New surf report locations

Nah, I disgree saltyone. There are many, many websites that have published explicit information about specific surf spots (ie GPS coordinates, best winds, preferred size etc) as well as detailed individual surf spot forecasting.
We haven't gone down this path and have no intentions to either - we've simply divided the entire Australian (and global) coasts into regions where we generate a 'regional' forecast. At the end of the day, local knowledge is still required to score the best waves.

I aggree with you saltyone its a little too specific for my liking in some areas but its just the way of the world these days the majority of people want this service old stick in the muds like me just have to live with it its never going to change. Just look at the uproar when it wasn't working for a few days people freaked out without reports and forecasts. I can see where your coming from ben and i agree there are many other websites that are worse but using that fact is a bit of a weak argument. You hear people use it all the time to try and justify something bad by giving an example of something worse. Its a personal gripe of mine and it really shits me sorry for the rant not out to attack you personally it just gets me worked up when people use that argument to justify their own actions. I appologise now for any offence. I know you guys want to give the best service you can but i think surf forecast sites along with everyone else have a responsibility to protect the last remaining isolated and remote areas from exploitation. Personally i think local knowledge is being able to read a weather map check your nearest beach/reef and know where is going to be best on the swell wind and tide your looking at but everyone is different thats what makes the world interesting best of luck with your new site.

redbeard wrote:i think surf forecast sites along with everyone else have a responsibility to protect the last remaining isolated and remote areas from exploitation.
So how do we (or any other website, should they choose to do so) define a location as being 'isolated and remote'?
Do we consider Cloudbreak in this category? How about the Mentawais? On a local level (in South Oz), how about Waitpinga? Ain't many people living west of Victor who could truly classify Waits as their 'local' beach, in the same way that someone might be a local on the Mid Coast.
Look, I know I'm playing semantics. This is a highly contentious issue that will never be resolved properly. However I'm trying (with Swellnet) to satisfy the surf forecast requirements for these parts of the world in the most ethically way possible.
Because the simple fact is that for the last 12 years before we included these forecast regions, everyone's been getting surf forecast info from somewhere else. We haven't increased the numbers of surfers looking for a Yorkes or Streaky forecast, we've merely redirected them from their previous websites, back over to Swellnet.

Some of the locations are a bit odd, take for example "Flinders island" i know a guy from there and he is one of only i think two surfers there (although i think he maybe the only surfer now, i think the other guy sadly passed away a few years back).
There is quite a few locations listed in Indo that id rather they were not listed but realistically in regards to Indo although there is many areas without surf camps/resorts and fleets of charter boats, the only reason there is, is because they are not as consistent and can be onshore or flat for weeks even months, otherwise some greedy prick would have already exploited those areas.
I guess it is what it is basically if you live in an area and am a keen surfer, you will know all the low key spots, and those remote areas in Australia or overseas if your going to make the effort to get out there and surf them then you deserve to surf them.
If we want to whinge about crowds then we should also whinge about, surf schools, surf mags, surf brands, pro surfers and the ASP tour, surf shops, even surfboard makers the whole deal they all promote surfing to people who may not surf and get them and there kids interested in it.

indo-dreaming wrote:Some of the locations are a bit odd, take for example "Flinders island" i know a guy from there and he is one of only i think two surfers there
That's a fair point, but places like Flinders Island have always make me think "I wonder what this swell is doing over there?". Now we can satisfy that curiosity. However, I can't see hundreds of surfers booking flights to Flinders just because we added it as a forecast location on our website.
indo-dreaming wrote:There is quite a few locations listed in Indo that id rather they were not listed but realistically in regards to Indo although there is many areas without surf camps/resorts and fleets of charter boats
If you look at the locations we've listed, they are main areas - not specific breaks. We've got a general distance-between-forecast-locations template that we applied right around the world, and I think it's the ideal mix - there's no point having an individual forecast every 30km in Indonesia (because there won't be much difference between locations).
The only exception to the rule here is Bali, because of the high density of surfers and surf spots. Also, as there is no well known naming convention for various sides of Bali (what's the East Coast difference between Sanur and Keramas?), we had to use location names (Uluwatu, Medewi, Sanur, Keramas).
Otherwise, you've gotta have prior knowledge of all of the surf spots in and around the other Indonesian forecast locations, in order to get any benefit from our system.

I agree with saltyone(well duh!)..I did ask Craig before and was stonewalled..They full well knew they were going to do it anyway.Their line is well its business..moving the business further..other websites have it anyway..everyone knows about it.'
It's a fucking disgrace need for it..but hey they live on the east coast so why would they give a fuck?!!

Barley, to repeat my reply to redbeard from above:
The simple fact is that for the last 12 years before we included these forecast regions, everyone's been getting surf forecast info from somewhere else. We haven't increased the numbers of surfers looking for a Yorkes or Streaky forecast, we've merely redirected them from their previous websites, back over to Swellnet.

Yeah Ben but the other websites were way off..If you listened to them you were gettin' skunked!!
Do you really think you were losing swellnet users?c'mon mate that's bs!!
Plus you were from here so you know the whole 'south oz' deal. And if you didn't you only had to read the BWWT stuff to know.
Its funny how SA got an increase in spots but the other states weren't met with the same increase?
I think I'm going to be met with the old 'Stiff Shit' line!!

Well, so much for the congratulations about having the most accurate forecasts. Instead our forecast accuracy seems to be the issue here. If that ain't the tall poppy syndrome in full effect, I don't know what is.
barley wrote:Its funny how SA got an increase in spots but the other states weren't met with the same increase? I think I'm going to be met with the old 'Stiff Shit' line!!
Actually, you're wrong.
Check West Oz: we used to have 4 forecast locations. Now there are 28 forecast locations.
Victoria: we used to have 5 forecast locations. Now we have 18 forecast locations.
Tasmania: we used to have 2 forecast locations. Now we have 25 forecast locations.
Queensland: we used to have 3 forecast locations. Now we have 11 forecast locations.
Northern Territory (!): we used to have zero forecast locations. Now we have 8 forecast locations.
Etc etc.

Nah I'm not sayin' your not accurate Benny...I don't reckon I ever have..I'm just saying why tell people what these spots are actually doing swellwise..If you knew your stuff you could tell off of your old forecasts what the other places are doing..Just wondering if anyone else thought the same as me..good to know there least I'm not a complete looney!!haha

agree barley.
not that its going to change anything in these walls .
alternatively we could turn the site into a surf debate riot .
Oh no , thats right they've already done that on numerous occasions to gain more outside following . marketing 101 . sensationalise everything .

thermalben wrote:That's a fair point, but places like Flinders Island have always make me think "I wonder what this swell is doing over there?". Now we can satisfy that curiosity. However, I can't see hundreds of surfers booking flights to Flinders just because we added it as a forecast location on our website.
Fair point Ben, could you put a surf report for mars as I often wonder.....................

hi ben been unable to reply as i couldn't login for some reason was starting to think you guys blocked my account but happy to report all is well and im free to express my view. I think you know what i was getting at perhaps i could have worded it better but it all comes back to the age old argument of exposure which is not an argument i want to get into as it can stir emotions. for the record im in tassie not south oz though it seems those guys are a bit upset too. i just think a bit more thought could have gone into what locations were introduced some could have definately been left off the report and forecast list while still providing a good service and retaining the mystery of certain areas.
I have noticed that there are ton more reports and forecasts including pictures for areas that were previously unmentioned. I am a keen surfer but I truly dont see the point in advertising breaks that have for a long time been kept quiet. I am in South oz, and I know that alot of other crew from here feel the same way. We have to do long miles to get to decent breaks.. so why should we have to the share them with a billion other people because of these new reports. It is already starting to happen. Everybody knows what happens when surf breaks get too crowded, and so why, WHY would anyone want it to get more so??? I am disappointed that this is happening and would be keen to hear from others to feel the same way.. With the population ever increasing and more and more surf cams and reports popping up, combined with the new wave of surfers who have had everything handed to them on a plate ( the digital age) combined with ego and too much wont be long before the true soul of surfing is dead and a paddle out into the water will be akin to shopping trip at a westfield mall!!!!!