Shit surf reports Coffs harbour

You read the report eh .....look at the wave camera and make your own mind up.

I'm wondering if he can read because he can't spell for sh1t.

Don't shoot me down here fellas, (not the best at spelling), but it seems to me that the forecasted region is always at a glance taken from the premiere surf break in that region, for example snapper in the goldy. Which is ok by me because I've figured this out, and can normally translate this into several waves in the surrounding area. It would be cool if the score out of ten for the area in question was more transparent, i.e. stating that the morning observations were taking from exactly which beach. You may not agree , but its just my point of view. Its pretty dam hard to give an entire region a score out of ten when nearly every beach is completely different. Ps not complaining , love the forecasts, yew!!

I give Don's comment a 9/10.
Would've been a 10 but he spelt 'shit' wrong.

I'd be winching too, duped by the forcaster,then turd burgers at maccas,what a crap morning....

There have been some reports of 3' waves recently around my parts. I've seen the beach plenty, and can't remember what a 3' wave looks like. :-)

How did you get to type sh1t Zen. It wouldn't let me type sh1t so I had to type sh1t.

Dunno Don, just pressed the 'i' key.
Maybe you've got some sort of swear word filter?

Well it won't let me write sh1t with an i at all so you must have special priveleges Zen.

Somedays it blocks you some days are o.k.
s h i t.

Today's report, 2' and weak. It's unsurfable, even a mal would struggle. I would have said 1' knee slappers on the sets.
I clearly have a different idea of what a 2' wave looks like.

Batfink, just check the cam and this set came through. Bit bigger than knee high ;) You checking Bondi? Even that has a small wave.

Hi Craig, no, up the coast at the moment. A lot more energy in that then what I was looking at up here. At least that is surfable on something other than a mal.

Oh I know, that's a south swell magnet, hit the road. But being on that section of coast, it's not great for north-east swells in any case.

Today's report - 2 ft, even at 8.00 am? With references to an expectation of the southerly swell.
My 8.00 am observations were for 4-5', maybe bigger on the bombs.
Go figure.

What coast are you on BF? This thread is about Coffs Harbour. I thought you were on Sydney's eastern beaches though you've previously referenced the Central Coast too.
Was certainly only 2ft in Sydney at dawn this morning though appears to be on the way up now.

Im wit yuuu norto how cars about spelling juzt coz them otherz have spell chekkk
The 'local' forecaster is rubbish trashy bs always trying ti say "hey yeh get out there who ever ya r coz its sik is cracking clean' is he on like dumb dumb drugs
Keep it real bra coz this sis is loosing faifth in ya hahah
Surf is shit so don't say its not
Cameras have low quality and often covered in salt spray or spiders

Translated for your convenience:
"Im wit yuuu norto how cars about spelling juzt coz them otherz have spell chekkk"
I'm with you Norto, who cares about spelling just because the others have spell check.
"The 'local' forecaster is rubbish trashy bs always trying ti say 'hey yeh get out there who ever ya r coz its sik is cracking clean' is he on like dumb dumb drugs"
The 'local' forecaster is rubbish, trashy BS. They're always trying to say "hey yeah get out there whoever you are because its sick, it's cracking and clean". Is he on drugs?
"Keep it real bra coz this sis is loosing faifth in ya hahah"
Keep it real bra, because this Sis is losing faith in you. Haha!

Thank x for spelling chekin 4 me bud
The forecasts today was nearer than usual ... Maybe coz 4 of us got the best surf there has been for a month at local break where they say some turdburgers hang out?! And the crowds hustled and milked scrappy crap 500 m away hehe
Thanks again

Your funny sheep dog lol

I try, Yeh uh ha.... I try.. lol

Gold Jerry, gold....
Last couple days the surf has been dribbly two foot rubbish,you read the surf report its sais 5/10 yesterday go down drive around rubbish,today it sais swell has kicked in,3foot odd biger one you think great theirs waves,drive down look around rubbish ,I wish I lived were surf forcaster lived it would be great ,it's not in coffs