Surfing Samoa

Bump. Haven't been there myself so looking forward to the comments here.

If you want to score in Samoa then you need to see Neil from Manoa Tours at Coconuts Resort. The guy is the biggest frother you will ever meet and knows the place backwards.
Samoa is really tricky with the winds and tides so you need someone who knows the place to score the best waves. He has a boat to get you out to the outer reefs also.

Tried the spot on Savii but not much luck. Suggest try the camp on the south of the main land. There are more choices there. You will be lucky to see much over 5-6'. One positive - not crowded.

Contact Brent at Offshore Adventures. He knows the place inside out, has good cheap place to stay and is super keen to surf the best waves available. If you don't want to stay there you can probably negotiate day trips.

+1 on staying with Brent and I didn't even stay with him when I was there. He definitely did the best job at getting his clients max water time.
Bring your gonads if you get a solid swell too!

Been to Samoa pretty much each year since the tsunami of 2009. Neil at Monoatours is without doubt your best option.

Well I was there one week. It never got over 3ft and there were two boards snapped clean, one severely creased, a badly bashed knee and some significant skin loss. From what I saw the reefs are not like Indo at all. It's all raw unrefracted swell on exposed outer reefs so be prepared.

As suggested by BB a back up is worth taking. Two hours either side of the high tide is the go.

I was there for 8 days in Aug or Sept on Upolu with the family. Stayed elsewhere but drove a hire car to the resort/boat. Only got out twice on a boat to the more outer reefs with the problem largely unfavourable winds, but it was a family holiday anyhow. The swell was very consistent from the south though. Sa'moana was the name of them. When the winds were crap I got a guy called Neil to take me on his tinny to a smaller inside break around coconuts. Hes a loudmouth but got me on a wave quickly and efficiently when the larger boats wouldn't go.
Your standard shortboard and a backup. When I was there it was only shoulder to headhigh but it was shallow and sharp, I remember that clearly. One bloke scratched up his back and legs pretty bad one of the days I was out, and ended his surf very quickly. Everyone got scratched in some way or another.
Hey guys, just heading to Samoa in late September/early October and just wondering has anyone been and surfed there before. From what I have seen on Google looks like there are plenty of waves with all sorts of options depending on the conditions. Also wondering what sort of quiver I should be bringing along ? Any comments are appreciated thanks.