$6.50 for a block of wax

Very funny Fliplid.

Had some of this muck back in the day.
Check out here for serious wax-nerd shit.

Anyone use that Fuwax they all carry on about?
Cream and a few bob to Pagey for me...can't go wrong.

I might have a solution for the ol wax-block-melting-in-the-car conundrum. Ocean & Earth sell wax in a resealable foil-faced wrapper. Buy one block, keep the wrapper and use it to cover the wax of your choice --> no more melty wax (in my experience).

Just searched it, Pops. I've got no idea about physics, but you'd have to think a container inside a container - i.e a foil bag inside a closed car - would still heat up?
I'll give it a shot. Only $6 so cheap experiment.

Not as much as you'd think.
The reflective foil ought to limit the packet from absorbing radiant heat. It'll still heat up from convection, but radiant transfer is a pretty significant type of heat transfer in the car-in-the-sun scenario.
C.F. foil faced building insulation. The foil's there to limit radiant transfer, the rockwool (or whatever else) is there to limit convective & conductive transfer.
Edit: given enough time, the inside of the packet will still heat up to match the inside of the car (all things tend towards thermal equilibrium), but the reflective foil slows that process down.

Under the front seat seems to work pretty well to limit melting.

An esky of ice (and beers) would be the ideal solution me thinks.

Craig- Resell @ $2.50 per block next boardswap day...?

Pagey on Facebook telling Australians they're flogs and fuckwits for not believing in Trump. I think I've bought my last cake of Cream thank you very much.
How about a big FU to Cream?

oh no.
please no.

Exactly what is boycotting an Australian product going to achieve ?
You think sending crew in the high unemployment regions broke by refusing to buy surf wax cause of one bloke’s opinion is going to have a single positive impact ? No one at Cream will be any wiser for your boycott they’ll just be down Centrelink wondering what the hell happened.
It’s a political opinion about politics in another country with an outgoing President. Does this ultra flog cancel culture know no bounds ?
I bet you’re still buying as much Chinese made shit as ever despite Xi Jinping literally being the biggest fckwit in the galaxy.
BTW - I just reread my post and would like to say that I’m not actually angry about this , just a bit flabbergasted that you’d drop an Aussie product you like cause of one bloke’s harmless opinion. It not like Pagey is altering the course of world history or persecuting the helpless with a bit of Facebook dribble . If complete agreement was a requirement for every transaction there wouldn’t be much commerce going on.

Cancel culture WTF are you talking about?
Something about being called a fuckwit by a person I'm giving money too.

Oh....he called you a fuckwit did he ?
That’s different. Sorry mate , I thought you’d just been perusing someone else’s argument.
Anyway it’s your money.
Christ I’m glad I’m not on Facebook. It’s easy enough to upset people on here let alone everyone youve ever known peripherally hating on you cause you like oranges whilst they like watermelon.

Yes he has called ME a fuckwit. This isn't a "difference of opinion" but abuse. A distinction you appear to have trouble with.

I accept that and that’s why I apologised.

I'm still going to use his wax though.
mostly because I love it and have about 20 cakes stockpiled everywhere.
I just went and checked FB....first in about a year.
Fugging hell.......what a shitshow.

I removed myself from that FB shitshow about a year ago, now if I want to rejoin they want my passport bio page details or drivers licence to prove my age......firk off

I'm one of the smug ones who never joined. After a brief foray on myspace I realized it was just messing with my head and distracting me from the important things in life. I've got a lot of things wrong in life, but not this.

Well done Rooftop, keep FB out of your life and you are winning

$10 a block

Speaking of FB, I posted this on the tunes thread a few days ago.....worth a watch lads..
Speaking of wax S10 a block.......no way.......flick the fancy little hemp cord and fancy label for a start......
give me a simple slab of Mrs.Palmers.........I had a box sent over to VN last year and it worked out about 3 bucks a block..


I thought $6.50 was the normal price for sex wax it is in my area( surfshops ) I must admit I think thats very expensive fortunately I get it for free.

L.D. - Still $3 at Sideways

I get the $4 stomp wax from there instead now.

That sticky johnson is good stuff, made in NZ , I got the tropical and brought 10 blocks before coming to indo . Now that I’m out , paying $6 for Palmers in indo , my favourite wax , I use the Bali brew for mentawai and normal for NL as water is heaps cooler . I don’t recommend this stuff, gave it a shot but for same price does not compare to palmers . A bit slippery if anything.

udo wrote:
Faark, and I though $8 at my local servo was steep.

I’ve found that it’s cheaper, but not necessarily safer, to pilfer one of the little Tupperware tubs from the kitchen.
Safety issue arises when the missus sees the collection of tubs rolling around in the back of the car.

Full deck grip for the win.

etarip wrote:I’ve found that it’s cheaper, but not necessarily safer, to pilfer one of the little Tupperware tubs from the kitchen.
Safety issue arises when the missus sees the collection of tubs rolling around in the back of the car.
Etarip. Hi mate.
I’m hearing ya. My ex use to go nuts when she’d find a dozen containers in my Ute.
I’m using Sistema (Kiwi mob) these days. In all Oz supermarkets.
Everything you need in one unit, snaps together. Also two spare leggies under passenger front seat. AW

thermalben wrote:Dropped into the local servo enroute to the beach to pick up a couple of blocks of wax. The till showed $13.00.. and when the bloke behind the counter confirmed that yes, wax was $6.50 a block, I declined the transaction and went on my merry way.
$6.50 for a block of wax? I don't consider myself a tightarse, but jeez this is out of hand.
Whats todays Price at that Servo ?

udo wrote:thermalben wrote:Dropped into the local servo enroute to the beach to pick up a couple of blocks of wax. The till showed $13.00.. and when the bloke behind the counter confirmed that yes, wax was $6.50 a block, I declined the transaction and went on my merry way.
$6.50 for a block of wax? I don't consider myself a tightarse, but jeez this is out of hand.
Whats todays Price at that Servo ?
Ampol surf was was a shilling the last time I paid at a servo!
Dropped into the local servo enroute to the beach to pick up a couple of blocks of wax. The till showed $13.00.. and when the bloke behind the counter confirmed that yes, wax was $6.50 a block, I declined the transaction and went on my merry way.
$6.50 for a block of wax? I don't consider myself a tightarse, but jeez this is out of hand.