~ CROWDFUND -- Laurie Towner for BWWT ~

Hate to rain on the parade but BWT surfers have to go through either event trials or be chasing big waves constantly to get the Commissioners attention. Each costs money and takes time, making it hard to hold down a normal job.
Also, unless a surfer has sponsorship, which Laurie doesn't, then the Big Wave Tour is a big money pit. While the tour is running the surfers have to remain in a flight pattern or they have to drop everything they're doing in a moment's notice and fly to the other side of the world and scrap over prizememoney that ain't a scratch on the CT purse.
The prizemoney on the BWT slides depending upon size of the waves on the day. First place can earn between $12,500 up to $50,000.
Meanwhile, seventh place - i.e outside the final - earns between $1,000 and $2,000 - effectively they're paying to surf the contest. And they may only surf one heat, perhaps catch just two waves.
In 2016 only three contests ran, in both 2015 and 2014 just two.
I reckon if surfers want to watch Laurie surf then there's better avenues than the BWT.

LOL.....Micky Dora would have been all over social media and crowd funding. :-))

As much as I like watching LT surf I’d rather put my hard earned towards my own surf trip. How much would you pay Udo?

Sounds like the kinda marketing we need for Swellnet Pro.

Maybe get Udo to run your marketing campaigns for a similar fee ?
But for all we know Udo is currently in charge of the Reserve Bank.
Would not surprise me, the man ( ? ) is an enigma.

Laurie Towner rips but it's a cold day in hell when I pay for another surfer's fun at the expense of my own.
Lay those tiles , Laurie !

Yeah Laurie rips alright but so what.......he had his day, now its time to actually do real work ..sorry.... but jeez,how longs the gravy train.

To get an invite guys on the bwt have to prove they've paddled any number of places such as jaws,mavs,todos,
dungeons,nazare,punta de lobos,
pico alto,cortes,mullaghmore,waimea,
Or Cows etc .
A type of Send your own video in comp,
it was called "prove it" .
Here is James taylors clip still online
"Big-wave surfers get loud when they don't receive an invite. Take Danilo Couto, for example. Danilo helped pioneer paddle-in surfing at Jaws. He won Ride Of The Year for a wave there in 2011. Then the WSL even promoted their Peahi big-wave event with a photo of Danilo surfing the left, even though he wasn't invited. Ruh-roh.
Danilo reposted the WSL's image on his Instagram with the caption, "HOW CAN @wsl use my image to promote their #BIGWAVETOUR #PEAHICHALLENGE and not INVITE me ?????????????????????"
This was a totally fair question, as someone with Danilo's resume would be an ideal invitee, and the WSL using his image was clearly poor form (they've since removed the post). It became a heated topic, with everyone from Kelly Slater to Shane Dorian to Ben Wilkinson to Skindog Collins to a bunch of Brazilians leaving comments."
Jamie Mitchell is the Aussie at the top of the ranks and ryan Hipwood is proving himself to be the next aussie in line for a spot after mark Mathews got injured in his first bwt event . I think russ bierke will get his foot in the door soon and secure a position for a big future at paddling them Xxl waves on the BWT .

Article oct 2017
"what happened to laurie towner ?"

Udo how is the crowd fund going ?

well Sammy Mc could probably sponsor a shit load of guys around angas as hes a yamba boy ,but why should he.....

Is that nice righthander in the vid spookies? the one he rolls into a backdoor pit. Looks like a sick little wave.

Wouldn't mind seeing Towner on the BWWT but you'd have to question his judgement, why the fuck would he throw in being a chippy to be a tiler? Be happy to see more fresh faces on the tour as well, Andrew Cotton for a start when his back is fixed. Recent post on Instagram of a Mullaghmore bomb is a good advert.

Probably being a tiler is more flexible for going surfing when you need too and a good tiler makes good money.

Maybe, plenty of of good tilers in Australia though crustt and many willing to work 12 hour days, 7 days a week. Aside from the competition if on the tools it's not an occupation that lends itself to longevity - knees, hips, back are on borrowed time without a bit of care.

I let my dream go and now do the 9/5 Family run. Sorry loz. Welcome to reality.

From watching the recent vid Rihale, I don't think he's arguing that he's been hard done by.

@ upnorth My mates are tilers , they were builders. It's a bit like a bricklayer, they have reputation for having bad backs, but having observed them from my perspective as a labourer, I can't work out how you can fuck your back up when the heaviest thing you lift is one house brick at a time :-)) Your probably talking about the city, no one works 12 hours 7day weeks in the country, defeat the purpose of living here

Are we talking roof tiler or bathroom tiler here?

oldmate is a tiler and he is currently working 12 hours / 7 days - internals. had to compete with gangs of foreign workers a couple of years ago but after pretty much every job they did needed redoing oldmate was able to name his own price to go in and fix.
as an aside i reckon the best trades to be in are those that don't have to complete with DIYers from Bunnings. sparkies and glazers immediately come to mind. oldmate2 is a plumber and he gets lots of work correcting DIY stuff ups but few dare to play with power or glass.

Old mates a tiler in Queenstown NZ
Making a mint fixing up all the shonky Brazzo "tilers" abominations. Cheap labour cheap jobs=big fix it bill

谁放屁 ?

If you're going to be a tradesman you may as well be a chippy .
Life's too short to fuck around unblocking shitters or grovelling on your knees laying tiles.
And chicks dig a guy in a nail bag......Or so I keep saying in the vain hope that one day a female will agree with me.
Chippies can build anything .
Other trades just fluff around on the margins.

anything roofin or concreting I say.....one day you'll have an accident, and bingo - big time payout coming your way.
although if you have wog in you and prefer to carry on like a prema donna then tiling might be your calling.
if you like to drink...then bricklaying or stonemason
and if you just like to charge exorbitant rates for connecting pvc & forgetting to glue it.....then plumbing.

know a stonemason, he's booked solid 12 months in advance. he starts a job and the owners mostly always find him more and more work while he is on site. surfs most days when there is swell.

What about traffic control ?
Is that a proper trade ?
My old man worked in traffic control. I always had the sneaking suspicion that he was stealing from work. I'd go around to visit him at the end of the day hoping it wasn't true. But I finally had to admit the truth to myself.
He continued to deny it ....but all the signs were there.

I like the babes just waitin to give me the sign

That's actually a joke.
Get it ?

He surfs like if Bede Durbidge did a bit of yoga... haha love that line
from http://towsurfer.com/2017/10/exclusive-what-happened-to-laurie-towner/
Yes !