Readers of surf fiction wanted


Your not getting my email address wellymon, Me and Morris swore you too secrecy about the bodies of those who stumbled upon our secret spot that we buried under the bridge, now you go and write a book about it. Beware of strangers baring gifts swellnutters.
Hello all, apologies in advance that this is my first post here and it’s of a promotional nature. I hope I’ll be forgiven…
I’m posting because I’m releasing a novel in a couple of weeks which is set within the world of surfing. I’m hoping to raise awareness of the book, but also to recruit some keen readers of surf fiction willing to accept a free, advance copy of the book in exchange for a promise to post an Amazon review once they’ve read it.
A (very little) bit about me. I’m a former journalist for a windsurfing magazine. I’ve surfed for nearly thirty years. I’ve read all the surfing books I could find and always wondered why more haven’t been written. About five years back I decided to try and write one. The first attempts were terrible. I’m hoping this one is worth reading!
A bit about the novel. It’s called The Wave at Hanging Rock and it’s a psychological thriller, aimed at being an easy reading, but well written beach-read (as opposed to anything literary). It follows three young surfers who discover an unknown wave near where they live. They begin to treat it as their own private break and vow to do anything to protect it from outsiders. (You could say it’s an exploration of surfing’s localism issue). Cut into this is a second story about a woman searching for her husband who is lost at sea in mysterious circumstances. I won’t say any more as it might spoil it if anyone does want to read it!
It is released on September 10th and will be available in both Kindle and physical form, but only from Amazon. I’m self publishing the novel which means I’m very reliant upon Amazon reviews to stand any chance of ever getting noticed. Hence this post.
Basically I’m hoping a few people will be willing (keen even?) to accept a free copy and post a review soon after the launch. If you’re interested the only caveat is that you have to own a Kindle, as I don’t yet have the printed books (and won’t for a while), but I can email the final book file for you to upload to a Kindle straight away.
You can find out a bit more about the book from the Amazon link here:
And if you think you’d like to take up this offer, please get in touch using the contact form on the website here:
Thank you in advance!