Surfing 2017

Poetry, west coast style. Da!

where its at

Russian yoga retreats on the West Coast. Sounds like a safe bet! Who do I give my money to?

has anyone checked the laws with drones ? twas goin to purchase one off old ebay the other day,... a fair bit of money for a good one. then i thought, shit i better check the law / regulations with these fuckin things. well fuckenell, very un organised, the buggers are still makin, & then changin, these regulations, very typical. i say shoot those fuckers out of the sky if they are within 100m, or striking distance.

We've published five articles on drones since 2015 (plus a stack of videos). The last one is of best reference to you.
"Attack of the drones: Aerial surf photography takes off" (Jan 2014):
"Drone redux" (Sep 2015):
"Big win for drone users" (Apr 2016):
"Drone surfing" (Sep 2016):
"No drones at Snapper Rocks" (July 2017):
This just happened. Whilst I was standing in a remote area, in the middle of nowhere, looking at reefs. I heard a funny noise and whilst I'm wondering about it, a drone appears over me, and is hovering. It gets so close, then starts flying up and down, around, heads off, way out to a headland, miles away, then back, hovering, and back towards a beach, near a little village. So I head there.
There I find 2 Russian guys, who speak pretty good English. They are very friendly, and it turns out, well, they tell me that they are looking for a remote, natural place to set up a yoga/surf/beach retreat. One has some type of satellite phone thing, and is looking at a screen, and talking in Russian I suppose on it. Both are totally open, start asking me first about fitness, because 'I look like a rugby player', then about surfing, because even though now I've ditched my board, the drone saw me with it. I asked them about the drone, and they eagerly start a full blown demo. It has around 7km range, the pilot flies it off the screen, zooming in/out at will, like google earth, but ridiculously detailed. He's checking out miles of coastline with absolute ease. And detail.
Do I know how much is land, who owns it? Who could they talk to, how good is the surf. How beautiful it is, do I dive as well, completely, obliviously open. They say that they are part of a consortium from an area with resorts, show me some luxury resorts on the lap top, so know quite a bit about the country's land laws. The drone is just hovering 6 feet away as we speak. There is some other gear, in a couple of little cases. I tried a spiel about earthquakes, radical storms, wet seasons... even chucked in volcanoes. Just a reply something like, 'of course, that is everywhere, but its natural, spiritual escape'. It reminds me of Branson's flattened island. Juggling tax, business expenses, currencies, even I have experienced on a reasonably high level how all that shit flies.
Its so easy. Russians in the jungle. Its funny. It reminds me of some other jim dandandandy I read about, a sort of human drone, not so capable as the machine, but still, frequent flier reports. Cash flows. Income streams. Networking. Deals. Audiences. User pays. Performances. Scrabble, scrabblers.
Anyway, I already knew about the tower above me in the mountains. And it turns out I do have eyes on me in the jungle. 'Juvenile delinquent' in the jungle too! I like it! Yogadandy's on the road!!! Its fun!!! 'Hey, yoga ya say... I knew a lotus in the desert!' 'Hey did you guys say rugby player!' I like it! 'Yeh, I could see how you could come up with that!' I like it! 'Yeh I know some sick reefs, nah, not too sharp... there's this place I snorkled, nah, fuck all current, its all cool!!' 'Retreat!!!' 'Yoga aye!!! What ya deadliftin?' 'See if ya can hoik that fucker!' 'HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Yaz need more yogerin' aye!!!' 'Gizza look at that fuck'n laptop, here, check this out, some grumpy, little, old cunts call me fucking herc!!!' Donny, kimmy, they all want fuck'n buttons in the jungle! 'Gizza shot at that fuck'n drone... how much... that's fuck all...'