarta—Halim Perdanakusuma, Jakarta–Soekarno–Hatta
Garuda: Jakarta–Soekarno–Hatta, Jeddah
Indonesia AirAsia: Singapore (begins 9 February 2018)
Lion Air: Batam, Jakarta–Soekarno–Hatta, Jeddah
Sriwijaya Air: Jakarta–Soekarno–Hatta, Medan, Pekanbaru
Susi Air: Muko-Muko, Sipora
Wings Air: Bengkulu, Gunung Sitoli, Jambi, Palembang, Pekanbaru
XpressAir: Bandung, Tanjung Pinang

You should be able to get Melb to Padang in one day with Garuda - boards come under sports allowance
Air Asia flight prob a bit cheaper via KL- but extra charge for boards each leg ?

Most guys go via KL personally id be going Air Asia to KL you can get super cheap flights into KL, Air Asia isn't to bad they do sting you for extras of all kinds though.
BTW. I think Air Asia has started flying Singapore- Padang again also.
Garuda is a better airline but hard to get decent priced flights into Jakarta, Jakarta airport is a bit of a chaotic maze but not to hard and free to get from International to domestic.
If you are going to spend more maybe check out Singapore Airlines into Singapore often expensive but can get bargains and they kick arse over any other airline going to Indo/KL/Singapore
If you have time both Singapore and KL are worth stop over on the way home for a wind down.
My fav spots are Singapore little India for food and cheap accommodation, botanic gardens to relax.
KL Bukit Bintang is a good area to stay good street food at Jalan alor.
This site is worth a look for flights, have used them and they even give refunds if cancel a flight. (sight is down at the moment though?)
Lion air don't allow credit card bookings anymore, god knows why, so we use it too book those flights.
PS. If you are after a safe stomach food, go the KFC hot and spicy in Indonesia or KL ten times better than when they had it in OZ.
Otherwise ion Padang obviously Padang food, but make sure it has heavy turn over so half fresh, also the saviour style Matabak in Padang is a must.
And my new fav hotel in Padang
Man this place is the bomb its pretty much 4 to 5 star and decent location, I've stayed at countless places in Padang and most losmen/homestay/budget hotel are around the $30 mark and I'm a just give me any losmen kind of guy, but most places are crap for that price, basic, dirty, everything broken kind of deal.
But last time i was in Padang the missus got this place for just over $30 and it's like as good as any hotel I've been including few star hotels in Aussie cities

Air Asia have had an average run of late but I flew with them average of 10 return trips a year for a few years and I love them . Better service and friendlier staff. Sure a pilot might program in an incorrect destination every now and again.....
With situations like Jakarta airport , it's a third ( second ? ) world city and sometimes things work and sometimes they don't. Whether it's easy or hard it's still an adventure and THATS why you're really going away . Waves are the sweet icing on the cake.
So just roll the dice , book your flights , stay loose and you'll have a ball.
Good luck up there. Equatorial Indo is very cool indeed.
Singapore is amazing too. If you've got a day or two then check it out. It's the way I imagine a space station would be operated . Brutal cleanliness and ordered living.
So fascistic but so efficient and clean !
They do a good public transport , botanic garden and light show. The money you save on the free stuff should go towards a FUCKING AMAZING hotel over looking the marina bay .
Singapore is about money as much as anything....
Go to Raffles. Have a Singapore Sling or three. Eat the peanuts , throw the shells on the floor as the sweat from a tropical afternoon is soothed by the slow beat of the coconut palm ceiling fans. Sit back happily buzzed on Slings and imagine the terminally complacent English colonists barking drink orders at the native bar Boys as the Japanese silently worked their way South through the thick jungle to ambush the British who had all of their artillery pointed South towards the sea.
Just a suggestion .

Crip I’ve been to the Ments from Melbourne a few times.
Flown Air Asia to Kl then Padang, and also flown Emirates to Kl then Air Asia to Padang.
Just happened that Emirates had a good deal on and they were great to fly with.
Air Asia you get what you pay for, but it’s all part of the overall experience of going on a surf trip.

Air Asia starting Avalon to KL flights this year.

I've flown with air asia a good number of times (Sydney to KL and back multiple times to visit the in-laws in malaysia, plus a number of internal flights within malaysia), and generally found them to be a perfectly good airline. Plus they've got the best food of any airline I've flown with in my opinion (if you're into malaysian fare).
I've never flown with them with boards though, so YMMV.

pain in the arse with boards.
better than they used to be but make sure pay upfront when you get the ticket because they will ream you at the check-in counter.

Not hard at all with boards FR. Flown a few times with em' to Padang via K.L and when you book on line just be sure to include 'sports luggage 30kg' for EACH leg of your flight along with regular check in luggage. You can even pre book meals on any leg for fuck all and as someone above said, the tucker is pretty good.
From memory, the last return trip out of Melbourne airport cost about $600 which is pretty bloody cheap IMO.
*Just be sure to double or even triple check every field you complete before you click submit/pay because if you stuff up one or more leg of the journey THAT'S when you pay through the nose at the airport.

Yeah never had trouble with boards when ticking the sports luggage option. Always arrived with the flight and no damage.. touch wood!

Air Asia have been on the nose with their compliance the last couple of years.
You might not want to fly with them, they have no bloody clue and here are a couple of great examples.
But regardless of those negative reports, have a great trip!

Had Air Asia cancel / reschedule the same flight 4 x this year prior to heading to Indo. Never again for me.

AirAsia - new Jakarta Padang flight $45 AuD

Thought I'd revive this thread as I have a trip booked to the ments in July 2024. WIll be flying from Brissie or Goldy with wifey and two kids.
Just wondering if anyone has done this route this year and:
- who you flew with
- rough price range
- any reccomendations or warnings
Thanks in advance!

kooklife wrote:Thought I'd revive this thread as I have a trip booked to the ments in July 2024. WIll be flying from Brissie or Goldy with wifey and two kids.
Just wondering if anyone has done this route this year and:
- who you flew with
- rough price range
- any reccomendations or warningsThanks in advance!
Havent done that route for a very long time, but flying via KL with Air Asia is generally the go
And I just saw they have a big sale (not sure what dates for though) but you cant get cheaper than that.
Domestic flights avoid any airline's owned by Lion air they just put big restriction's in surfboards on some routes(wings) and big price increases in boards on Lion flights

Thanks Indo, I will keep an eye on them........might be a bit early for flights next year still

kooklife wrote:Thanks Indo, I will keep an eye on them........might be a bit early for flights next year still
Never too early IMHO if the suitable dates are on sale for a bargain price you have to grab them, we grabbed tickets for June -July 2024 the other day, my wife had been hassling me to buy tickets to Indo with every sale that comes up, but I finally gave in as the sale was too got to refuse, got 4 full fair tickets one way Melb-Denpasar for just under $1,000 (all up)
Its hard to get them cheaper than that, IMHO its also risky to wait or try to just to save maybe another $50 each, the closer it is to the flying date often the less chance of decent sales if flights are filling up as they expect (low season is a little different)

Yeah wow that is really Cheap!!!!!! ok going back to the website now haha

That was with JetStar the other week and I have boards in Indo, so we only needed x2 hand luggage for kids, and full luggage for me and wife, no meals as night flight and will eat at airport, and only extra was choosing seats, so could ensure we are all together and get best spot.
Which IMHO is either nobody behind you or nobody in front of you, near an emergency exit and ideally to back half of plane which is the safest in a crash.
Ha ha it might sound like i over think it but we dont, it more just automatic area for selection.
I'm trying to work out how I can get to Padang for a trip out to the Mentawais. I had assumed I'd be flying from home (Melbourne) to Singapore or KL and then a quick hop over to Padang. But it looks like Air Asia is the only airline flying into Padang from SGP or KL, and I'm a bit reluctant to trust Air Asia. So I guess it's Melbourne to Jakarta and then on to Padang, probably on Garuda.
Obviously this is a very common trip so I thought it would be worth asking the Swellnetters. How do you get there?