How's that left!

mowgli's picture
mowgli started the topic in Thursday, 25 May 2017 at 4:48pm

Tempted to email their media advisor to find out where it is. I think it's East Coast USA, and my guess would be North Carolina or Virginia..

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 25 May 2017 at 8:44pm

Esther Island, Nantucket. Appears to have a lot of shallow water just offshore so I reckon it's fools gold. At any rate it'd get very little swell facing south into the North Atalantic.

Looks good from 1,000 feet but.

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Thursday, 25 May 2017 at 9:37pm

Very similar setup to Skeletons..

groundswell's picture
groundswell's picture
groundswell Friday, 26 May 2017 at 4:33am

Heres one that looks really sweet from above but is probably fools gold.

In this shot you can seea moderately sized river the swell would have to go up into, not only that but a very small window of swell. Iguess itsa novelty wave though. Sitiated where the p is on port angeles.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Friday, 26 May 2017 at 6:13am

Wasn't there a young man from Nantucket ?

mowgli's picture
mowgli's picture
mowgli Friday, 26 May 2017 at 10:03am

Ha! Why email when the Stu-the-fount-of-all-knowledge-net knows the answer!

Maybe maybe. But, when you look at many well-known surf spots using the Goog they can also look pretty uninviting. Down on the ground, or on a different day/season to when the image was taken, it can be a totally different story...

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Friday, 26 May 2017 at 10:39am

GS, that left is a regionally famous point. Not as rare as you'd think but when it breaks every surfer in the Washington state / Seattle area is on it.

Consider that in the southern hemi the Roaring Forties is a non stop belt of westerly swell, then note the co-ordinatess for that joint - it's deep in the forties. Lot of westerly swell gets in there..

On the other bank and up a bit is Jordan River which is one of the better and more consistent waves on Vancouver Island.

saltman's picture
saltman's picture
saltman Tuesday, 30 May 2017 at 9:45am

Hey Groundswell your search topic is showing !
Sex outside of marriage!!

lostdoggy's picture
lostdoggy's picture
lostdoggy Tuesday, 30 May 2017 at 9:54am


groundswell's picture
groundswell's picture
groundswell Tuesday, 30 May 2017 at 11:44am

Haha was searching that as i heard it was becoming illegal in Indo.
Couldnt find anything though.

Thanks Stu too, that bank/rivermouth looks like it could be a kirra like setup.